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Bearer of all agonies

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Bearer of all agonies last won the day on January 3 2021

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About Bearer of all agonies

  • Birthday 02/23/1871

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  • Member Title
    What happens if you get scared half to death. . . twice?
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  • Location
    Somewhere in Antarctica
  • Interests
    Hockey, Soccer, Lacrosse, Golf, Skiing, Tennis, Running, Mountain Biking, Cliff Jumping, Archery, Whittling, Hiking, Climbing, NinjaWarrior, Ju-Jitsu, Parkour, DnD, Reading; Brandon Sanderson, John Flanagan, Brandon Mull, Stuart Gibbs, Suzanne Collins, Ernest Cline, Kevin Sands, and Tolkien.

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  1. Just installed a new bookcase in my room! (It totally wasn’t the bookshelf sitting in the basement all these years)




    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Truthless of Shinovar

      Truthless of Shinovar

      How big was the old bookshelf?

    3. Truthwatcher at the Rim

      Truthwatcher at the Rim

      I love it when all the books fit on one shelf.  It's so satisfying.  Though I haven't had that luxury for a while... I need a bigger bookshelf.

    4. Tesh


      Oof... I need another bookshelf. My current two are both almost completely full.

      That is a really nice looking book shelf, though. One of mine was already in the house when we moved in, and the other is a white cubby thing.

      And... I'm gonna say it... I don't really like Harry Potter, Divergent, Unwanteds, or any Riordan books besides the first two PJ series and the Kane Chronicles. :ph34r:

      If that's a collection of Jack London books, though... It's pretty snazzy. I need to reread some of his stuff.

      I do kind of like the first Maze Runner book, and I need to read the unabridged Odyssey. (We read the abridged version in English last year.)

      I didn't recognize any of the other books besides Hatchet (which is also okay) and maybe the Ranger's Apprentice books? (I haven't read those ones.)

      *sigh* Picture of books. I had to comment, especially with my opinion on Harry Potter.

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