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Everything posted by RenegadeShroom

  1. Along with the new researchpairs and other such terms for Parshendi mating pairs. Should these be included in some form of familial relationships? The Parshendi don't seem to have marriage or an equivalent from what we've seen so far, but at the very least, "once-mates" does seem to be a very significant relationship for the Parshendi, significant enough that it determines who they perform their jobs with for a good portion of their lives on the Shattered Plains. I'm just wondering if this should be included under that "spouse" category of familial relationships, or maybe have a new thing, or if I'm just being silly?
  2. Also, on the topic of Tyn's lackeys, we saw pretty clearly in the epilogue that they didn't spike away Jasnah's Nahel bond, and trying to give abilities to someone who you're quite actively trying to kill seems extraordinarily counter-productive, so I think we can safely rule out the stabbing as an attempt at hemalurgy, one way or another.
  3. Rest assured, your beloved leader is lying to you, because I haven't been yelled at! We'd all be more shocked by this if it hadn't been patently obvious that it was going to happen. Or rather, not happen. Alas, we must all bear our crosses. Yours -- 'you' being the cultists -- is to deal with the heavy burden of worshipping a lying and objectively awful chicken-shedding! You all have my sympathies. <3 Well, okay, you would have them if I weren't so eternally disgusted by the thought of anyone making a freaky cult around Feather. Groos much?
  4. Attention, Feather's cultists: The self-styled "Brightlady Feather" requests a fanfic of herself and President Obama*. This is how she's living out her dreams to date upward on the social ladder, by having someone write it for her. You should all be humbled by the fact that I lowered myself to relaying messages to you all, you're welcome. Later! * ((If it's smutty fic there will be hell to pay. Don't do the thing. Thanks.))
  5. Breaking news: Feather's cultists are crazed barbarians who hate honour and are violent thugs! Screencaps inside! See, it's funny, because I said breaking news but everyone already knows it. It's totally hilarious. ... ... Down with the Feather-archy and all that!
  6. Ignore that enormous kerj up above me who claims some phony title of "moderator". Hahaha, what even is that? Stop making things up. Know that while I may lurk, my dear supporters will be reimbursed for their loyalty with kiwifruit soft fluffy native birds chickens that are basically a ball and fluffy and adorable. Look at the options here! Feather gives you... ...???? and I give you kiwifruit and adorable kiwis! There. I've made my bribes and my denouncements and my bribes... I'll be getting back to my lurking now. Heheheh.
  7. I'll have you know that I was a perfectly sweet and nice fungus until Feather decided to be incredibly horrible fungus-racist. You've done it again, Feather! You've turned another group of people against me just because I'm a fungus! D; The only thing amusing about it will be watching your little cult flail their sticks at me in an attempt to be threatening! (so threat. such terror. wow.)I mean, psht, if you really thought they could destroy, you wouldn't have sicced 'em on me. One does not kill or allow the killing of one's kismesis, after all!
  8. Hello I am what is known in some circles as "the FeatherWriter's biggest fan" and I would like to join this totally radical cult, for completely honest reasons. May I join this wonderful fanclub? ... I am friend. Honest. There is no deceptiveness here and I harbour negative hostility for the great and wonderful Feather Writer. Big fan, yes absolutely.
  9. Okay, hold up. Maxal, you don't see how Renarin is brave? Full disclosure here, I'm not a Renarin fan. I may even go out of my way to ignore him just to annoy a certain moderator here! But objectively, Renarin is pretty brave. Facing your fears, confronting them and standing up to people or things that could very easily kill you because of your relative weakness is incredibly brave. Renarin faces his fears, despite lack of training or combat experience and ability, in spite of his mental condition, on two seperate occasions that I can remember and it's incredibly brave. Regardless of whether you think his behaviour on said occasions was laced with a touch of... silliness, shall we say? Speaking objectively, Renarin isn't lacking in bravery at all, based on what we've seen in the text.
  10. (Darn. Sorry, I accidentally downvoted you, signspace. Someone care to balance that out with an upvote?) I don't know, it should be a simple enough task to see how someone exemplifies a certain trait through their viewpoint, and if interacting with other viewpoint characters, those too. As we saw with Syl, a proto-Radiant who spends too long not fulfilling that trait will end up without a spren. I think that identifying characters who are broken should be more difficult than identifying those who exemplify the virtue they need to attract a spren, because we don't necessarily know their histories. Actually, finding characters who are both broken and exemplify a virtue should be more difficult than just finding instances of one or the other.
  11. This book definitely didn't break Feather and I mean goodness nothing hilarious or -- in Feather's case -- embarrassing happened here at all. Never have I been so bored listening to something in my life! Honest! Heheheh.
  12. (WoR Chapter seven information under the spoiler)
  13. That just begs the question, what is the extent of atium's future sight? If blind people can utilise atium, (Was that ever confirmed, by the by?) can an atium burner detect things that aren't visible, like the Force?
  14. Would, or could Harmony have had a different intent had it been taken up by a different person? Is "Harmony" just the current holder's interpretation?
  15. A weapon piercing a hand would probably be most useful on a Thug/Bloodmaker twinborn, or Gold Compounder; but I agree that it just wouldn't be practical for a lot of weapons. But, suppose someone loses most of their arm, and they try to replace it with a metal attachment... do you think that someone's metal arm could be manipulated by Allomancy? I'm guessing that it would depend on how it's attached, and for how long it's been attached?
  16. If two Allomantic Savants had children, would the offspring be affected by that in any way? Can Compounders become Savants in burning Feruchemical charges? And can duralumin affect Compounding? @Phantom Monstrosity: The question about Endowment being the only Shard on Nalthis on the list has already been answered:
  17. Hasn't it been said that Rashek produced his most dramatic powers by using Hemalurgy? Plus, there's the whole Compounding to power Allomancy instead of Feruchemy deal, which would neatly explain his excessive powers. ( Source for that is here: http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/1729-a-late-breaking-report/ ) Heck, just that last part explains it pretty neatly. Elend could only achieve that kind of Soothing with duralumin, according to WoB. Compounding increases the power being used by what; about ten times? Hemalurgically enhanced and Savant-level Soothing, magnified ten times. That would easily be a powerful enough Soothing, I believe.
  18. I still wouldn't rule it out. With the atium example again, it's Feruchemical power seems fairly useless without Compounding. So far as we know, we've only seen soulstone in TES, being used only for Forgery. We don't know if it has any potential applications in other Selian magic systems, and if they exist, what they might be. All I'm saying is, consider that we have so little information about it, and our information about Shardic matter (that is to say, god metals and their equivalents on other worlds) is also rather scarce. Would the Shards being splintered have an effect on their "god-metals", or other things? There's just too little information that we have to dismiss this theory out of hand, I reckon. Personally, though, I don't believe that soulstone is Shardic in nature. If anything, the substance in the quoted passage seems a better candidate, but we also know next to nothing about that, or if that too is soulstone, or whatever.
  19. Not that we know of. Correct me if I'm wrong, but we've only seen it used in relation to Forgery. What if an Elantrian carved an Aon into it, or potential applications with Dakhor and Jindo magic? It's like if we only ever saw the Feruchemical effect of atium, which doesn't seem all that odd or powerful, and concluded that it couldn't be related to a Shard because it's not weird enough.
  20. I wouldn't say that duralumin on it's own is pointless just yet; after all, aluminium on it's own isn't entirely pointless. Aluminium Gnats can get really good at cleansing their bodies of unwanted Investiture, after all, and if Aluminium Gnats can do that, then it only makes sense that duralumin has a similar, if opposed effect when burned a lot.
  21. I think you're right in that it's about 1.1, though. If I'm honest, I'm not too good at maths, but I tried to calculate it as best I could. . . : Earth year = (60 * 24) * 365 = 525600 minutes Rosharan year = (58.5 * 20) * 500 = 585000 minutes 1 1.1 Earth year: (365 / 10 = 36.5) + 365 = 401.5 days So: (60 * 24) * 402 = 578880 1 = I took the 1-2 minutes shorter comment to be 1.5 minutes for the sake of the equation. Now, I think that those two numbers are pretty close, so the assumption is correct, since if you round it to two digits instead of three, you'll end up with 1.1 rather than 1.2, correct?
  22. Does the map in the Way of Kings show the entire planet of Roshar, or is it just one of multiple continents on Roshar? Do Alloy of Law era koloss have more Ruin in them than Preservation? If yes, how does this affect them in terms of the metallic arts? Will we ever learn more about Rashek and his life prior to Ascension?
  23. Here's the source. I think that's the source, anyway, it's what a bit of Googling got me.
  24. If I remember correctly, Brandon said somewhere that one Rosharan year is roughly equivalent to 1.1 Earth years, which would make Shallan about 19 and Jasnah around 37. Would that be right? I'm not a big math person, but I just guessed that you multiply a person's given age in the book by 1.1. Anywho, I was thinking that Roshar's seasons couldn't be based on the planet's axial tilt or whatever if Shinovar is stable; otherwise Shinovar somehow defies those planetary factors and remains remarkably stable, at least, I think so. So that leaves the question, what is the cause of Roshar's seasons? Specifically, since I'm guessing it's the highstorms, what do they change that causes seasonal change?
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