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Status Updates posted by Trusk'our

  1. Well, I figured I'd update my profile picture with a much, much more recent drawing of my Cosmere avatar.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Trusk'our


      Yup, it's an OC. I'm going with the name Gulav for now.

    3. Lego Mistborn
    4. Trusk'our


      Maybe at some point. I haven't decided too much for him at this time other than the fact that he's Scadrian, isn't a Metalborn, is a total Metallic Arts nerd, and loves his hoodie with ancient Terris style markings.

  2. Hello @Steelsight! I haven't heard your presence on the Shard for a while. Is everything alright friend?

  3. I see you changed your profile picture. It looks interesting! :)👍

    Maybe I should update mine sometime. . .

    1. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Thanks!! Hehe, it’s one of my rp characters. 

      If you want to, go right ahead :lol: 

  4. Hey, I see you're new to the 17th Shard. Welcome!

    I enjoyed seeing you in some of my threads, and I look forward to seeing your presence more here! :D

  5. I just had to mention this: I love your username :)

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