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Everything posted by Elena

  1. Really? Was this at a recent signing? Pretty much everytime future books get mentioned, Highprince of War comes up as the most probable title for Dalinar's book.
  2. So does Szeth, when thinking that the reason why he often goes to Urithiru is because its stones are unhallowed, whatever it's supposed to mean - likely some exception to the no-stonewalkers rule the Shin have. I'm not hundred percent sure about that, actually - but he does say something about the city and its stones. ETA: quote
  3. Okay, this is weird. I'd assumed Highprince of War might be a book title, but Stones Unhallowed... who the heck calls a book that? (Except Brandon ) Really, really interesting title. Is it some sort of Shin religious text? Will we get to read excerpts from it? Now I am driven to mad speculation.. thanks guys
  4. I think he probably changed the mentions to The Book of Endless Pages with mentions of Words of Radiance after the title was changed. He probably just added in the in-universe WoR with the last draft -- not that I'm complaining, it wasn't a big plot point anyway. And as for the in-world-books-as-title naming scheme, that's going out of the window with Stones Unhallowed and Highprince of War, so I think it's kind of a moot point
  5. I really like your analysis, a lot. However, I don't understand where you get the 'malevolent' bit from. I agree with you that there are (if small) inconsistencies in Syl's characterization, and IMO with the whole Radiant business - just look at how many thread there are discussing the significance and/or interpretation of the Words and what should come from it (the Dalinar thread is my favorite one at the moment). Whether this was deliberate from Brandon (fairly likely, he likes to play his hand close) or simple plot inconsistencies it's yet to be seen, and we probably will never know. This is by no means a critics - inconsistencies in small fantasy franchises are fairly common as the author figures out exactly how the magic system is supposed to work, improving as a writer as the years pass. Just look at Jordan, or even at the Harry Potter saga. Brandon seems to have planned out everything in freakishly precise details, so it's more likely that he's doing it on purpose - but even if he isn't, and simply still hasn't picked a definitive characterization for Syl, the story will be awesome all the same so I'm not overly concerned about it. BTW, I think it's quite clear that your interpretation of the character is not the one Brandon is going with (unless he's been trolling us the whole time - never say never with him) but it's still fairly interesting, as alternate-character-interpretation are one of my favorite things about a saga - it's a good sign when something is so well written and layered that different people sees different shades of the story. (Like, for example - I'm a big ASOIAF fan and yet I consider Tyrion, who is the author's favorite character, as a budding psycho; while canon interpretation definitely doesn't agree. I still enjoy the story, even though I read the story through my very personal interpretation lens). Again, this was really a good read, and I thank you for sharing.
  6. I like to think they will reconnect, but I'm not really liking all this '..and Laral will see what she's missed on!' comments. I mean, what else could she have done? She was only thirteen when her father died, and lived with Roshone and his son since then -- it's not like she had much of a choice in the matter. What was she supposed to do, run and hug the son of the man Roshone so clearly despised in front of his son/her supposed future husband? Laral is only a victim in this, and I really hope things will get better for her later on.
  7. This. RJ wrote himself into a corner and it took Brandon three books to get out of it - and the story still felt rushed IMO.
  8. ^ *makes happy dance* I love it when people agree with me - makes me feel so smart. I maintain that pretty much everyone will agree that they're better off with Sadeas dead, but adolin will feel like crap for not upholding his father's ideals. ETA: spelling, I'm on my mobile.
  9. Wait , so can the Heralds 'sense' surgebinders? Is it confirmed? Didn't seem the case with Taln, but then again, the guy is crazy. 'There is always another secret'
  10. Might be wrong but: Well, the Skybreakers are trying to stop the next Desolation - by killing surgebinders if necessary - while the Sons of Honor seem to want to bring back the voidbringers hoping the Heralds will return as well. Amaram isn't a surgebinder, but the skybreakers have plenty of reasons to off him.
  11. This is excellent news, thank you. I really like the idea of a time gap (still mourning GRRM didn't write one back in 2005!) but I want to keep reading about these characters.
  12. Agree about Jasnah.. but there ins't anything wrong with Kaladin's actions, and IMO even Shallan will realized this if they ever talk about it (which doesn't seem likely though, not with Kaladin leaving). She even admits as much.
  13. So, it is truth universally acknowledged that Brandon has been planning for a while to split the SA into two major blocks of five books each -- with some time passing between them. I love the idea. WoR seems to pick up immediately after WoK ended, which is great, but I'm a big fan of character development and there's nothing better than time passing to see your favorite characters evolve. That said, many people here seem to assume that the time-gap is going to be a major one - I read posts saying that it will be decades or centuries between the end of Book Five and the beginning of the sixth. This... is less appealing to me. I love these character, I want to see them changed, not dead. But hey, at least I had time to prepare myself for the inevitable. Until Bradon said that Renarin will have a book. So, since the remaining three slots for the next books are all covered, I'm assuming Renaring will be still around in book 6 -- or he can be dead, but he has to be dead for a relatively short time; otherwise his flashbacks won't be relevant to the story anymore in the massively different reality that would ensue after decades/centuries. Basically, this thread is me asking - was the lenght of the time-skip ever actually addressed, or was the supposed 'incredibly long time gap' only a fan myth? What do you think it will happen?
  14. He's still got his pretty face though.
  15. Sorry, couldn't resist.
  16. Shhhhhh! They hadn't noticed until you pointed it out.. now I'm doomed. A thousand times this. The problem now will be between Adolin and his coscience, not Adolin and the law. No one is going to mourn Sadeas if not Ialai and maybe whoever becomes the new highprince; most people are only going to be relieved. Especially Dalinar, methinks, for all that he'll feel ashamed of himself at being happy at a once-friend's death. *Squees in fangirling glee that someone else sees Elhokar as a budding Radiant* I don't think Szeth/Jashah will go as easily as you assumed (I might be biased because I don't care for him at all) and IMO Kal's fourth ideal will be something about leadership, but I completely love the rest of your post. Shallan will figure out things early on (either that, or she gets together with Kaladin by the end of the book and figures out things in the next) and IDK about Adolin and the Honorblade, since he seems to like his own just fine, but the rest.... The falling out with Renarin needs to happen . Who here does actually believe that Renarin is not resentful of his brother even a bit? I don't . Plus all of Adolin I-killed-Sadeas feels and his own budding inferiority complex.. it's a bomb waiting to drop. Also yay to Adolin killing Amaram. Cue awesome Kaladin's reaction. (And maybe more bromance? I wouldn't mind!) Lastly, Kaladin being mistrusted by the rioting men in Kholinar because of his now-light eyes can't not happen. I fell in love with the possibility the minute I read the post, because it'd be just so perfect, and a natural evolution of his arc. Just... my mind is blown.
  17. B. Completely agree. C. At the Seattle signing.
  18. Tarah is most likely still alive, as kaladin thijks to himself that his failure with her was 'different' from that with Tien. I dont even think they had a proper relationship, what with Kal still angsting about his brother's death - IMO the failure had something to do with him being unable to function in a relationship or the likes.
  19. I like this. Really, really like it. As it has been already pointed out, if Honorblades worked on the Heralds like it happened with Sezth then there would be nothing special about the Heralds, not compared yo the KR. This yheory though.. it opens a world of possibilities, I love it.
  20. 'The letter' is Kaladin's saying Tien is dead, I dint see why roshone wouldbt want to deliver it. I doubt Amaram bothered writing anyone about Kaladin's so-called desertion, since he plainly just wanted to forget the whole thing even happened.
  21. It's got to be this. Upvote!
  22. You just unleashed my inner fangirl with this*squee* Can I say that their bromance was the best relationship in WoR?
  23. Totally agree. I can see him arriving to find only Roshone and then having to decide whether to go look for his parents or help save Kholinar.Also, Kal's parents are definitely alive. There'd be no real plot otherwise.
  24. For 'naming convention' I meant calling a lord by his family name and other member by their given name (ex: in ASOIAF, Ned is 'Lord Stark' and his son Robb just 'Lord Robb') and kings are - and were in history - called by their names. Think Queen Elizabeth. And Dalinar has the same names as the king, so IMO is because of that, and because everyone knows who 'Dalinar the Blackthorn' is.
  25. Sorry, I just realized I mistyped and the post doesnt make sense. Hopefully it does now; I went back and edited.I was referring to WoT
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