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Theory: Adonalsium cannot be put back together again


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Very strong reasoning, and I support it. Adonalsium cannot be recreated. His intellect and physical aspects were totally destroyed and can never be restored.


However, the spiritual form of Adonalsium cannot be changed at all. It is static and represents the IDEAL. What you can do is split the various parts of ideal, and these aspects can behave in ways that are not ideal at all. I think if all the bits of investiture in the Cosmere were gathered together in one place they would form a perfect IDEAL LENS. When an Intellect picked it up, the powers of this God would be exactly the same as those of Adonalsium, and the light would shine through in pure form. But the Intellect would interact with the power very differently and the light would form something totally new. My concern is the 17th Sharders are trying to insert something foreign into this picture and I'm worried about the results.

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I really like this theory and I think it is very plausible.

One additional point to add has to do with my own theory regarding Harmony's power - I personally believe that Sazed's informed choice to use the two Shards together, as if they were a single unified Shard, was what ultimately brought about the merging/combining of the two. It stands to reason, then, that if an entity with a cognitive aspect were to successfully take all of the Shards but choose not to wield them as a unified entity, the Shards would remain separate and their Intents would destroy the holder.

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A very well thought out theory. I like it a lot. However, Senor Feesh does have an excellent counterpoint, so I can't espouse it quite yet. Upvotes to both of you though ;)

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I agree with the sentiment, except I don't believe there was ever a Physical or Cognitive aspect to Adonalsium. Sazed kind of hints at that when he mentions that he doesn't think Preservation or Ruin originally had personalities attached to them. Maybe a factor in the Shattering period was a Physical/Cognitive aspect being attached to the Spiritual aspect, but I'm somewhat on the fence about that. 

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Oh wow, thanks everyone for responding!


I get where you're coming from, but suggest,an alternative theory. Rather than creating a patchwork of the window, what if the time spent together has actually caused the glass to melt and merge? They become more inextricably linked then. Theoretically possible to separate, but not easily done. This would also create a window very different from the original.

For the record, I actually find your idea more plausible and intuitive, given the example of the table which is still obviously constructed from different components, and the above quote stating that harmony is still, in fact, two shards.


The only argument against your counter-proposal that I can think of at the moment deals with the semantics of the problem.  If the two pieces of glass melt and merge then, in my opinion, they lose their distinctiveness.  There isn't a definitive line where one would end and the other begin.  Also I also  can't see how they could be separated and become the exact same as were before, granted my knowledge of glasswork is limited, but it just doesn't seem possible to me.


Thank you for the argument, I will try to think of a better argument.


I really like this theory and I think it is very plausible.

One additional point to add has to do with my own theory regarding Harmony's power - I personally believe that Sazed's informed choice to use the two Shards together, as if they were a single unified Shard, was what ultimately brought about the merging/combining of the two. It stands to reason, then, that if an entity with a cognitive aspect were to successfully take all of the Shards but choose not to wield them as a unified entity, the Shards would remain separate and their Intents would destroy the holder.


Oh most definitely.  I also think having at least half a planet's worth of people aware of his existence helped.  However Sazed's actions were probably the deciding factor.


Very strong reasoning, and I support it. Adonalsium cannot be recreated. His intellect and physical aspects were totally destroyed and can never be restored.


However, the spiritual form of Adonalsium cannot be changed at all. It is static and represents the IDEAL. What you can do is split the various parts of ideal, and these aspects can behave in ways that are not ideal at all. I think if all the bits of investiture in the Cosmere were gathered together in one place they would form a perfect IDEAL LENS. When an Intellect picked it up, the powers of this God would be exactly the same as those of Adonalsium, and the light would shine through in pure form. But the Intellect would interact with the power very differently and the light would form something totally new. My concern is the 17th Sharders are trying to insert something foreign into this picture and I'm worried about the results.

I agree with the sentiment, except I don't believe there was ever a Physical or Cognitive aspect to Adonalsium. Sazed kind of hints at that when he mentions that he doesn't think Preservation or Ruin originally had personalities attached to them. Maybe a factor in the Shattering period was a Physical/Cognitive aspect being attached to the Spiritual aspect, but I'm somewhat on the fence about that.


This is all plausible, but it runs into the problem I had when writing this theory.  We simply don't know very much about the nature of Adonalsium and that makes it incredibly difficult to theorize about.  I had to make certain assumptions, such as the intents of the Shards only appearing after the Shattering, but I tried not to not be very specific about what Adonalsium was like.  I almost didn't post this theory because of that...


A very well thought out theory. I like it a lot. However, Senor Feesh does have an excellent counterpoint, so I can't espouse it quite yet. Upvotes to both of you though ;)


I'm glad that you liked it.  Like I said above I will try to think of a good rebuttal for his counter-proposal.  Thanks for the upvote!

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The only argument against your counter-proposal that I can think of at the moment deals with the semantics of the problem.  If the two pieces of glass melt and merge then, in my opinion, they lose their distinctiveness.  There isn't a definitive line where one would end and the other begin.  Also I also  can't see how they could be separated and become the exact same as were before, granted my knowledge of glasswork is limited, but it just doesn't seem possible to me.


If you think microscopically (and add god-like powers), it would be possible to pull the merged piece of glass apart and remake the two original pieces, atom-by-atom.

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Honestly, my understanding about Hoid's question to Dalinar was that he is struggling with the very same issues you are in this topic. For your analogy: If all sixteen shards are combined does it become a stained glass masterpiece like the one before -or- would it become a hideous mass of twisted glass and intermingling colors that resembles nothing of the original window -or- could you make it into something else more to your liking, i.e. could you control what the resulting intent of the supershard you create would be?


Dros is upvoted for asking the right questions.

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If you think microscopically (and add god-like powers), it would be possible to pull the merged piece of glass apart and remake the two original pieces, atom-by-atom.


I wanted to keep my metaphor as non-magical as I could so I was only thinking about more mundane methods.  Of course now I feel kind of dense for not thinking of something as obvious as that...  My bad.


That said I don't think Ruin and Preservation have been merged to such an extent as to make that necessary.  If their very atoms have mixed then they would be one piece of glass, not two.


Honestly, my understanding about Hoid's question to Dalinar was that he is struggling with the very same issues you are in this topic. For your analogy: If all sixteen shards are combined does it become a stained glass masterpiece like the one before -or- would it become a hideous mass of twisted glass and intermingling colors that resembles nothing of the original window -or- could you make it into something else more to your liking, i.e. could you control what the resulting intent of the supershard you create would be?


For this theory I've been operating under the assumption that the intents of the shards did not exist until during/after the Shattering.  The original window would not have been a stained-glass one, it would be like the Wide Window from A Series of Unfortunate Events.  Clear and continuous, i.e. it is not made up of smaller pieces of glass.  The color, which represents the intents, only developed after the window was broken.  A reforming of the Shards would create a window as beautiful as the previous just not the same kind of window.


Hopefully that answers your question, if not let me know and I will try to explain better.

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This is a very well-thought-out theory, so props to you, Weiry. :D I think your theory is quite plausible.

That said, I don't think the two schools of thought are inherently mutually exclusive. Take your analogy of the stained glass window: the pieces are united into a whole, just not the way they once were. In the end, the difference is in what form the finished product will take: the stained glass window, or the pristine sheet of glass.

Yes, Ruin and Preservation have intermingled, but that didn't happen instantly. It's been centuries in Cosmere Time since Sazed took them up, and we have no idea how long it took for them to reach their quasi-fused state, nor do we know if they're finished with the process or still undergoing it.

Therefore, I believe that if someone were to take up all sixteen Shards, the initial result would be the stained glass window. However, over time, and potentially depending on the individual who took them up in the first place, we might wind up with the sheet of glass. It would just take a while, to say the least.

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I wanted to keep my metaphor as non-magical as I could so I was only thinking about more mundane methods.  Of course now I feel kind of dense for not thinking of something as obvious as that...  My bad.


That said I don't think Ruin and Preservation have been merged to such an extent as to make that necessary.  If their very atoms have mixed then they would be one piece of glass, not two.



For this theory I've been operating under the assumption that the intents of the shards did not exist until during/after the Shattering.  The original window would not have been a stained-glass one, it would be like the Wide Window from A Series of Unfortunate Events.  Clear and continuous, i.e. it is not made up of smaller pieces of glass.  The color, which represents the intents, only developed after the window was broken.  A reforming of the Shards would create a window as beautiful as the previous just not the same kind of window.


Hopefully that answers your question, if not let me know and I will try to explain better.


Definitely. I like that line of thought.


I think between your theory and KChan's thoughts on it, the truth is probably not far off.

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This is a very well-thought-out theory, so props to you, Weiry. :D I think your theory is quite plausible.

That said, I don't think the two schools of thought are inherently mutually exclusive. Take your analogy of the stained glass window: the pieces are united into a whole, just not the way they once were. In the end, the difference is in what form the finished product will take: the stained glass window, or the pristine sheet of glass.

Yes, Ruin and Preservation have intermingled, but that didn't happen instantly. It's been centuries in Cosmere Time since Sazed took them up, and we have no idea how long it took for them to reach their quasi-fused state, nor do we know if they're finished with the process or still undergoing it.

Therefore, I believe that if someone were to take up all sixteen Shards, the initial result would be the stained glass window. However, over time, and potentially depending on the individual who took them up in the first place, we might wind up with the sheet of glass. It would just take a while, to say the least.


Thank you.


Part of me is, admittedly, resistant to the idea that the stained-glass window will, given enough time, merge back into the pristine window.  Though then the sane, logical majority chimes in with "It's a magic window" so I am definitely becoming open to the idea.


It would probably be worth asking Brandon the following question: If Sazed hold onto Harmony for long enough will Ruin and Preservation merge to a point where they lose their distinctiveness and can no longer be separated no matter what?

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Part of me is, admittedly, resistant to the idea that the stained-glass window will, given enough time, merge back into the pristine window.  Though then the sane, logical majority chimes in with "It's a magic window" so I am definitely becoming open to the idea.

Exactly why I qualified my statement by saying it might happen. Your theory is valid either way, as it seems unlikely at this point that taking up all sixteen Shards would instantly give us Adonalsium back exactly the same as it was before. Whether we get the magic sheet of glass back after a few millenia or not, the logic that got you to this point is still sound, which is one of my favorite parts about this theory.


It would probably be worth asking Brandon the following question: If Sazed hold onto Harmony for long enough will Ruin and Preservation merge to a point where they lose their distinctiveness and can no longer be separated no matter what?

My thoughts exactly. Anyone going to any of the upcoming signings?
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It would probably be worth asking Brandon the following question: If Sazed hold onto Harmony for long enough will Ruin and Preservation merge to a point where they lose their distinctiveness and can no longer be separated no matter what?

'no matter what' is probably a bad question. I don't see any reason why it couldn't be shattered again.
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My thoughts exactly. Anyone going to any of the upcoming signings?

If no one else asks him this before SpoCon, I will. It's certainly an interesting question.


When is SpoCon?  I'm going to try my hardest to go to ConnectiCon in July.


'no matter what' is probably a bad question. I don't see any reason why it couldn't be shattered again.


I agree the "no matter what" might be a bit much but they way I see it if Ruin and Preservation merge totally into Harmony and then Harmony is Shattered there is no guarantee that Ruin and Preservation, as we know them, would be the result and not two different Shards.

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Honestly, that right there is another great question: If Harmony were to be Shattered, would it break into Ruin/Preservation, two different Shards, or would it just be splintered? Knowing the answer to this could give us a little insight into the nature of Adonalsium.

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Honestly, that right there is another great question: If Harmony were to be Shattered, would it break into Ruin/Preservation, two different Shards, or would it just be splintered? Knowing the answer to this could give us a little insight into the nature of Adonalsium.

I'd recommend rephrasing to "How many fragments would be created if Harmony were Shattered? How would these correlate to Ruin and Preservation?"

I could also see him splitting into three shards corresponding to allomancy, feruchemy and Hemalurgy. Or splitting into 16 fragments based on the metal types, or splitting into 48 parts with all 16 of each magic type carving off a chunk.

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I'd recommend rephrasing to "How many fragments would be created if Harmony were Shattered? How would these correlate to Ruin and Preservation?"

I could also see him splitting into three shards corresponding to allomancy, feruchemy and Hemalurgy. Or splitting into 16 fragments based on the metal types, or splitting into 48 parts with all 16 of each magic type carving off a chunk.

I don't see shattering necessarily having a fixed size. Endowment can split off a ton of Divine Breaths willingly, after all.
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I don't see shattering necessarily having a fixed size. Endowment can split off a ton of Divine Breaths willingly, after all.



Slightly different though. Endowment isn't Shattered, s/he is Splintering off bits of itself that make their way back in a few years, generally. Compare this to Devotion and Dominion, who have no choice about Seons, AonDor, etc. I kind of suspect that pre-Shattering those two, there were no Seons at all. 

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  • 2 months later...

I agree completely with the statement that the 17th shard may be trying to stick something else in place of Adonalsium. Seriously, look at the name they gave themselves. If they were trying to recreate Adonalsium, they would probably call themselves The First Shard, or some such.  If they were trying to do anything with Adonalsium, they would be trying to create something new, not reforge what once was. 

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I don't see shattering necessarily having a fixed size. Endowment can split off a ton of Divine Breaths willingly, after all.


Maybe it can, maybe it can't. What is the number of Returned that are present at any one time? Do you know?

If we do not know, or it isn't mentioned, that there is a limit, or that a limit has not been reached, no-one can ever disprove that there is a limit (within reasonable argument, though if there were 100 Returned, it might be safe to assume there are no higher numbers related to Adonalsium or the Shard of it).


If there is less than 16 Returned, or less than 10, both of these numbers are known to be important in the Cosmere for different reasons, and could provide an upper bound for Returned. If not, there could be higher important numbers that we don't know about.

Edited by Odium's_Shard
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