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Posts posted by Elf

  1. 16 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

    How does that work over there? I'm curious as the only system I know is the public system in the U.S..

    Well basically 

    Every school has 13 grades- the first three are pre-primary, primary, and junior kg. After that a student moves on to the first grades and then you have grades from 1 to 10. So basically school has students from ages 4 to 16. My school also has two additional grades -11th and 12th but I'm choosing not to go there. 

    So once you reach tenth you have this big, BIG exam called the boards. The exams throughout the 10th year, those don't count. Those marks don't count towards your grade. Only the board exam marks do. Once you give your boards, the percentage you get determined which junior college you will go to. 

    So then after the results, you fill out an online form stating five colleges you want to go to from most preferred to least prefered and based on your marks you're given admission into one of those colleges. The higher your percentage, the higher the chances of you going to a good college. If you get something like 80 percent then forget your dreams of getting into a very good college. You must get 90% above. (for the college i want, you need above 95%) 

    And basically the same thing repeats when you get to 12th, when you have to give your 12th boards. 

    Did i explain that well? I have no idea if this is just an incoherent mess.

  2. 4 hours ago, Shining Silhouette said:

    I thought the last one was one of my favorites, and now I find myself saying the same about this one! It was a bit personal for me, and I think I expressed that through this prompt. I thought of the way love can be beautiful, fragile, wonderful, and then I infused that with the sometimes toxicity that ensues in relationships. I think that through the music, I explored how magical love can be, that though it causes pain, it creates magnificent moments that we'll remember for the rest of our lives. Though we might see them through the lense of melancholiness and hurt, it was beautiful while it lasted.

    omg this was sooooo good and i think you perfectly captured the spirit of what i was going for! Im definetly gonna listen to this when i re-read the poppy war

    and oh your piece just perfectly matches this quote  

    “Take what you want. I’ll hate you for it. But I’ll love you forever. I can’t help but love you. Ruin me, ruin us, and I’ll let you.” - the burning god. r.f. kuang

  3. Nah na nah i meant rating as in 

    Middle grade, ya ,adult so ik how much gore or violence i can use

    41 minutes ago, Quantus said:

    Good Rating?  Reasonable length?  It's up to you entirely, Im just curious what you'd do with the (admittedly vague) idea.

    And a plot line is already weaving in my head but it's like 1 am here so I'll work on it tommorow 

  4. 9 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

    (you're indian?? cool!)

    my mom makes this really REALLY good lentil curry, but it's never super spicy so i sprinkle some cayenne on it to give it a nice warm kick. It's sooo goood.

    Yes i am :))  

    Ah lentil curry. That is spectacularly vauge as you could be talking about... literally anything because we use lentils a LOT and frankly most American's defination of curry is different than Indian definition of curry 

    Cultural exchange! 

    But i think you might be talking about what we call Dal. (Come here, i will show you the best spots to eat authentic Indian food)

    I don't like much Indian food but i like the kind you get from the street vendors like bhel and pav bhaji and Vada pav and oh a good falooda is just *chef's kiss* i like a nice, spicy Sev Puri too. 

    Do you think flaming hot Cheetos are spicy?

  5. Hey i thought this might be a fun idea. You give me a prompt, either for an original story or a fanfiction of the following books, if you've read them as well. 

    Six of Crows

    If we were villains

    The Secret History

    The Poppy War

    The Raven Cycle

    you give me a prompt, tell if you want gore and things in it or not, the word count you want and give me a rating (eh, adult, ya, middle grade. Or even just stuff like - gore, bloody, fluffy) to stick to and I write it for you. If you don't give me a rating then i just stick to the safest way of writing. Wont put anything graphic. tho my texting skills are horrendous i promise im a half decent writer.  

    (i did something like this before but got too busy. Im not that busy now tho!)

  6. 5 minutes ago, Robin Sedai said:

    *applauds* that's a great plan! Good luck in achieving it. (I'm curious, what is it about Vermont that attracts you?)

    I've got two paths open to me right now. I can get AS levels, complete an International Foundation Year, and go to university in the UK, or I can get a GED, take the SAT, and go to college in the US. There are other countries, but y'know, THEY DON'T MATTER. (Joking. Australia and New Zealand are too hot, and Canada's too cold. Yes, these are the conditions on which I'm deciding my future :lol:)

    For my bachelor's I'm leaning toward journalism, but there's still three years to go - I'm sure I'll discover better-paying options in that time.

    that's an awesome plan too! Though i have no idea was AS levels or a GED is 

    About Vermont...well it was the setting of my favorite book so i searched up more about it. And well, frankly it's a very picturesque place, it looks like a very dark academic place and it looks like a snowy, cold place (I've never seen snow. I so badly want to see snow) and it feels like the kind of place where i belong, you know? I don't know to explain this but like all my life I've felt like a jigsaw puzzle that was just a little too different to fit in any picture but when i look at Vermont, at Middlebury College, at the classical studies course? I feel like I've finally found my picture.  

    In The Secret History (the book i was talking about) the narrator says that his fatal flaw was a morbid longing for the picturesque at all costs, and I relate to that so, so badly

    I don't know if this made sense haha 

  7. 5 minutes ago, Szeth's Facepalm said:
      Reveal hidden contents


      Reveal hidden contents


    I didn't make u a meme. I made you two!


      Reveal hidden contents



    Oh my- why is that so accurate HAHAHA cause like literally so many people have told me the same thing 

    That was amazing, thank you 

    And as Robin said, you are really good at making memes

  8. Study tips 

    1. Have a bottle of water and a snack within easy reach  

    2. Put your phone on silent 

    3. Take frequent breaks (personally I'm quite fond of the pomodro method) 

    4. Get some fresh air every once in a while 

    5. Remember that you are awesome and I am so proud of you and you can most definitely do this. You are trying and that is what matters! 


    Also another tip which has helped me vastly 

    Anytime you feel yourself getting distracted during studying and reaching for your phone to idk search up something or go on some app, write in down. And once you're done search to your hearts content 

  9. Ooooooooh i have an idea 

    Ok so i recently read the last book in the poppy wars which is the burning god and one of the themes was loving people you hate 

    Basically like how sometimes we end up loving people who we know are going to destroy us and we let them destroy us because while they might be ripping through us, we are still hopelessly loyal to them; in love with them

    And this quote, OH THIS QUOTE MY HEART 

    Ruin me, ruin us, and I'll let you. 

    ok maybe perhaps you might find a way to turn this into a music piece? I'm sure whatever you do will be awesome, sorry i couldnt explain it better 

    I'd you decided to take this promot ofc, after all the choice is up to you

  10. 10 hours ago, Morningtide said:

    Yes absolutely. Nico is the precursor to people like Kaz brekker. 

    Nico walked so Kaz could run 

    Honestly i think he might have started the trend of teenage emo edgelords who also happen to be sort of criminals and have pyscopathic and/or homicidal tendencies

    I mean Nico was way tamer than who we have now but he paved the way regardless

  11. Hi 

    What is kelsiers last name

    Would you be a Mistborn or a knight radiant? 

    Why are people who show fake modesty so daaaamn annoying?

    If you had a choice to either go to war and fight for your life (and have lots of people die cause, yk, it's WAR)  or accept death but your death meant that the lives of thousands of people would be saved, what would you do?

  12. 29 minutes ago, Nathrangking said:

    I have not been a college student for a while. That said I'm a student of the world these days and have picked up some tricks. (Some of that comes from my professional experience working for a college.) If I'm welcome every now and then I may have nuggets of wisdom to share.

    Of course you're welcome! 

    21 minutes ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

    Lofi is my best friend.

    Mine too, bro

  13. I don't know if this exists on the shard (sorry mods, if it does) 

    This is a guild for students! My hope is that we can find study tips and inspiration in each other to study properly and get the result we want. 

    You can do things like write the reason why you want to study hard and get good marks, write a to-do list (and if people are willing, you can also have someone check wheather or not you completed what you wanted to complete! I read somewhere that accountability helps with studying) 

    You also, of course, makes memes and jokes about studies here cause we all need a little relief. 

    I'll start off. I've been bouncing around a lot about what stream i want, what profession i want, and what i want to do with life. But I've finally decided on a path. I want to go to the Middlebury College in Vermont, America for my degree and major in Classical Studies. I want to get a doctorate in the Classics and eventually become a professor. If not the classics, then in English literature. I can figure that part out when I get there. But there are some places in the world that feel very "me" and Vermont is one of them and i want to get there very, very badly. And so I will study and get a good result :)


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