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Posts posted by Elf

  1. Dear Readers,

    Some days I think of the fact that I am a reader and think that I must be among the luckiest people on earth. For being a reader is surely the best thing that could have happened to me.

    Some days I think of the fact that I am a reader and I want to cry because of just how much I feel for these people of ink and paper. And some days I want to yelp in joy because of how much I feel for these people of ink and paper.

    I want a life spent with books. I want to read by the candlelight. I want to peruse abandoned libraries and old bookstores. I want to read The Haunting of Hill house curled up in a chair while a storm rages outside. I want to drink tea and read all of Dostoevsky. Most of my life I’ve felt like a  stray jigsaw piece that doesn’t fit anywhere, but when I think of such a life I feel as if I’ve found my picture. 

    The best part, for me, about being a reader is those books that completely take up your heart and soul. You know the ones I’m talking about. The ones you can’t stop think off; those special characters that live rent free in your heart. The books, that once you’ve finished them, give you this feeling of peace, of contentment, of pure joy.

    Reading is a contant reminder, "You are not alone." Everytime I come across a passage in a book that makes me want to cry because I didn't think anyone else felt this way; thought this way, those words beat like a second heartbeat in me. Because an author, maybe across the world from you, felt so strongly about this that they wrote a book about it. Because someone who has never even met you, captured your most intimate feelings so perfectly, you feel known and you feel seen.

    And people, people don't understand. Most people who aren’t readers can’t understand. That’s okay too. Because the reading committee is a very special committee and you will always have people here who understand; who care; who share your obsessions and feelings. You are not alone, not only because of the characters and authors that have you reading just one more chapter, but also the people who are probably sacrificing their sleep right along with you.

    I would like to quote a line from Nevernight by Jay Kristoff, now “The books we love, they love us back. And just as we mark our places in the pages, those pages leave their marks on us.”

    Books are responsible for most of the beliefs I hold today, and not because they told me those beliefs. Because they showed me how to think on my own, and formulate my own worldview. I will always be grateful to them for that.  

    I like books more than people. I prefer monsters and dark magic over going out and parties. I’m not throwing shade on the people who like those things. We are all free to chose our own path in life and no one road is better than the other. All I’m saying is that a life filled with classical music and fantasy and teas and coffees is…still a life. Just because it doesn’t meet anyone else’s expectations of what a life should be does not make it any less valid. Sometimes I need to remember that, and if you need to too, then I am here to tell you.

    I love each and every one of you (and this includes every reader out there) and I am eternally grateful for all you. 

    Yours lovingly,



  2. sorry for double posting 


    Two things - you didnt specify what time the traveler had to come from or where he had to arrive and you didnt specify if the song had to be one that exists in our world or not, so i took creative liberties with both those things. 

    The prompt was kinda vauge so i think i ended up writing a story thats more vibes than plot, but nevertheless i hope its halfway decent and you like it

    The Time Traveler.docx

  3. 17 hours ago, Shining Silhouette said:

    Leave it to Psmith, my favorite. It's the last chronologically, but it doesn't really mater- all of them are good.

    You can also start with Mike and Psmith, but that doesn't feature Psmith as much who I find absolutely hysterical.

    Here're some P.G. Wodehouse quotes



    Now I'm regretting not buying the pg Woodhouse book i saw at this bookstore 

    For wizard- what is your favourite genre of books?

  4. 16 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

    How does that work over there? I'm curious as the only system I know is the public system in the U.S..

    Well basically 

    Every school has 13 grades- the first three are pre-primary, primary, and junior kg. After that a student moves on to the first grades and then you have grades from 1 to 10. So basically school has students from ages 4 to 16. My school also has two additional grades -11th and 12th but I'm choosing not to go there. 

    So once you reach tenth you have this big, BIG exam called the boards. The exams throughout the 10th year, those don't count. Those marks don't count towards your grade. Only the board exam marks do. Once you give your boards, the percentage you get determined which junior college you will go to. 

    So then after the results, you fill out an online form stating five colleges you want to go to from most preferred to least prefered and based on your marks you're given admission into one of those colleges. The higher your percentage, the higher the chances of you going to a good college. If you get something like 80 percent then forget your dreams of getting into a very good college. You must get 90% above. (for the college i want, you need above 95%) 

    And basically the same thing repeats when you get to 12th, when you have to give your 12th boards. 

    Did i explain that well? I have no idea if this is just an incoherent mess.

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