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King Karl

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Status Updates posted by King Karl

  1. Hey, so I finally finished TWOK! I can't start Oathbringer yet though. :unsure: Anyways, it made me really want to learn how to draw, and was wondering if y'all could give me any tips on drawing. Especially humans and animals because I am bad at drawing limbs.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mist


      Using a reference is helpful and just fine.

    3. King Karl

      King Karl

      Edit: Words of Radiance.

    4. Mystic Syn

      Mystic Syn

      I can give ya some tips about drawing humans, lol. Animals is a maybe, but I have experience with humans so, lol.

  2. Ten posts! WOO HOO! I finally hit double digits, let's aim for 100 next, and I'll have to find a way to win the day eventually.



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. King Karl

      King Karl

      Hmmmm, I just realized that :blink:

    3. King Karl

      King Karl

      BC status updates don't count as posts.

    4. King Karl

      King Karl

      Alright, now I actually have ten posts. *Sighs contentedly *

  3. I'm almost done with The Way of Kings, my first time reading it! I started reading Brandon Sanderson back in sixth grade when I read The Reckoners, and then Rithmatist, but I'd never read the cosmere. So my friend, @Chasmgoat, requested a bunch of books from our library, and I have been reading a lot of Brandon Sanderson. I finished the first three Mistborn books and am also reading secret history right now!


    Have a nice life!


    - King Karl

    1. Tesh


      *fist pump*
      Another member of the Cosmere cult...

    2. Scarletfox
  4. Ok, so I am currently reading Hero of Ages and have decided that Spook is undoubtedly my favorite character. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. LukeWasTaken


      Ummm.... I don't know about that one @AonDii


      He only started doing things in HoA. He was just kind of there in TFE




    3. Doomstick


      Exactly, he was best when he wasn’t whiny or errorant (ie when he was unintelligible)

    4. The Storming Stormfather

      The Storming Stormfather

      LOL I think Breeze is the best, but Spook's pretty good to.

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