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The Aspiring Archivist

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The Aspiring Archivist last won the day on December 20 2023

The Aspiring Archivist had the most liked content!

About The Aspiring Archivist

  • Birthday November 1

Contact Methods

  • Website URL
    When it grows bright,
  • AIM
    the particles start to
  • MSN
    marvel, having made it
  • ICQ
    through the night.
  • Yahoo
    Never they ponder
  • Jabber
    whether electric calming
  • Skype
    if you look at it right.

Profile Information

  • Member Title
    Racoons are just 4-year-olds with fangs
  • Gender
  • Location
    Somewhere, disappearing.
  • Interests
    Portal 2,
    Other Puzzle Games,
    Other Games,
    Stealing Ideas,
    Releasing my New Book called The Hobbit,
    Writing Really Long Run-On Sentences That Are Hard to Read and Harder To Write and Hurt My Soul a Little Bit Every Time I Realize that I'm Writing One and Use Too Many Prepositions and Probably Has a Grammatical Error Somewhere or Have Passive Voice Misused Somewhere,
    The Cosmere,
    Déjà vu,
    Not Sleeping,
    Listening to Audiobooks,
    Using Really Super Cool Adverbs,
    Spending Time with Friends & Family,
    Déjà vu,
    Not Being Dead,
    Reading Out Loud,
    Singing in Private,
    Writing Lists,
    Completing Things,
    [Insert more here]

The Aspiring Archivist's Achievements



Single Status Update

See all updates by The Aspiring Archivist

  1. So, some news. Beginning on Sunday around 2pm PST, I will be off the Shard for about 4 weeks. As those of you who have seen my recent SUs may have gathered, my mental health situation isn't really improving. I'm fact, it's been worsening. This week, I was mostly unable to get to school, and I've overall been in a bad place, even sometimes in a dangerous one.

    For this reason, I'm going to go into a residential care facility. I've heard a lot of good things about it, and I hope it'll help me more than what I've been able to do at home. It does mean, unfortunately, that my internet access will be extremely limited to none. It should be just about four weeks, though extensions are possible depending on how the care goes. I'm a little nervous, and definitely not thrilled about being away from you all for so long, but it should be for the best.

    As for the RP situation, I have a plan for the Clinic, so that should be fine. I'm not really sure what to do with the few others, though I think the Threnodite Hunger Games are almost over (sorry,  @DefiantAllomancer).

    So... yeah. I'll miss you all, but hopefully see you in not too long. I'll still be on plenty for the rest of today, as well as tomorrow and Sunday morning.

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