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The Aspiring Archivist

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The Aspiring Archivist last won the day on December 20 2023

The Aspiring Archivist had the most liked content!

Profile Information

  • Member Title
    Racoons are just 4-year-olds with fangs
  • Pronouns
  • Location
    Somewhere, disappearing.
  • Interests
    Portal 2,
    Other Puzzle Games,
    Other Games,
    Stealing Ideas,
    Releasing my New Book called The Hobbit,
    Writing Really Long Run-On Sentences That Are Hard to Read and Harder To Write and Hurt My Soul a Little Bit Every Time I Realize that I'm Writing One and Use Too Many Prepositions and Probably Has a Grammatical Error Somewhere or Have Passive Voice Misused Somewhere,
    The Cosmere,
    Déjà vu,
    Not Sleeping,
    Listening to Audiobooks,
    Using Really Super Cool Adverbs,
    Spending Time with Friends & Family,
    Déjà vu,
    Not Being Dead,
    Reading Out Loud,
    Singing in Private,
    Writing Lists,
    Completing Things,
    [Insert more here]

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  1. I'm waiting for something to happen.

    I broke, now what?

    I don't know what's happening, or what's going to happen.

    I'm not going to let myself go to bed.

    I can't. That'll make it worse.

    Does anyone know?

    This is stupid and its my all my fault anyway, sorry.

    1. Show previous comments  23 more
    2. The Aspiring Archivist

      The Aspiring Archivist

      I think its a bit more complicated than that, but thanks anyway.

      Unfortunately, none of my assignments are anything anyone can really help with.

    3. Cinnamon


      Sorry, good luck. I hope it gets better :(

    4. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard

      The day has started and where I once felt pain, I feel peace.

      Instead of feeling overwhelmed, I think I can do this

      Maybe…but that voice still whispers

      What if you can’t?

      You know your tendencies

      You know what you will do

      I scream at the voice

      Begging it to go away

      But with each passing second

      It only grows stronger

      On and on it grows

      Leaving me sick to my stomach

      Skewing my view of the world

      Tilting my vision

      Hamstringing my ability to function

      To do anything

      Is there an end?

      Is there a way out?

      And the darkness seeps into my vision

      Obscuring my view of all that was bright and beautiful

      Ending my joy

      Perhaps it’s my fault

      No it was always my fault.


      Suddenly a light shines through the dark

      A friend’s radiant smiles falls upon me

      And a little of the darkness begins to fade

      Their hand reaches down

      And I reach up

      My mound of problems looms before

      But with a friend by my side

      I can do it

      Or so I think

      With a friend

      The impossible becomes possible

      The darkness turns to light

      And they can turn my sadness 

      Into laughter


      And Excitement

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