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Everything posted by EdgedancerJacob

  1. I personally don't hate Lirin the way everyone else seems to (I actually often agree with his sentiments about war, even if I disagree with how rigidly he sticks to his dogma) but I don't see him as a good fit for the Shard of Honor. NerdyAarakocra put the reason well: So while I don't think he will become the Shard, I enjoyed this thread! Thanks for posting such a unique prediction
  2. That makes sense -- thanks! It's interesting to think of what the era 2 story could've looked like in the era 3 setting.
  3. With Alloy of Law's epilogue leaving so many huge cliffhangers, how did Sanderson ever see it as a standalone book? Did the fandom ever believe it wouldn't have sequels? Even the prologue feels disconnected from the rest of the book, as if it were promising what would come in the rest of era 2.
  4. Not sure if that's true! I mean, Dalinar bonded the Stormfather while dating and subsequently marrying Navani, and multiple members of Bridge Four are dating someone. Also not sure that this is true. Adolin continuously proves his selflessness, especially as the story goes on.
  5. For all my musical theater nerds out there... Let's have some fun! Imagine a world where a theater producer wants to bring Stormlight to the stage as a musical. What are some moments from the books that could make for good musical numbers? What would the vibe of the music be for those scenes? I personally imagine a Les Mis-style slave scene as an introduction to Bridge Four/the Vengeance Pact. I would also love a rock opera version of the events in Rathalas.
  6. When @Through The Living Glass asked me, I said the same thing! Welcome to the Shard
  7. Wow, I love this thread and these ideas! Gotta say, a personal favorite is @bacontime's Amber Spores -- I bet those would make for some great sequences. How about something like Starlight Spores (a yellow-white color), which create sudden, electric sparks when activated by water? If you're sailing when the Starlight Spores go off, it'll feel like an earthquake, with air and mini-explosions going off beneath you; additionally, any metal on your ship (except aluminum) may act as a conductor for electricity, zapping those on board. These could have many applications for Sprouters. Not only would it open the door to electric-powered devices, but also may help create fireworks
  8. I think the ending of the Cosmere should be akin to the ending of Chapterhouse: Dune. (Spoilers for that book below) I like this type of ending because it drives home the scale and complexity of an entire universe; not every thread needs to be wrapped up, and the story doesn't need to "end" with the books. The Cosmere can continue long past the end of the last book. That said, it's still important that the overarching story of Adonalsium, the Shards, and Investiture gets some sort of conclusion. I just hope it's not like "everything is solved, and everyone lived happily ever after." Some ambiguity can make the universe continue to feel alive.
  9. Do we know if aethers are Invested, or are they their own thing?
  10. I have thought this as well, though I wondered if he's starting to 'crack' a bit after finding out about his father's actions in Rathalas. We didn't get much resolution between he and Dalinar in RoW, and I imagine (despite what he says) it's eating him inside. Adolin's arc in RoW -- about finding new ways to help a cause that doesn't need his manpower anymore -- shows his capacity for growth!
  11. This will be my first time attending not only Dragonsteel, but a con in general. I was wondering, do many people play DnD there? If so, should I have a pre-made character ready to go, or should I wait until I get to a table to make a character? Thanks!
  12. That makes total sense. Sometimes the obvious answer is the correct answer -- thanks!
  13. This has been on my mind since we first learned how Radiant spren bond humans... I've found discussions covering if you want Adolin to be a Radiant, or if you think he will in WaT -- but why has no spren approached Adolin for a bond? I understand it from a writing and storytelling perspective, but in-world, he has many of the characteristics they're looking for. Curious for everyone's thoughts! (Sorry if this has been asked a million times! I'm new here.)
  14. Others in this thread have provided such great and specific ideas, but all I'm certain about is it's going to be melancholy. A victory, perhaps, but not the victory we'd want.
  15. Welcome! I like your BotW profile picture. Do you prefer Botw or TotK?
  16. I love the idea of using the Surge to go to where your Shardblade is. I can imagine so many awesome uses of that in battle -- but it would be constrained by needing Transport to Shadesmar in a safe way (e.g. planning ahead of time where you want to throw your Shard and leaving a boat there). But that's what's great about Sanderson's magic systems: great powers are balanced by the need for careful planning.
  17. Oh very cool! Well feel free to PM if you ever have any q's about the industry! It's a great one, you'll have a ton of fun
  18. Thanks for the love everyone My answer feels obvious to me, but the Reshi Isles! Living on the water, in a carefree society on the backs of Greatshells? I'm in! It sounds like an even better version of LA. How about you, Living Glass? (Also, I have to ask about pineapples - do you get good ones in the south?)
  19. Username checks out But in all seriousness, I think you're right here. I can't imagine these two would get word of what's going on in the Physical Realm and decide not to get there as soon as possible -- especially Adolin. Everything about Adolin's character says he is going to make a case for being the champion, even if deep down he knows he shouldn't be.
  20. Y'know, I haven't thought to figure this out yet. Maybe tonight's the night I get you an answer...
  21. Loll love these questions - Let's say I'm somewhere between a Veden and an Alethi. I'm a firm believer that good fries need no sauce... but if it's not a good fry then yes! How about you, Weirdo?
  22. Hey everyone, nice to meet you! I'm Jacob and I'm based out of Los Angeles. Film is my passion - I work in marketing at a large studio - but in my spare time I am an avid reader and gamer. Despite the many fantasy and sci-fi books I've read, nothing has captured me like the Cosmere. I've wanted to join the Shard for quite a while, but was waiting until I was fully caught up to start participating. So anyway, I can't wait to dive into conversations with everyone here (and hopefully make some friends ). I'll also be at Dragonsteel in December, so I'm excited to meet people there, as well!!
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