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Everything posted by Cammac

  1. That could be said for any of the scenarios, wouldn't it have saved the destruction if the singers were wiped out? Would have been easy with radiants but against the principles of honor. That's why I find it so interesting, there must have been innocents on both sides of the conflict aswell. Maybe both sides were desimated so badly it was a case for both to simply rebuild society until the voidbringers returned and claimed the next generation.
  2. We know that the singers only went in to slave form, after the false desolation, with the side effects from imprisonment of Ba-Ado-Mishram. Presumably the listeners took dull for before the this, otherwise they would have joined their kin in slave form. So what happened to the singers between the desolations? Heres the options I can think of, let's hear your theories. Did they simply flee and hide as the listeners did? Did humans and singers live in peace in their own citys each time the void bringers were banished? Did humans and singers live together and fight along side each other against the void bringers? We have seen that some humans used to fight along side the enemy. Could border skirmishes or wars have took place between the singers and humans all through history between desolations (before slave form), just without the complete destruction added from the voidbringers?
  3. I agree. I think they saw Dalinar becoming Odiums champion. Perhaps they also saw a very small chance of the events that actually happened with the "may save us" part. It could be referring only to the sleepless/aimians being destroyed or saved though in which case I have no idea.
  4. We has a taste of dalinars joint surge when he repaired the temple, this was with stone (inanimate). What if the bondsmith, for cultivations god spren, same surge is bonding living things, perhaps like horses and spren to create roshadium. The sibling maybe a mix of living and inanimate things. Bonding spren and stone for the oathgates and urithiru.
  5. My theory is that another shard was on Ashern who provided surges to the humans. Then odium came along and splintered this shard, removing any regulation of the surges and causing destruction of the planet. Then the humans travel to roshar. I still havent figured out how the humans and listeners both at some point end up under odiums influence. Skip forward in time, humans having surges from honor this time. When honor is splintered it again removes the regulation of the surges power and the radiants unwittingly cause the devastation of the shattered plains, accidentally killing everyone in Narak . This leads them to abandon their oaths.
  6. Maybe its just vulgar, naming your child with the symmetry reserved for their gods (heralds)? The closer to symmetry the more you imply divinity?
  7. If you take Shallan only becoming Jasnahs ward through sheer perseverance, that could give a clue. Also I can see elscallers having scribes and scholars working with them rather than having squires. Similar could be said for truthwathers, I think both of these orders wouldn't really need the people they work with to have any powers to get things done. Maybe even working on the same projects together ect.
  8. I'm not saying it's the reason for the bond, its reason the particular person is chosen. As I said earlier, if it was all based on physical attributes, only the strongest soldiers of a certain age bracket would be bonded. We've already seen old people, children, one armed herdaziens and Renarin attract spren.
  9. Spren choose their knight for two reasons. A broken spirit web, from the struggles they have faced, to be be able to bond. The personality traits of the order they are to be. Neither of these would have anything to do with sight. Also spren lose most of their memory when they cross over from the CR so would find a human by instinct. Not all kights are warriors either, otherwise the spren wouldn't have picked Tien, the cobbler, Lift, Stumps or Shallan as child. By the logic I have seen on here, the spren would only chose the strongest, able bodied soldiers. That's simply not the case.
  10. I have a few suggestions, Adhesion used to sense the changes in air pressure pressure to locate things Maybe illumination could be used with sound as a sort of sonar. Progression used with a similar effect to life sense. Transformation to sense the cognitive side of surroundings A stoneware could possibly sense the movement or vibration on the stone
  11. I think my problem was reading SA and mistborn before reading the rest, I might have go back again now to pick up on all the cosmere stuff I will have missed the 1st and 2nd read
  12. Thanks for the welcome. Yes I have read everything in the cosmere except white sand. The part with the Shin sailor was more the fact that he was the only one from the rattles who seemed to understand he was seeing the future and refuse to speak it. I dont believe that all Shin would have an inherent ability, I'd suggest maybe a lost artifact that szeth stumbled upon during his training with the honor blades. I'm hoping we learn alot more of the Shin during Szeths 4th ideal, so far from the little we've seen they've been portrayed as a simple farming people. Training someone with all the honor blades would suggest something alot deeper
  13. I think Renarin will be able to use illumination/light weaving to show his stained glass future sight to others, maybe with Dalinars help, the same way as Shallan does with the maps. Also, could it be possible for a truthwatcher or lightweaver to create something similar to a thunderclast using an illusion then giving it substance with regrowth or soulcast stone in a light weavers case?
  14. Hi all, 1st post so bare with me. Could the Shin have access to future sight? Here are the things leading me to think its possible: Firstly there is the Shin sailor from the rattles, that seems to have knowledge of what future sight looks like. He says he knows what the gatherers are doing and will not speak the truths he sees. Next there is the shin man in the CR who uses some kind of artifact to give readings. These last few are purely speculative. I can't recall seeing the reason Szeth thought the KR and voidbringers had returned (The reason he was made truthless). Could there be other artifacts the Shin have besides the 9 honor blades, such as the man in the CR had? Also, was it only coincidence that a Shin man was in the right place at the right time to collect the honor blades in dalinars vision? If I remember correctly he didnt hesitate in gathering them. Go easy on me. Thanks
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