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Posts posted by Elf

  1. 1 hour ago, Shining Silhouette said:


    What's your favorite piece of music to play on the violin?

    Favorite piece in general?

    What do you listen to in your spare time?

    Well since i am but a humble beginner, i will say my favorite piece to play is my heart will go on by Celine Dion

    Favorite piece in general is anything by Ravel

    I listen to a lot classical music and a lot of dramatic contemporary music (think: Hozier)

  2. On 6/12/2022 at 6:39 AM, Robin Sedai said:

    British spelling, American spelling, or a mixture of the two?

    Oh gods I'm so sorry I'm so late. 

    Also, British spelling for life. 

    On 6/13/2022 at 8:04 AM, Morningtide said:

    What is your favorite thing to read in the middle of the night? Also, if you're like me, what is your favorite thing to raid from the kitchen at said time?

    Again, sorry for being late. 

    My favourite thing to read in the middle of the night is anything dark and gothic

    Hmmm favorite thing to raid from kitchen? 

    MAYONNAISE i love mayonnaise

    On 6/19/2022 at 6:20 AM, Tani said:

    Who's Henry Winter? The one in the little blurb beneath your username?


    I know, I know, I'm an uncultured swine.

    He is an character from The Secret History by Donna Tartt (which happens to be my favourite book of all time)

  3. My best friend (my only friend) and another of her friends played an extremely mean prank on me. They called me some very mean things and called me a loser and other swear words. Called me a slur that horrible people use for LGBTQ people. 

    I don't know what to do. I've been unloved and unwanted all my life and then to hear this coming from her.. she was the only irl person i trusted. 

    I mean it wasn't actually her but she convinced her friend to message me all this from her phone.  

    But still 

    Atleast i still have books. Book characters don't judge, they don't abandon. Book characters understand.  

    Kaz brekker wouldn't judge. He has been as alone as i have. Kaladin understands what its like to feel that heavy sadness suddenly overtake you. To think you're never gonna see the sun again. But all of these characters forged themselves into something stronger. I can do that too.

  4. Sigh 

    where to start 

    Firstly, this is my opinion only, and if you feel a different way, then good! I'm glad somebody enjoyed these books. 

    As i mentioned this will have major spoilers for king of scars and rule of wolves. And it will probably have spoilers for other books in the Grishaverse as well so here's another warning for ya

    Ok these books are the worst books of the Grishaverse. Frist of all, i really don't like how Nikolai got sidelined in his own books. Secondly, the writing is just too generic. Thirdly, I hated the ending of King of Scars. The Darkling returning? Seriously???? Then what was the point of killing him off??? The moment in ruin and rising, at the end, where they burned his body, it was so poignant and sad and at the same time a relief cause this monster of a man is finally gone. And now here you are, telling me that no no, that wasn't his real body, it was a fake one made by Sankta Eliziveta. Oh yeah! The revelation that saints exist, only to kill three major ones off mere chapters later. 

    Then in rule of wolves. I mean...the fold expanding, the Darkling returning. What exactly was the point of the original trilogy if you are gonna do this again? And in both the books, Nina's story was the most fleshed out and interesting and yet it felt like i was reading two seperate books becuase her story has almost no impact on Nikolai's. Rules of wolves, there's just too much happening in it. Like far, far too much. It doesn't make sense half of the time. 

    And everybody, everybody is in this book.i dnfed it halfway, but if i am not mistaken the crows are here and also Alina and mal. 

    This book has none of the charm of the six of crows duology and the plot is nowhere near as interesting as the shadow and bone trilogy  

    And another thing. The Grishaverse is primarily dark fantasy. Shadow and bone was dark. Six of crows was definitely dark. But this...idk it doesn't feel dark to me. It feels like it's trying too hard to be dark and ends up just being kind of generic

  5. Allright for some reason my brain did not read the "with" and i thought you guys were talking about fighting pool noodles. Like throwing punches at a pool noodle 

    My question: have you ever fought pool noodle?

  6. 3 hours ago, CalanoCorvus said:

    To say that reading is sorcery doesn't do it justice.

    It is art.

    It is passion.

    It is indescribably beautiful.

    Now, I'm going to go make an essay about writing, following your example, Elf.

    Nice! By the time i respond to this you've already written it and mentioned me in it so ill get around to reading that in a bit! 

    2 hours ago, Szeth's Facepalm said:

    I love you elffffffffffff !!!

    All of your writing about books and reading is so entangling and interesting. You're gonna go places with writing like that!

    this. This this this. I cannot get over how you described this. For me, this not only applies to books, but to music and other artful expressions. You put it into words absolutely perfectly.

    I love you toooooo!!! 

    Thank you so much!!!! I am glad you liked the essay :))

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