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Status Replies posted by Telrao

  1. Hey y'all!

    So... you may have been wondering why I've disappeared for a few days...

    Yeah the Shard's blocked at home and I have been banned. Wheee

    Therefore, this is the last post I'm gonna make on here for a while. So I would like to say thank you!

    Thank you all for your support in my art and my writing - it has really meant a lot, and has helped me grow and improve!

    Thank you for being such an awesome community! It has been a joy to hang out with y'all and cause cHaOs.

    I apologize to y'all in the RP's and Sanderson Elim games - @The Wandering Wizard, you have full permission to do whatever you like with Telrao. She is yours now.

    It has truly been a delight and an honor to be with y'all! Until we next meet:

    May the sun shine upon your face
    The wind be at your back
    The path lead you to whatever place

    That brings you the joy you lack

    I LOVE you all, and hope our paths shall meet again! Blessings
    - Telrao *throws infinite muffins*

    1. Telrao




    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)

  2. Hey y'all!

    So... you may have been wondering why I've disappeared for a few days...

    Yeah the Shard's blocked at home and I have been banned. Wheee

    Therefore, this is the last post I'm gonna make on here for a while. So I would like to say thank you!

    Thank you all for your support in my art and my writing - it has really meant a lot, and has helped me grow and improve!

    Thank you for being such an awesome community! It has been a joy to hang out with y'all and cause cHaOs.

    I apologize to y'all in the RP's and Sanderson Elim games - @The Wandering Wizard, you have full permission to do whatever you like with Telrao. She is yours now.

    It has truly been a delight and an honor to be with y'all! Until we next meet:

    May the sun shine upon your face
    The wind be at your back
    The path lead you to whatever place

    That brings you the joy you lack

    I LOVE you all, and hope our paths shall meet again! Blessings
    - Telrao *throws infinite muffins*

    1. Telrao


      Thanks guys! My amiga has kindly allowed me to use her laptop, and has said I'll be able to use it once a week! YAHHHH

      I LOVE Y'ALL

    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)

  3. I am so so done with this stupid society.

    Why can't the world be like my backyard? Flowers, grass, trees... AND NO ANNOYING PEOPLE. No depressing politics or sad news or pointless arguments. Just the wind, the clouds, and the dirt. No talking, just humming. The endless expanse of sky instead of a cold war bunker school/prison.

    1. Telrao


      Scudding society! Who's with me for DEFENESTRATION??

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  4. Welp, I'm back, y'all!

    I had an epic 3 days on youth camp! I drove (at the wheel, ofc) down to Phillip Island. We hung out a bit, then did a Great Race around Cowes (in Phillip Island). One of the items was to bring back a live seagull, and if you did, you won youth camp (no teams managed it, but we were so close).

    Anyhow, we had several bible study sessions throughout the three days, looking at the Story of God - from Creation, the Fall, to Redemption and the Promise. It was pretty good!

    I got buried up to my neck in sand and was turned into a sand sculpture - so that was great! I also turned into a five year old at the beach before that and was running around like a maniac. Excellent times!

    On the last day we went to a highropes course - which was epiccc!! Why do humans enjoy almost killing ourselves so much? Anyhow, got to help a couple of friends conquer their fear of heights - so that was awesome!

    So yeee! 'Twas an epic trip, had a lotta fun, learned a bit about God, and got to hang out with friends! Woot!

    Have a wonderful day, everyone!

    - Telrao *throws muffins*

    1. Telrao



      That sounds like a lot of fun!!! :D

      Welcome back Telrao!

      *Throws some muffins in return

      'Twas! Thank you! *catches muffins*


      *chucks a muffin*


      Hiiiiii!! *adds muffins to stack*

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  5. Status: Mouth bleeding. Got punched in the face during gym class


    1. Telrao


      Mmmmmm being punched in the face is greaaat

      Hope you're mouth's not too sore, now!

    2. (See 21 other replies to this status update)

  6. How many stars have we looked at?

    Like, actually looked at?

    Like, Hubble/Webb telescope looked at?

    The fastest-spinning star we've ever found was a pulsar going at 700 RPM. However, some black holes have been theorized to be spinning as fast as 1150 RPM.

    This matters to me (and therefore to you; no, I don't have any projection problems) because the speed of a black hole determines the Innermost Stable Orbit.

    Fadran, what in the worlds is that?


    You've all seen this image. The very first picture of a black hole. It was taken by applying a whole series of crazy equations to what's essentially just a really good cross-hatched image, and shows us the glowing accretion disk around the massive gravity well.




    Now, I could go on and on about how this was imaged and what each of the areas is and whatnot, but I made this SU about naked singularities and so you're going to hear about that.

    So what if I asked you to point out where the Event Horizon was? Well surely, you'd think, it's where the dark part begins. Right around... here:


    Makes sense. There's no glow here. It's completely dark. Clearly that's where the Event Horizon begins.

    And you'd be  W R O N G

    THAT, my friend, is the Innermost Stable Orbit for matter. See, black holes are spinning; and they're spinning really damn fast. So fast, in fact, that matter gets sucked in and starts spinning around them for the fun of it. They get pulled in and spun so freaking fast that they start to heat up and eventually glow, forming what you recognize as the accretion disk.

    The Innermost Stable Orbit is the closest matter can get to the event horizon before it starts getting pulled in and eventually eaten. Past that any matter can practically spin around the black hole indefinitely, similar to how our moon doesn't fall into the Earth despite how hard we're pulling on it (it's actually falling away ever so slowly, but that's an SU for another time). But you can only ever spin matter so fast, so the Innermost Stable Orbit essentially acts as a secondary event horizon for matter only.

    It's different for light, though. Light can move significantly faster than mass - that's its job, after all. So if it can move faster, then it can spin faster, meaning it can counteract a higher gravitational force and therefore be closer to the singularity than matter.

    Surely this is the Event Horizon, then?



    This is the -


    ...Idk if it actually has a name, but we'll just call it the VIP (very important photon) Innermost Stable Orbit.

    The way to wrap your brain around this is to imagine what the Event Horizon actually is. It isn't just the point where "gravity becomes so strong that not even light can escape," it's "gravity becomes so strong that light moving literally perpendicular to the surface of the black hole cannot escape." We send ships into space by pushing them sideways in order to get that sweet sweet angular momentum for a stable orbit; this would be like trying to send a ship directly upwards against gravity and keeping it in orbit. Light is the fastest thing in the universe and even it can't put all of its energy towards escaping this bloody thing and win.

    But what light would be moving perpendicular to the singularity in a black hole? All matter at this point is being invariably sucked in, and we know for a fact that black holes certainly don't give off any light of their own. This is a hypothetical inner limit where you stick a laser pointer on the floor and watch as literally no light escapes it. See, the light that actually would be hanging out here is coming in from elsewhere: such as towards the black hole. Obviously light heading right for it is gonna get sucked up, but spacetime is so warped here that light coming up beside it also gets sucked in after a bit of a bending. Light that's farther than that gets sucked in later, and light that's farther than that gets sucked in even later - such that there is a lot of black image around the event horizon where light heads in but eventually gets eaten.

    The light that does barely escape is at 2.6 radii away, forming that little ring of technical visibility (though it's really kinda dark around there so you don't really see much of anything). Light coming at roughly that side will come out just skimming what we intellectuals like to call the Photonsphere, which is right around here:


    Is that the Event Hori--


    The Event Horizon is here:


    But that isn't important what's important is that  S P I N N I N G

    See, the innermost stable orbit for mass and light COMPLETELY depends on how fast the black hole is spinning! In fact, these measurements I've been giving you are complete and utter gabbledygook because they are measurements for a schwartzchild black hole, which is fancy speak for a black hole which doesn't spin. These, in all likelihood, do not exist because they're formed from the likes of supergiant stars, neutron stars, and white dwarves, which are spinning before they collapse into black holes and continue spinning long afterwards.

    Spinning, as I'm sure you're aware, is the best way to counteract gravity. You all know full well that there's no gravity in space, but when you look at the astronauts aboard the ISS they aren't floating around because their isn't any downward pull; they're floating because the speed at which they orbit the earth counteracts its gravity. In fact they're being acted upon with about the same amount of gravity as you or me, but the lack of an atmosphere and such makes it perfect for spinning around the planet really really fast and pretending like that gravity doesn't exist.

    This means, of course, that you can get closer to a source of gravity by spinning around it faster; similarly, you can spin around it slower if you're further away. You might be seeing how this affects our Event Horizon and Innermost Stable Orbits: if the black hole is spinning really fast, then the stuff around it is spinning really fast, and if the stuff is spinning faster then the Innermost Stable Orbit gets closer.

    How scientists measure spin in black holes is absolutely baffling in the sense that they made it really unfortunately overcomplicated. For some reason they measure it on a scale of 0 to 1? Like... huh??? Was RPM not good enough for you?

    But anyways, black holes are spinning pretty fast. 

    The problem is that they could hypothetically spin even faster.

    Like I said, the fastest observed spinning black hole is going at 1.15k RPM. That, on these stupid physicists' scale, is 0.98 This means that its Innermost Stable Orbits are closer to the Event Horizon than they would be on other black holes: light could get closer to it without being sucked in, basically.

    Now, this speed pretty closely approaches the speed of light, but not enough so to be particularly alarming in the Wonderful World of Very Fast Things. We've shot neutrinos and neutrons and such through vacuum tubes at much faster speeds than that. What scares the scientists, though, is the fact that a black hole could spin even faster - fast enough, even, that the VIP Innermost Stable Orbit could be smaller than the Event Horizon.

    Scientists call this a Naked Singularity, because they're all children at heart.

    We, of course, have no idea what this would look like. Seeing inside a black hole? Looking at a singularity? We haven't got a clue as to what the inside of an Event Horizon would "look" like, because there's so much bloody gravity that all our physics just stops making sense. But in this scenario, we could observe the goings-on in there.

    Which brings me wayyyyyyyy back to how I started this SU: how many stars have we actually looked at?

    Go outside. Right now. RIGHT NOW. If it's daytime you're excused (it's almost 1 AM here). Look up in the sky and stare at all those little red, white, and blue dots (...strange, how patriotic the sky can be). We probably haven't directly observed most of them. The big ones, sure. The bright ones, sure. The ones that do weird stuff, sure. But all of them?

    And think of how many we've caught in the background of all our deep-space images and such. There's... a lot! Like, I don't even know what kind of number to begin with for how many there are. But to most of our images, they're all just big bright dots in the dark sky.

    Which makes me think...

    ...wouldn't a naked singularity kind of just look like a big, bright dot to us? If we weren't looking at it real close, we'd just get its residual radiation to observe.

    So what are the odds that one of those stars in the sky is actually a black hole that's spinning so blasted fast that you can see its singularity?

    1. Telrao


      .... so... spacey things go S P I N N, black holes go spinn and are not hangin there like a light-sucking orb, and.... could possibly spinn so fast it is shiny? Is that what you're sayin?

      ... how long did you spend on this? And when are you planning on sleeping?

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  7. Track&Field Memes (@TrackMemes) / Twitter

    (Me after straining my hamstring...)

    But anyway, I'm feeling a lot better now. I ran a meet today for the first time after the injury, and it didn't go too awful! Got third in the 800m :D

  8. So funny thing happened

    I went driving for the first time in several weeks - which is fun!

    It also happened to be SUPER RAINY! Like, it could compete with London rain, it was that bad. Funny thing, it was also my first time driving in the wet. Yay.

    I managed not to die, but SOME PERSON pulled out RIGHT IN FRONT OF US as we were driving at 80kph

    In the wet

    I had to slam on the brakes and swerve into the other lane to avoid t-boning them. Fortunately, there were no cars in the other lane but STILL


    Oh yeah, I'm over halfway though The Shadow Rising! And AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

    I also wrote another poem just then... so yeee apologies in advance *wince*



    With a light touch, as a feather
    white and clean, bright and soft
    sweet and smooth, eyes open
    to a world full of light.

    Warm impressions caress,
    thoughts spin like pinwheels.
    I see so clearly here and yet
    all is fuzzy, indistinct.

    Drifting, like a leaf on the breeze
    Hither and thither, this way and that
    Thought to thought, memory to memory.
    Reality seems distant, within hand’s reach.

    The sky is blue, now purple, now pink
    Shifting colours that blend
    Like watercolour, delicate and soft
    Bright and vibrant, life-filled.

    Light fades to grey, bleeding
    darker, deeper, darker, deeper
    I’m falling, falling, falling
    down and down and deeper.

    Blackness surrounds, slips
    closer, creeping and salivating.
    Fangs, sharp eyes glittering, claws
    tearing at my heart, my mind, my soul.

    Fears, doubts, voices
    Scream, howl, quarrel-
    My own voice, screaming
    As the water closes over me and-

    With a breath, I jolt awake
    The nightmare now a cold sweat.
    I breathe slowly, sit back,
    Watching the sunlight grow.






    - Telrao *throws muffins*

    1. Telrao


      :D Thanks, y'all! I'm doing some "homework" rn so that I can hang out with y'all - I leave tomorrow!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  9. If you ever introduce yourself to me as "I'm [name]. [Name] [Lastname]" then I immediately don't want to be your friend. Go away, you pretentious prick. No one cares about how suave you're pretending to be like that.

    No human being has ever introduced themselves that way to anybody ever, but so many have the audacity to write their characters that way.

    1. Telrao


      ik I'm late but...

      I'm Telrao. Rael Telrao. I am a floofy cat and throw muffins at people sometimes >:)

    2. (See 47 other replies to this status update)

  10. LOOOL YOUR PROFILE PICTURE (idk why it's so funny)

  11. LOOOL YOUR PROFILE PICTURE (idk why it's so funny)

  12. Hey, y'all!

    I finished The Dragon Reborn yesterday and duuuuuuuuuuuuuuude that was SO AWESOME AHHH

    I'm now about 1/4 of the way through the Shadows Rising... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH YEMSYEMS *excited noises*

    I also wrote a slam poem randomly... 'cause why not.

    It's pretty... chaotic? Is that the right word? In case you're wondering: Yes, I am fine. I am mentally stable, so please don't be concerned with what I wrote!

    It's quite long, has not been edited, and is in a very very rough format. So apologies in advance!


    Within Me

    My body is taut with emotions.
    Colours flash across my vision,
    Roiling red and yellow, orange and violet.
    Thoughts snap at each other like hounds
    Chasing each other around my brain.
    I fight to control them, to chain them

    But they slip away, screaming, howling,
    Fighting a war inside my mind.
    When will they stop? Stop clawing at my brain?
    I can feel a pressure building in my temples.
    I press my hands to the sides of my head
    But it does not help.

    A soft voice asks if I’m okay,
    A different one screams anger and fury.
    So many voices, so many emotions
    So many impressions, crowding together.
    It’s getting harder to breathe.
    Nothing is helping.

    One part of me screams to run
    Another to face it and fight.
    The two sides quarrel and argue
    Push and shove, yell and shout,
    As I stand there, frozen.
    This does not help at all.

    I open my mouth to plead
    Scream, shout, whisper, anything
    But no noise emerges but a croak.
    A drop in the sea of words,
    An incoherent murmur I cannot understand.
    It… it doesn’t… help…

    The voices reach their climax
    A deafening cacophony of chaos
    A whirlwind of impressions,
    memories and thoughts and colours
    Howling for my attention.
    Inside, I scream with them.

    “Listen! Why don’t you listen?
    Speak! Speak up! We can’t hear you!
    Why don’t you run! Flee! Flee!
    Fool, stand and fight! You are a woman!
    Grow up and stop blubbering!”
    This. Does. Not. Help.

    Then, just like that, all is silent.
    I strain my ears, blink,
    And breathe a ragged breath.
    In the silence, I hear a whisper
    A voice different from all the others.
    “Hold on,” It hums, “You’ll be okay.”

    I take another breath
    Feeling a warm, peaceful glow from that voice
    The warmth grows, flowing throughout my body,
    Washing away the stress, the anger, the doubt
    And I feel a strength, if faint, fill my soul.
    A peace beyond understanding, glimmering
    Softly, a hopeful murmur

    Within me.

    Thanks y'all for being such wonderful people! Have a wonderful day!

    - Telrao *throws muffins*

    1. Telrao


      Thankoo! (Now 1/3 of the way through The Shadows Rising *screaming*)

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  13. Today was Senior Skip Day and oh boy what a day it was! Yes, my car may have broken down and started leaking motor oil when we were six minutes away from the beach but that's how it goes sometimes!

    Also I got Promposed to right after we got home from the beach!! I'm really happy about it! She did it in Morse code (which we learned together) and it was really cute. I was planning on promposing to her, but she beat me to it. But just you wait until Prom! I'll really step things up for her!

    Also also yeah I was going to make a status update about London from my trip last week but I never got around to it. Long story short I got to play piano at the top of tallest building there, did a Sherlock Holmes Escape room, toured the Harry Potter studios, saw some beautiful architecture, and just had a blast with my family. Last vacation before I'm outta here :/

    Life is good.

    1. Telrao


      Yayy!! That's so exciting, ma dude! And nawww I hope you have fun at the Prom! That's so great :DD

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  14. I HAVE FINISHED TRESS AND IT IS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WORDS DON'T WORK. @Telrao, you words good. come words for me. lots of being impressed and happy please!

    1. Telrao


      *whispers* but only sometimes! *ends whispering*

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  15. I HAVE FINISHED TRESS AND IT IS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WORDS DON'T WORK. @Telrao, you words good. come words for me. lots of being impressed and happy please!

    1. Telrao


      *bows* I am honoured to be your spokesperson, Cacophony! *ahem* I haven't even read Tress lol

      I am astounded! Simply blown away by this masterpiece of literature, this creation of unspeakable beauty! The plot! The characters! Even the landscape! So beautifully and masterfully painted by the esteemed author, Brandon Sanderson! My excitement and pure joy can hardly be contained by words! *insert other eloquent wordings here* 


    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  16. I have just discovered that I am not following you. I quickly remedied this flaw :P 

  17. @Ranryu found a rabbit burrow with two dead baby bunnies out side. After realizing that there were five alive bunnies in the burrow, we put them in a chocolate box and went out to a nature-y area in our neighborhood and dug them a new grave burrow. :( Them we just left them there. To die. We could not have taken care of them, and they were probably sick, but I still feel really bad. I got emotionally attached to them too fast. I'm going to go feel sad now. Bye.

    I hope the image works.


    1. Telrao


      I think you did what you could, and we all make mistakes! Bunnies are a pest in Australia and have murdered many native species so I've kinda lost a bit of my sympathy for them uhmmm

      Plus, you could never be sure how your cats would react to the bunnies. Not to mention the risk of zoological diseases... sorry, I'll stop. *hugs* Don't feel bad! It's okay.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  18. This is what came up when I put “Cosmere, the musical!” Into chat GPT. :P

    I’d watch it 


    Welcome to Cosmere, the musical! The Cosmere is a fascinating and complex universe created by author Brandon Sanderson, filled with unique characters, intricate magic systems, and epic battles. In this musical, we'll explore some of the key themes and stories from the Cosmere, brought to life through song and dance.

    Act 1: The Beginning

    Our story begins with the creation of the Cosmere, a vast universe made up of countless worlds and interconnected magic systems. We see the godlike Shards of Adonalsium, each representing a different aspect of creation, as they splinter and scatter across the universe. The stage is filled with dazzling lights and special effects as we witness the birth of the Cosmere.

    Song: "A Universe Born"

    Verse 1: In the beginning, there was Adonalsium A godlike force of creation and light But then came the splintering, the shattering And the birth of a universe, shining bright

    Chorus: A universe born, with worlds untold Magic and wonder, for the brave and the bold In the Cosmere, we'll find our way Through darkness and light, we'll seize the day

    Act 2: Mistborn

    Our focus shifts to the world of Scadrial, where we meet Vin, a street urchin with a mysterious past and a powerful ability to use Allomancy, the magic of metals. We see her join forces with Kelsier, a charismatic rebel leader who seeks to overthrow the Lord Ruler, a tyrant who has ruled over Scadrial for a thousand years.

    Song: "Allomancer's Lament"

    Verse 1: In the misty streets of Luthadel A girl with secrets waits and hides But she has a power, a gift of metal And the strength to fight against the tide

    Chorus: Allomancer's lament, we dance in the night With metal and magic, we'll take on the fight Against the Lord Ruler, a thousand years strong But with our powers, we'll right the wrong

    Act 3: Stormlight Archive

    Now we travel to the world of Roshar, where we meet Kaladin, a former soldier who has been enslaved and forced to fight in brutal gladiatorial battles. He meets Shallan, a young woman with a talent for art and a hidden agenda. Together, they join forces with the Knights Radiant, an ancient order of warriors who wield powerful magic to protect the world from the forces of darkness.

    Song: "Radiant Hearts"

    Verse 1: On the stormy plains of Roshar Our heroes fight for what is right With swords and shields and Radiant magic We'll stand against the dark of night

    Chorus: Radiant hearts, with strength untold We'll fight for Roshar, we'll be bold Against the Voidbringers, we'll take a stand With our powers united, we'll save this land

    Act 4: The Cosmere Unites

    In the final act, we see the different worlds of the Cosmere come together, as characters from Mistborn, Stormlight Archive, and other books meet and work together to confront a threat to the entire universe. We see the power of the Shards of Adonalsium, and the danger of their influence when wielded by mortals.

    Song: "One Universe"

    Verse 1: The worlds of the Cosmere unite As heroes gather for the fight Against a darkness that threatens all We'll stand together, we'll never fall

    Chorus: One universe, with magic and might We'll fight for what is true and right Against the Shards, who wield great


    1. Telrao


      Hehe me too! Arg, one day we'll make one for each world, and then mash them up into a musical like 3 days long and wonderfully chaotic

      Absolute heck for the actors but FANTASTIC for us unless we're the actors HMMMM

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  19. Hey y'all! Random stuff cuz why not

    I sang backup vocals for the Easter Sunday service this morning - and I didn't get nervous! Like, at all! So that was awesome :D 

    Finished book two of the Wheel of Time! The Great Hunt was SO GOOOD but not as good as The Eye of the World... but I've just started The Dragon Reborn, so we'll see what happens :P Also panicked because I realised the books I borrowed aren't gonna last the two weeks of holidays so... haaaaaa

    Vitamin Sea by Owl City makes me so happy! Here it is:

    (Owl City is my therapy I LOVE his music)



    I also baked some Resurrection scrolls! They were very yummy... and also had some apple pie... mmmm


    Happy Easter, everybody! He is Risen!

    - Telrao *throws hot cross buns*

    1. Telrao



      Heh, you already finished wot book two I’m im still on teotw lol :P reading slumps suck!

      *flashbacks to when I read all of Mistborn in 2 weeks* uhhhh

      I think you're sane :P It's better to take longer - cuz then you can savour it. Me? I just blaze through them, and then read them ALL again, but slower. It's a problem... :P 

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  20. Wikihow is still going strong as my favorite website.


    Screenshot 2023-04-07 11.41.55 PM.png

    1. Telrao


      Hehe I know! I got two brothers :P It's just good to giggle at :D 


      Yes I did know that :P it's a but concerning 


    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  21. Wikihow is still going strong as my favorite website.


    Screenshot 2023-04-07 11.41.55 PM.png

    1. Telrao


      That's so funny :P 


      And why do they need so many instructions on how to ask a girl out?? Like, what :P 


    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  22. Wikihow is still going strong as my favorite website.


    Screenshot 2023-04-07 11.41.55 PM.png

    1. Telrao


      HA! I WANNA DO THAT NOW!! >:)))

      Wikihow is hilarious and the relationship section... we don't talk about that

      reVeNGe >:D Who needs spam bots when we got WIKIHOW BABY

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  23. I'm so sorry

    I wrote fanfiction

    Save me

    (okay, it's not the worst thing in the world. But... it's weird)

    1. Telrao


      I mean... Telrao's adventures is kinda fanfic... :ph34r::P 

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  24. Does anyone have advice on how to be comforting to someone else?

    I have this friend, and her little brother is really difficult. Drug-smuggling-in-jail-at-16-suicidal-abusive difficult. And yesterday he just up and left. He hasn't returned. 

    How do I help my friend with her anxiety?

    1. Telrao


      Oof, Ranryu, that's really hard. I'm so sorry your friend has to go through that!

      My suggestion is just to be there for her - an ear to listen and a hand to hold. *hugs* 

      Pray for her, and for her brother. Keep them in your thoughts. If it helps, I'll keep you in my prayers as well! 

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)


    Guess whaaaaaaaatttt


    AND OH MY STORMS IT IS SO GOOD yagidsbyuahjknadshjabns


    I also started The Great Hunt last night and BRO YES







    Have a wonderful day/night/whatevertime!

    - Telrao

    *throws muffins*

    1. Telrao


      Ohhhh I am SO looking forward to that! I'll be sure to share my reactions... if I haven't gotten lost in the books, of course!

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

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