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Everything posted by Trutharchivist

  1. I thought of trying without registering to the site, but on an afterthought I realised I don't have enough time in my day to write 1.7k words, besides the fact I'm not sure I could get a good idea for a story. I think I'll just start writing and see where it gets.
  2. I can try, I guess. I think the real problem I have is that I'm not a native English speaker, and so I didn't know how to express it. And I was too lazy to use google translate. Anyway, the idea might not be possible, but here it is: I thought that maybe you could pass investiture around like you do with electricity. Yes, I am aware to the fact those aren't very much alike each other. Yet I thought that maybe you could make a metalminds net that will enable people to charge medallions at home by plugging them. It's an idea I had for a long time, and so I wished to post it. A little before I did, however, I realised that this is about business, and so I wasn't sure if it was right to post it. though, it's the most basic thing - charging your medallion without you having to do it yourself, and the idea of making it by metal lines and letting you charge at home instead of going to a charging station - which could also e an option - sounds appealing, at least to me. Again, it might not work. I hope I was clearer this time. it's based on the assumption that medallions would be common, which, as it seems, most people don't believe will happen. Maybe it could be for things like tin, maybe pewter and steel, I think brass medallions should be common, but I'm not sure about zinc. bronze charging would go cheaply, though, since even though it may be in high demand, all you need to do to store it is sleeping. copper is a weird case, and the higher metals are too valuable to be common. I hope I was clearer this time.
  3. I have an idea to have that happen here. we can open a group that'll intentionally read one chapter each week, or at least at the same pace, and will discuss it. This way you'll have your community and time to think. maybe you could open a thread or a PM for that, and avoid reading other things on the RoW spoiler board. I think it gives a solution that'll both satisfy the pro-delaying fraction and won't annoy everyone else, which appears to e most of us. If the pro-delaying think there's still a problem I'll be glad to hear it. I guess you will have to dodge spoilers, but I believe it's possible. I might even decide to join you, though I'm against delaying, thank you very much. P.S. by my calculation, it's a little more than two weeks away. If there is a final date by which it'd be unstoppable before the publishing date, I believe it might've passed already.
  4. Medallion charging system: a net of nicrosil (maybe all 16 metals? Not sure) lines all around the basin, with up to 32 (maybe even more) separate nicrosil threads in every line. At the center of the net, metalborn invest it so that anyone could connect his medallion and recharge it, without needing to store themselves. I think it could be a business, right?
  5. I think you're partly right, but I remember that it was said that while tapping the attribute in a different rate you suffer some sort of pressure loss: for example, if you store a quarter of your weight for an hour, you can either tap it and be at 125% of your original weight for an hour, or tap it at a greater rate - being 150% of your normal weight - for a little less then half an hour. I believe I read it in one of the books, which I don't have in front of me right now. from the Coppermind: source. What I liked about what you wrote is that unlike me, you referred the difference between before and after. So I think it should be more like: a1*t1 = I =t2*a2*p (or minus P maybe? I'm not completely sure.) Lo and behold, the I t2a2p is saved! (I don't usually use emojis, but now it seems fit.)
  6. I've written about it a while ago in another thread - I believe it was about copper compounding, but I wanted to write it more fully. The idea is to think of the parameters of the stored attribute in a metalmind and write an equation based on that. What I have now is: I = t*a*p With I as the stored investiture, t as the time you took to fill the metalmind and a as the amount of the stored attribute. While tapping, you can press more of the attribute to less time, and it stays the same amount though it lasts for less time than it should, and so p is the "resistance" when pressing the attribute. While storing it's set as 1, and so, apparently, is time in copper (and maybe nicrosil). Any thoughts?
  7. Sorry, no. TPBM knows another place in the shard where people are ninja'd more often, and will tell me where it is, discounting TLT and TLPW. (I just assumed those would be the first candidates for this.) Also, I started to notice I have nothing to do in the shard except for reviving this thread. Maybe I should reconsider my life choices.
  8. I would've asked people to give you reputation quickly, but since at least until Halloween @Truthless of Shinovar would be with a different pic, as it seems, I'm fine with it. BTW, what's the opening date to the Ookla season?
  9. What? I was sure you should make your plot twist obvious and predictable, so that it will seem exactly like any work written before you, because no one likes new things!
  10. Nope. Never got out of my country. TPBM has been to Israel.
  11. Yes, I am. Though I would prefer Ravenclaw. TPBM has read His Dark Materials, and wants to know his daemon's final form.
  12. No, sorry. Can you enlighten me? TPBM is reading RoW preview chapters.
  13. Nope. TPBM thinks a Chasmgoat isn't closer to A Fish than humans.
  14. I am... a thread necromancer! not officially, really, did it about once. TPBM is wondering if something's missing after Nathrangking's coma, or if it was a mistake, and it should have been a dot.
  15. Maybe, but in the skaa grouping scene there's an attacking mob, while the noble-killing is merely crude executions (as opposed to the Lord Ruler's more "delicate" decapitations).
  16. It actually only means you finally returned to your regular pic, which only confirms the end of the TT's era. (Sorry, I really like acronyms. Did you know this one is also Time Travel?)
  17. So maybe I missed something, but can I assume the truthless troops have fallen?
  18. Just passed through my mind while re-reading the skaa grouping after kelsier's death scene - "the mob song" from beauty and the beast.
  19. I can sing, though I'm often told I'm off-key. TPBM isn't a native English speaker, and sometimes uses google translate for words he/she doesn't know.
  20. Nope. Just ate dinner (calculate the time difference...) TPBM thinks skipping one meal a day is fine, and does it all the time. (I do!)
  21. I once had! some six years ago, around this time of the year (at least on the Jewish calendar) it came, and was gone a week and a half or so afterwards. Because of it we had to get rabbies vaccine. wasn't the funnest thing to do. TPBM likes dogs more than he does cats. (it says nothing about me!)
  22. I didn't, but I think I played it on a gameboy advance emulator for Ubuntu. TPBM is using the Windows operation system, and has almost never heard about Linux or Ubuntu. I am sorry, but I am the wrong person to ask about this, though I use Ubuntu. My father has something against Microsoft.
  23. No I don't. who's Charles? TPBM knows who is this Charles.
  24. Sadly, I do not RP, but I kind of want to. TPBM is a truthfull Shin.
  25. No, I'm not and I won't. TPBM is both truthless and a ninja, but if he is truthless only in name and not picture it doesn't count.
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