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Everything posted by RoyalBeeMage

  1. "i think there is something down there..." roy said pointing towards the base of the mountain.
  2. "i dont know!" jace said looking depresed.
  3. "i get that feeling so much. like i felt that one day took several months."
  4. could you repost the difrent types of blessing?
  5. "that sound bad..." "somehow they drained all my Awa! it will take a few days to fully regenerate enough to even be useful."
  6. “What do you mean is that all? That is a very long and important one.”
  7. “I am a fragment of the kingdom of the gods! I think that I can survive not going into cardiac arrest.” “So true. All the knights where I’m from are incompetent and get eaten by monsters or are the equivalent of magic nukes walking around.” “Isn’t the sword this thing that allows for multiverse traveling.”
  8. “It’s not very clear is it!” Roy said laughing slightly.
  9. “Why can’t it ever just be easy for one in my life!” Roy said falling to the floor with a soft thud as he hid his head in his hands.
  10. “Hello. My name is Roy! Have we met? I’ve been elsewhere for a while.”
  11. "hi ave! is the child here? i brought gifts! what? i had a lot of free time to go shopping while I was off world."
  12. a knock sounds at the door to her room... roy? stands waiting to meet the new child that he heard about while he was away.
  13. roy suddnely fell to his knees panting. "finally I can think again!" he said before suddenly falling to the ground unconsius.
  14. roy nodded as if to himself before he closed his eyes and started talking. "In the twilight of time, when shadows stretch long and the world teeters on the brink of chaos, there will arise one who holds the fate of all in her hands. Born of frost and flame, she is the ice lion turned to a girl made of fire. Her past, shrouded in the mists of lost memories, is a mystery even to herself. Yet, she walks among the people, and though she may not recall her own name, she is remembered by all she meets. Her presence is etched into the hearts of many, and she leaves a trail of warmth and wonder in her wake. In her, lies the power to bring salvation or destruction to the world. Seek her not with eyes, but with the heart, for her true nature lies beyond mere appearance. She is the embodiment of duality, a beacon of hope and a harbinger of doom. The choice she makes, guided by the whispers of those she encounters, will shape the destiny of all. Beware, for the path is fraught with peril, and the balance of the world hangs by a thread. The ice lion girl of fire is both a blessing and a curse, and her journey will be the turning point of an age. Only through understanding and compassion can the true path be revealed, and the world be saved from the abyss."
  15. does that mean that we can create unlimited pm's without informing you but still adding you.
  16. "this cant be right!" jace said incredulesly while roy stood to the side looking slightly emaresed that he caused such a reaction from everyone.
  17. "do you at least want to listen to it? do any of you?" @Scars of Hathsin
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