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Peng the Just

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Everything posted by Peng the Just

  1. I prefer it how it is right now. I like people not knowing if I upvoted, or, on very, very, very rare occasions downvoted their posts. I think it protects the integrity of the reputation system. If you know who's upvoted you, then you are more likely to upvote them in return later. Same with downvoting. I think it should be an anonymous measure of post quality given by the community, not favors that are given back and forth.
  2. Major spoilers for steelheart and possibly firefight ahead. You have been warned. So, the other day I got thinking about who really killed steelheart. Yes, steelheart activated the trap, but David set it. David is the one who directly took action to cause steelheart's death. Certainly from a legal standpoint, that would be classified as David murdering steelheart, not a suicide. Does steelheart's powers not trace back intent like that? If so, what would have happened if steelheart had stepped into the path of a bullet? Would that count as coming from whoever shot the bullet, and is probably terrified, and thus be prevented or caused by steelheart and thus hurt him? Another similar situation is at the beginning of the book with David's dad. He certainly didn't mean to hurt steelheart, but succeeded nonetheless. From what I can tell, steelheart's weakness seems to follow the following rule: If whoever most recently took action that would hurt steelheart, regardless of knowledge or intent, is scared of him then that harm is prevented. By this rule, the aforementioned situation with stepping into a bullet would hurt him. Thanks for reading my ramblings! Let me know your thoughts.
  3. I found it as a facebook post of a tumblr screenshot, but I can try to track down the original author.
  4. There's Quiver. Always plugging for Warbreaker. I'll agree with him. Warbreaker really doesn't get the credit it deserves
  5. Really enjoying 'Arrow'

  6. I think a lot of the reason is we have mods that are truly interested in the community. They get conflicts resolved before they can escalate. Another reason is we all have fantastic taste in books
  7. Books before friends. 17th Shard before the real world. Release dates before birthdays. I will convert those who are not I will convince those without to buy two copies I will loan my extras to anyone without.
  8. Thank you. Unfortunately, it's not my original work, but I thought it was really cool.
  9. Is it crazy how saying sentences backwards creates backwards sentences saying how crazy it is?
  10. How about some "good guy Sanderson" memes?
  11. I was trying to hurt pink pinkness and Instabam and heal obliteration, but I'm having problems with the site on my kindle. You can ignore me.
  12. 10 Steelheart9 Firefight11 Nightwielder10 Conflux1 Fortuity10 Instabam9 The Pink Pinkness9 Mitosis9 Regalia11 Obliteration11 Newton15 Dawnslight9 Night's Sorrow11 Prof Ignore this one. My 17s is glitching
  13. sorry, but i couldn't resist reposting this.
  14. summary of internet activity for all* cosmere characters: Jasnah edits Wikipedia. Wit trolls ALL of the sites. Adolin tweets. Kabsal looks at Jam recipes on Pintrest Elend reads the Wikipedia articles that Jasnah writes. Vin doesn't use the internet, as it doesn't serve any practical purpose. Dalinar checks news sites constantly to see how various wars are going. *that I can think of funny internet activities for off the top of my head.
  15. very good. Have a little green arrow. (not that you don't already have plenty)
  16. Lets try one that's a little more... obscure. EDIT: bonus points to everyone who gets it.
  17. There is one. if you click on This: button it will give you an option to insert a spoiler tag
  18. When you feel that Sanderson books have ruined you for other books with poorly defined magic-systems
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