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Shining Silhouette

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Shining Silhouette last won the day on February 27 2023

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About Shining Silhouette

  • Birthday April 24

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    NY, USA

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  1. Today was my first day of school! Some highlights:

    • One of my teachers tried to intimidate everyone to drop his class (37 people signed up...I had to sit on the floor cause there weren't enough seats). The class was AP Psych, if you were curious :)
    • I had an in-class essay in my Lit class about the books we read over the summer :(
    • My government teacher is SCARY and has some intense political views that I don't necessarily agree with, so that's fun. <_<
    • We got a new cellist in orchestra! She's pretty good. It's going to be a good year :D
    • I'm taking two classes independently/online with a friend, and it's so hard to focus when you have your buddy right next to you! :P
    • My Spanish is so rusty... here's to hoping it gets better this year :ph34r:

    Not sure if the emojis are staying or not. They're kinda annoying, but also fun. Hmmmmm

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Cept, I never really do pajama day lol. But almost all of it was true.

    3. Luckspren


      Homeschool is a lot more laid back. Once I had been in school, I was shocked by the difference between summer and the school year. It wasn't nearly as drastic when I was homeschooled. 

    4. Thaidakar the Ghostblood
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