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Bearer of all agonies

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Everything posted by Bearer of all agonies

  1. Oh that’s great! (btw, try not to post multiple times in a row, or double posting. You can just click multiple quote buttons at once to multi-quote. Thanks!)
  2. If you say ‘I will reread.’ I will. . . Upvote you.
  3. yeah the shard also makes me happy We can’t be the only people who have read this storming amazing book. Uh. . . Anyone else care to discuss?
  4. Yep. We are still like eighty pages away, but soon we will overtake TLT.
  5. Yes, it’s so hard to put a book down once I start. I hope so too. Just being here on the Shard with you all makes me happier.
  6. Imagine Connie leaving the Shard for a month. How many notifs do you think she’d have? (Congrats on 11k Connie)
  7. Welcome to the Shard! What is your favorite Sanderson book?
  8. I love the steam coming off of the drink. And when you see the bigger picture it’s really cool. 9.5/10
  9. I stayed up so late reading and I still didn’t finish so I was tired in school, but u finished when I got home so the sadness mixed with the depression and tiredness of my life, so I cried a lot.
  10. Agh. ‘The Fault is not in the Stars, but me, dear Connie, for not reading this sooner.’ Long story short: I was reading Toby Alone at the time, neighbor borrowed book, didn’t get returned for awhile, returned yesterday, read it, it amazing, me cry. Like a lot. It was sooooo good. And sad. I cried. A lot. But I love when books do that to me. I mean(spoilers:), 11/10 would read again.
  11. Didn’t he start a really popular thread? I can’t remember which though. . .
  12. “Yes. I will risk my life. And yes, there is a small chance that since Braize was destroyed that u still might survive after that, but probably not. My mind will though.”
  13. “I. . . Fine. But if there is something like that, tell me. I am more then willing to risk my life. After all, I will be back.”
  14. I’ve never done it either! I wonder if I did though. . .
  15. “Uh, I can. And I’m pretty good at it. But . . . I usually die in the process. So if you have a suicide mission that is impossible, sign me up.” Taln looks up.
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