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The Aspiring Archivist

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The Aspiring Archivist last won the day on December 20 2023

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About The Aspiring Archivist

  • Birthday November 1

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    When it grows bright,
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    the particles start to
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    marvel, having made it
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    through the night.
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    Never they ponder
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    whether electric calming
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    if you look at it right.

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    Racoons are just 4-year-olds with fangs
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    Somewhere, disappearing.
  • Interests
    Portal 2,
    Other Puzzle Games,
    Other Games,
    Stealing Ideas,
    Releasing my New Book called The Hobbit,
    Writing Really Long Run-On Sentences That Are Hard to Read and Harder To Write and Hurt My Soul a Little Bit Every Time I Realize that I'm Writing One and Use Too Many Prepositions and Probably Has a Grammatical Error Somewhere or Have Passive Voice Misused Somewhere,
    The Cosmere,
    Déjà vu,
    Not Sleeping,
    Listening to Audiobooks,
    Using Really Super Cool Adverbs,
    Spending Time with Friends & Family,
    Déjà vu,
    Not Being Dead,
    Reading Out Loud,
    Singing in Private,
    Writing Lists,
    Completing Things,
    [Insert more here]

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  1. Here's a question for anyone who cares to answer. Do your emotions and thoughts feel separate? I don't mean completely, I just mean, regardless of how they interact, do they seem like two different things?

    Here's kind of a secondary question. Are emotions something you can notice? Like, you aren't necessarily aware of which you feel at any given time, or at the least they are something that comes to your attention and that you then think about?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood


      I agree with Wi's first post

      I'm going to answer the second question here. I suppose so. It's an odd thing. To answer that question, you really have to explain the difference between emotions and thoughts, thus answering the first question, or the ideas of how they are different. I think thoughts can be expressed as feelings and feelings as thoughts. They interact in interesting ways, causing eachother and reacting to each other. Emotions are more core things, more of the things that guide our thoughts subconsciously. Thoughts are partly the expressions of the emotions we have, observing them. 

    3. ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ


      I strive to put any positive emotions into all my thoughts. —Wit

    4. The Aspiring Archivist

      The Aspiring Archivist

      I don't think I experience emotions in that sense. Which is odd.

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