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Thaidakar the Ghostblood

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Thaidakar the Ghostblood last won the day on May 19

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About Thaidakar the Ghostblood

  • Birthday October 12

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  • Member Title
    One often meets his destiny on the road to avoid it
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    A chair with a blanket, lying in a weird position, likely reading a book.
  • Interests
    Reading books, theorizing about books, slamming books into people, going insane, trying not to die, Brawlhalla, Dune, not getting moderated, writing, minecraft, building empires, starting another war, listening to music, etc.

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  1. Okay, yall, idk if this idea is original because I have a feeling ideas very similar to this have been thought of, but I still think it’s cool.

    a robot or an alien has been assigned by their master to read loads of literature and such from an old species that’s been extinct for a thousand years. This species was humans from the planet Earth. The alien is sending reports to their master about the media they consume and what they think about humans from it. They would like read LotR and Narnia, then like watch Inception and read old myths. They would arrive at things like Lord of the Flies in like the middle of the book and go “humanity sucks.” 
    the novel would just be the reports, so in an epistolary format. It would probably be a short story. Wouldn’t that just be a lot of fun? Doing the research for it would just be great. 

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    2. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      No, it would be in the middle of the story as a kind of low point. Then they would look at more stuff and come to a better conclusion. 

    3. Sequence


      I'd both enjoy researching and writing something like that and reading it to be honest. Something is oddly appealing about simple little snippets of story like that. I know that it's not the focus, but I like the idea of the random robot and it's master in some future extinct human scenario, offering no extra world-building or insight to the setting, just a gentle peek into a world we'll never see.

      It would be cool to go over real history and literature and media, and maybe towards the end add some made up stuff that's yet to exist, y'know? 

      Anyways, it's your project, not mine :D. If you do ever end up writing something like that, ping me! I'd wanna read it.

    4. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood


      Maybe I could throw in, as an epilogue, the master replying and basically saying "I gave you this task for a reason. We have discovered a small enclave of humans still existing."

      Then I just wouldn't follow it up at all lol.

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