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Everything posted by shortcake

  1. 1) now that you said it, yea i think it was eighth grade 2) yes, it have very many problems. I'm gonna try and revise it 3) ye its Rebel Riding
  2. OMHMYGREATGORBLEDYGOODNESS YOU WILL NEVER GUESS WHAT I JUST FOUND i just found a story that me and @InfiniteInsanity started in like, 7th grade THERES SO MANY PAGES!!!
  3. why would you ask Bookwyrm? He wasn't here for this, he wouldn't know. /hj
  4. Thank you for the effort! I think it looks glorious either way /gen /pos
  5. *screaming* omg thank you so much!! I LOVE IT
  6. well so do i what if we both win by posting at the exact same time?
  7. would anyone mind making one of these green?
  8. there was me. but i decided to get off of the screen so my eyes wouldn't hurt. then i went and stole some cheese from the fridge. the kind that spies on you. also I WIN!!
  9. I'm craving some veggie soup and maybe some beef stroganoff OOH!! AND LASAGNA!!! man its past midnight and now im hungry
  10. literally just put anything on here that is funny -IT HAS TO BE FUNNY- with little to no context. for example: rules: - put any triggering things, curse words, large images, or other such things into a spoiler box -idk if its against the overall rules, so i might remove this rule later (someone needs to tell me if i can keep it or not), but double-posting is permitted here. But only if it is more than a two hour session of time in between your two posts. after that, wait for someone else to post. NO SPAMMING!! - can be from something that "happened" to you personally, or can be from a public setting. for example, screenshots or quotes from youtubers/youtube videos, non-political/non-extremely-controversial things from twitter, etc. - please try to keep memes out of this thread, unless they the ones that are funny because they make zero sense. but still. please keep it to a minimum. - you can give context if you want, but if it's more funny without the context, then leave it out of the post any other rules or suggestions that people have, please notify me through either my PMs or on this thread alr i'll start. this one's from me from August of last year
  11. i have this like, super detailed folklore coloring book, and theres this one page that has like a mermaid siren person named Iara and it's from Brazilian folklore. the coloring page looks nothing like the picture i found. TW- eyes/kinda scary. anyway... *becomes a derg*
  12. Happy early Mental Health Awareness Month! Just like Calano, my PMs are also open if you ever need to talk! I want anyone and everyone to know that I will listen and that I do care, no matter who you are, what your race, gender, sexuality, past, identity, or anything else (i wouldn't be surprised if i missed something). I will always listen <3 For me personally, I struggle with... a lot. I'm not gonna put all of what I struggle on here, but yea. I have severe social anxiety, and when I'm in public, I'm really only comfortable when I'm with my friends. but yeah. I'm extremely self-conscious, and am constantly worrying about what other people think of me. I also have ADHD/undiagnosed autism. And considering how chaotic and load I am/can be, that doesn't mix with my social anxiety very well. okay yeah im probably rambling now so i gues im done talking
  13. COMMENT DUMP!! WOOHOO!!!!!! just kidding theres just a heckuva lot of pictures lol Froggies and duckies it is then! So far, I've got one froggy and one duck that looks suspiciously similar to a chicken made. I still need to paint them, though. On an unrelated note... I'm gonna try and organize a chunk of my art supplies that i regularly use to be able to fit in an art binder! While you wait, have an art thingy i made last year, plus two artings (imma call it that now; it's a fun not-word) i made today of medusa's face while experimenting with alcohol brush markers.
  14. fun fact: the ocean is technically a soup. another fun fact: if the ocean is considered to be a soup, than everything inside of it are considered to be noodles, veggies, meat, etc. somewhat unrelated other fun fact: for the people who consider cereal to be a soup, milk would also be considered to be a broth.
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