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Lord Gregorio

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Everything posted by Lord Gregorio

  1. Female's do it too, but I've always felt that boys do it more. It is a bit bias though. Since I am indeed a boy. Those memes where the girl is like, I bet he's out there cheating on me and then it shows what they're really doing is funny.
  2. I just found a reddit thread for photoshopped animals, and holy cow-dog there's a lot of good ones. (Also, this accurately represents how boys get distracted by dumb stuff. Not sure who all is boys that are participating, but I found that funny. )
  3. This one's awesome. I made a sort of mix of animals in photoshop and can't find the freaking photo. I found this though. Behold, the squirrog.
  4. That's a good one. I found another Potter meme (or two) Here's another one I should have done a couple days ago. :|
  5. UUUUhhhhh. Of course, my Gyorn. aksljd :FOkhawopfn J:LKjopia kjsfhpohaweof;ansd What is your favorite kind of hat.
  6. I've never done this before, so first time here we go.

    Cuz I'm bored I'm creating a character from my current profile pick. I'll name him Jamen. He is a jack-o-melon man. He wears a suit and tie most often with a trench coat over it. He enjoys only certain kinds of hats: top hats and medium to wide brimmed fedoras. He carries a cane made of strong dark wood from a magic tree. He considers himself a gentleman and enjoys pretending to be much more human than he is. His cane is able to teleport him, though it is not super accurate and he's been unable to return home for years.

    When he speaks his pumpkin face doesn't move much, though he is able to shift his facial expressions with time.

    More detail will be added eventually. I just had a moment to write some random stuff. :lol:

  7. Yep. It's much more fun to not be depressed, though it's hard to get out of it sometimes. Thanks. I liked yours as well.
  8. I knew what you meant, I had some of those once upon a time, but I've stopped cuz I'm not as depressed as I was a bit ago. (Not that I wrote much poetry anyway.) As you see. I like writing stories even in poetry.
  9. Maybe if I write some I will. I've not done it in a while though. From what I remember I wrote some dark-ish ones though. I do have one that I tried to write for a story I was writing in an old England-ish setting. I was writing about a man who's father had disappeared during a war. and he wrote poetry about how he guessed he'd died. I'll just throw one here. This is prolly one of my longest poems. Darn. After copying this down, I wanna do more poetry.
  10. It can't be. If you've done it multiple times. Poetry is wack though, it's hard to make it seem special or cool or whatever.
  11. I feel sooo wise. I feel a hundred times wiser just because my profile has a top hat.
  12. Thanks. I love poetry and it's definitely artistic. If writing is artistic, so is poetry. Also. Songs are basically poetry.
  13. I went to Costa Rica and Panama for my senior year gift sorta thing (with EF tours) and it was super fun. I loved going and could have stayed and learned about the country for another week. I don't normally like travelling though. The travelling part sucks, unless I'm driving or I'm with just friends on a bus, then it's more fun. However, I like experiencing different places. TPBM writes way more words than most other people.
  14. Ya. It would be awesome to finally publish a book, it's kinda been my dream for like seven or eight years, since I was in sixth grade. It's good to have lots of interests. That way you can find something else if one thing doesn't work out. I did a bit of graphic design in high school, so maybe I'd go to a trade school like Bridgerland if writing doesn't work at first.
  15. Well I'm seriously considering becoming an author. I'm probably leaving on a mission this year and I can learn how to write from youtube or other things without wasting hundred of dollars. I may have to be part time author and do something else for a time, but I'm honestly not sure. We'll see how I feel in the next two years.
  16. or if your computer is slow enough, just make sure you're looking at the tab label. That's what I just did.
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