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The Aspiring Archivist

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The Aspiring Archivist last won the day on December 20 2023

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About The Aspiring Archivist

  • Birthday November 1

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    When it grows bright,
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    the particles start to
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    marvel, having made it
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    through the night.
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    Never they ponder
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    whether electric calming
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    if you look at it right.

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    Racoons are just 4-year-olds with fangs
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    Somewhere, disappearing.
  • Interests
    Portal 2,
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    Other Games,
    Stealing Ideas,
    Releasing my New Book called The Hobbit,
    Writing Really Long Run-On Sentences That Are Hard to Read and Harder To Write and Hurt My Soul a Little Bit Every Time I Realize that I'm Writing One and Use Too Many Prepositions and Probably Has a Grammatical Error Somewhere or Have Passive Voice Misused Somewhere,
    The Cosmere,
    Déjà vu,
    Not Sleeping,
    Listening to Audiobooks,
    Using Really Super Cool Adverbs,
    Spending Time with Friends & Family,
    Déjà vu,
    Not Being Dead,
    Reading Out Loud,
    Singing in Private,
    Writing Lists,
    Completing Things,
    [Insert more here]

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  1. I wish I could stop all this trying to hide

    Not from myself, but the people outside.

    I wonder sometimes if I'm up to the task

    of if I'll just wait for somebody to ask.


    I don't understand it, it doesn't make sense

    Why these thoughts that I'm having don't feel too immense

    When I might be in balance on a place far up high

    To stop or to jump or to cry or to die.


    And I don't want to bother, but still here I lay

    Writing poems and bothering you all each day

    With problems I haven't yet started to solve,

    For I clearly have little in way of resolve.


    So I should just leave so I'm not worrying

    All these people who stop and who read all these things.

    Just kidding, I'll stay, because I have the notion

    That I must tell you all of these awful emotions.


    If this were the last time that I said hello,

    How long would it take for somebody to know?

    How many hours would have to creep past

    For them to realize that this day was my last?


    I'm sorry.

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. The Aspiring Archivist

      The Aspiring Archivist

      Thank you all for the kind messages.

      I have no intention of doing anything yet. The poem is more of a combination of existential musing and worries I have about what might happen in the future, and are beginning to happen now,

    3. The Aspiring Archivist

      The Aspiring Archivist

      And it's those kinds of worries that you all have that make me feel guilty about sharing this.

    4. SymphonianBookworm


      Don't feel guilty. Please, don't feel guilty. Don't feel guilty for making me say don't feel guilty because you said I don't want to make you feel guilty. I'll stop now. But seriously. It makes me, and I'm sure people on the Shard as a whole, so much happier knowing that you trust us to listen to the things you share and that we can try to help.

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