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Spren of Kindness

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Everything posted by Spren of Kindness

  1. How long does it usually take to get a character approved?
  2. When you listen to 'Born to Run' by American Authors and wish someone would make a music video with Edgedancers/Lift using Abrasion to go along with it.
  3. I'm typing this from memory, so it's probably wrong. "She assumes that our detective work is not the punchy-punchy, stabby-stabby type." "To be fair," Wayne said, "It's more of the shooty-shooty, whacky-whacky type."
  4. "In my experience, no one can plan for everything. Maybe they didn't know." Kindness says carefully. She nods to Fadran, indicating she saw his plan.
  5. Kindness hugs Vapor. "Hurting someone because you were hurt is never the right thing." She turns to the man. "But what you did was wrong. Apologize!" She looks as threatening as a small spren can. (Which is not very.)
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