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Status Replies posted by Atusiff

  1. People who are decidedly awesome:






    (And others, not summoned here)

    1. Atusiff


      Option to @ everyone just for this occasion?

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  2. My job according to the manual: you are the noble defenders of all your store. Serve customers, make ice cream, uphold the rules, and carry on from day to day to day.

    Also my job:




  3. My job according to the manual: you are the noble defenders of all your store. Serve customers, make ice cream, uphold the rules, and carry on from day to day to day.

    Also my job:




  4. All y'all over here celebrating Old Dictator Gets Stabbity-Stabbed Day.

    I'm celebrating Everything You Think is Wrong Day. Universal Methodic Doubt and Cogito Ergo Sum, my friends: let's all be Skeptics for a day!

    1. Atusiff


      Fadran you are like someone I knew I middle school who had a calendar where every day was a niche holiday

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  5. OKAY!

    So with Hermitcraft starting up again, my stupid thief brain wants to play Minecraft with my fellow sharder frens. It'd be a pretty chill SMP, just for hanging out and building stuff and whatnot.

    Here are some seeds I've compiled that look decent. Do check them out, see which ones you like, and feel free to add some of your own as well:

    • -1098351922431146996
    • -6122613091697073830
    • 1723892242214302154
    • 5551885882958491589
    • 3204261315524970431
  6. So I went out to get a job today.

    Sent an application to the local theater online, then biked on up to talk to them in-person.

    I got there and they said they weren't hiring.








    So anyways, now I'm employed at the local Coldstone





    1. Atusiff



      Well, you should tell me some details so I can drop by sometime :)

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  7. So I went out to get a job today.

    Sent an application to the local theater online, then biked on up to talk to them in-person.

    I got there and they said they weren't hiring.








    So anyways, now I'm employed at the local Coldstone





  8. So I accidentally took my sleep meds instead of the antidepressant

    1. Atusiff


      That’s not good :(

      If you need anything, or just want to vent, I’ll be here or on text

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  9. Update: My discord got hacked. Don't click on any links I send you.

  10. I really really really really really really really really really really really really really don't want to be at school today.

    1. Atusiff


      Fadran, everyone I’ve asked at school has lost sleep yesterday/today

      Are you also in that bracket?

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  11. Well, fellas, I've finally gone and done it.

    It took a long time (and a lot of money), but I've finally finished the Milestone.

    It's essential, for people like me, to do at least once in their lives. A necessity for brethren across the fandom.


    I've beaten the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time


  12. So my dad was teasing us teenage folks by shortening words and such. Normal dad behavior, right?

    Until he said "sus"


    The dwarves delved too greedily and too deep, and awoke a horror from another age of fire and darkness.


  13. Hello this is Fadran. I stole Symph's computer because I'm just that awesome.

    1. Atusiff


      Now I gotta do the same to yours

      Be careful @Ookla the Lad

  14. @Ookla the Lad

    Top 3 things I like about you:

    1) Ambitious

    2) Inviting

    3) Sense of humor



    1. Atusiff


      He called this awkward, he is wrong

  15. Everyone drop what you're doing in answer this question.

    Is it spelled "whoa" or "woah"?

  16. today is also a day for being sad ,:( 

  17. It's Evaluate Your Life Day; a holiday that apparently exists.

    Why does this exist? Why did I learn this? What the heck?


    ...I'm gonna go reevaluate my life's choices now.

    1. Atusiff


      I have too many words in response to this, both good and bad

    2. (See 29 other replies to this status update)

  18. I just took the Meyers-Briggs (or a free internet equivalent, anyways) and found that I am an INFP-T, or a "Mediator."

    I'm also reading through the description and boy is this thing accurate. Just the first two paragraphs summarizes me up near perfectly:


    Although they may seem quiet or unassuming, Mediators (INFPs) have vibrant, passionate inner lives. Creative and imaginative, they happily lose themselves in daydreams, inventing all sorts of stories and conversations in their minds. These personalities are known for their sensitivity – Mediators can have profound emotional responses to music, art, nature, and the people around them.

    Idealistic and empathetic, Mediators long for deep, soulful relationships, and they feel called to help others. But because this personality type makes up such a small portion of the population, Mediators may sometimes feel lonely or invisible, adrift in a world that doesn’t seem to appreciate the traits that make them unique.

    And then this:


    Introspective to the core, they’re exquisitely attuned to their own thoughts and feelings, but they yearn to understand the people around them as well.

    And then this:


    Few things make Mediators more uneasy than pretending to be someone they aren’t. With their sensitivity and their commitment to authenticity, people with this personality type tend to crave opportunities for creative self-expression.

    Heck, they even had a quote; and it was Tolkien!


    All that is gold does not glitter; not all those who wander are lost; the old that is strong does not wither; deep roots are not reached by the frost.


    1. Atusiff


      I’ve taken the test multiple times and I’m always an ISFJ

    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  19. HUMANS

    I need a volunteer or two for my Social Anthropology project! I just need to ask you a few questions and record your replies. I'd ask that you don't look up anything to supplement your responses or think through them too much (technically this assignment should be with irl people, but because I'm an antisocial git I will instead take my Sharders).

    1. Atusiff


      1). How do you view “Power” in society? Where is it? What is it? Who has it? Etc. 2). How does “Power” work at school/work/home?
      3). Do you consider yourself to be “powerful”? Why/Why not? And how?
      4). Does culture, yours, popular culture, society’s culture, in any way, affect the way you consider “Power”?

      I better not be the reason Fadran gets notification spam but here you are

    2. (See 28 other replies to this status update)

  20. HUMANS

    I need a volunteer or two for my Social Anthropology project! I just need to ask you a few questions and record your replies. I'd ask that you don't look up anything to supplement your responses or think through them too much (technically this assignment should be with irl people, but because I'm an antisocial git I will instead take my Sharders).

    1. Atusiff


      I’m already getting notifs from this so I might as well respond.

      Doomstick: Is this the thing?

      No, there were a few questions about power but we only needed to ask four people. Plus, that class is over now.

      Yes, I was in the same class as Fadran

    2. (See 28 other replies to this status update)

  21. The lad has arrived!

    Now change your pfp my guy, nobody knows what anyone looks like here.

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