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Everything posted by Quivil

  1. ummmm Im pretty early in but have noticed some world issues... i mean it might be different here but it bugs me and interrupts the flow of the story a bit... 1. Spearmen's squadleaders are usually other spearmen. 2. Spearmen's squadleaders don't usually ride horses. Maybe have it be some random "tenner" lighteyes Tozkar's interacted with a couple times who rides in and kills the Shardbearer's horse? thats all I have for now
  2. Hey! Guess what! I get to be good this time!!! Doublepost: I totally deserve this for killing you, but also I'm good this time. Next time I kill you Im not gonna tell you it was me (unless you ask then i'll either ignore it or answer) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reva’s body thumped to the ground, peppered with holes. She lay in the street, bleeding in the ash, tapping health and feigning death, waiting for the lurkers to disperse. It didn’t take them long. She tapped health enough to heal her wounds, stood, brushed herself off, and began walking toward Kredik Shaw. The dark-skinned foreigner she had spoken to long ago had told her many things, things previously unknown to her. He told of Shards and Perpendicularities, of worlds beyond number, of metals made of the essences of gods. She drew her dagger, hesitated, winced, then gritted her teeth and sliced open her own forearm. Feeling around inside her wound, she drew out a bead of metal and put it in her mouth, leaving the wound unhealed for now as she took one of her rings off and swallowed both the metals. Then she burned gold. She wasn’t expecting the ghosts, but kept going with her plan anyway, tapping all the healing out of her burning goldmind and storing it in the bracer on her left ankle as the foreigner had told her. The next metal to go down her throat was an earring, an empty steelmind. She took to the air and left, not looking back even in her heart. These people had rejected her help, now she would let them suffer the consequences of their folley. She had a cosmere to explore.
  3. [1] If I'm swiching like that Im already stressed and upset. Being silly helps me not be as stressed and upset. [2] Actually I was worried as soon as people started voting on me. See [1]. I noticed how stressed and upset it was making me and decided I needed to take a break. I told myself it would pass. I'd remembered there being a switch in the vote train a different turn and told myself that would happen. Also I only came up with the full of my plan today and was leading the exe for most of yesterday. [3] I suspect Gears most, Illwei suspects Books. Either of those - or someone else entirely - would be fine by me. [1] I understand this. I couldn't've either. This situation sort of fell into my lap, as I've said earlier. [2]well this helps everyone and im sure it hurts no one. On Gears: Possible signaling, telling Elims how to play well & win, possible in-RP alignment claim, Archer said Gears might've been Elim signaling and got NKd the cycle he said that. Sorry I have no time and can't cite these for you right now. And you're exeing me based on gut.
  4. This won't work. I believe there is no way for you to get the same info I almost have except by keeping me alive for three more hours. After that I don't care. It won't matter anymore after that, whichever way it goes. Your choice if you want my info or not [1] My word is worth a lot to me. (I feel... blankly sad... tired of this... guess it doesnt matter but whatever) Where does my vote go?
  5. [1] I cant. If I tell you I cant get the one more bit I need for it to be complete. I'm sorry. It just won't work unless I tell you after rollover. If enough of you unvote me I'll tell you what I already have right before rollover, because by then it'll be too late for things to turn into an IKYK. But if I tell you too soon it'll be an IKYK and I'll have destroyed the chance for my data to be valid. [2] I am withholding information, but only so my data will be accurate later. Also because I don't want to die before I get the chance to tell you the whole truth. You guys can have my vote in the meantime. Where should I put it? (Sure, even on myself, tho that would defeat the purpose of this.) Okay?
  6. So are you going to unvote me so you can figure them out too? I already understand them perfectly. If I tell you now, I can't tell you correctly. If I tell you later, I tell you correctly. For me to tell you later, y'all have to unvote me. But you all don't want to unvote me until I prove I have the info I say I have. If I prove I have the info, I can't tell you correctly. Guess what? I've already promised I won't damage anyone this cycle. Exe me next cycle if I give you nothing. Easy solution that makes everyone happy. Y;all don't get harmed, I get to find out what I want to find out, y;all get all the info I have.
  7. [1] I do have information, I just don't have all of it yet. If I have one more cycle I'll get the info I need to know what I want to. If you give me one more cycle I can finish getting the info and share it. If I don't get another cycle you get none of my info. If I told you any of it now, anything I gathered this cycle might be messed up, so I wouldn't learn what I need to know. [2] I dont want to get nkd, so I need to give something to the elims too. 3. I'm pretty sure that the info for both of you will not hurt either of you. 4. None of you will ever be able to get the info I'm trying to find. This I am sure of. That's why I should get one more cycle.
  8. I will tell you next cycle. If I tell you this cycle I won't have all the information yet and things might turn into an IKYK game. Just please give me one more cycle. I promise you wont regret it. @TJ Shade Doublepost edit vv Gears Im suspicious of Gears bc he said murder is good an cuz I feel like hes trying to tell the elims what to do (that whole thing about hey cetts kill Illwei hey straffs kill Quinn) and I think it might be signaling. Why would anyone want the Elims to make good-for-them choices of who to kill? edit: more later
  9. @Biplet I have answered this before... I was sure that Straff would NK Mat and wanted to do something else with my exe. Then I figured I would never get all y'alls to vote on someone else sus so I gave up. Sri I was halfway thru with a post when you asked that so... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slight elim read on Illwei, if only for the fact that last time she said she was elim she actually was - and she's said that this game. Slight elim read on Gears, probably for the "murder is good" comment. Oh goodness. Both the Elim Mistborns said please avoid outing mistborns they might be Vin. Hmmmmm... I think we should kill them again. More coming
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