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Red Windrunner

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Everything posted by Red Windrunner

  1. Leadership in literature has often been used as an effective educational tool for students of leadership. Books that are often sighted as leadership texts include: -Ender’s Game -Starship Troopers -Once an Eagle The Way of Kings’ focus on leadership should place it strongly on the list. Whether it’s Kaladin building trust, culture and cohesion or Dalinar’s adherence to the codes and setting a standard for his army. In addition you have Shallan and Jasnah’s mentee/mentor relationship, or the antithesis of good leadership in Sadeas. I’ve begun using WoK with my team to use some of the conceptual works we have read like Start with Why, CliftonStrengths/Strengths Based Leadership, Radical Candor, Leaders Eat Last, and the Infinite Game (Heavy in Simon Sinek works I know) and show how the characters apply the concepts in the novel. Just wanted to see if anyone wanted to share their favorite leadership quotes from Stormlight. Thanks Everyone!
  2. I like the idea of a second anthology set. But honestly I think it should release as the short stories happen naturally. Assuming the Rock, Lopez, and Rysn stories are all Roshar based. I’m sure there will be a Mistborn short story By then but no sense in rushing it. If I had to guess we will get another anthology after Mistborn Era 2 and Stormlight 5 but before Era 3 or Stormlight 6. Maybe the novella between Stormlight 5 and 6 will be the big centerpiece of the anthology?
  3. I think that Rlain will be heavily featured in RoW. Brandon mentioned another character rising and sharing the featured arc of the book with Eshonai and Venli. If I had to guess, Rlain will be going on a mission with Kaladin or meeting Venli.
  4. I do agree that due to family deaths Rock is now the first son and Nuatoma. I believe the return to the peaks will be Rock’s major pivot point where he actively joins the fight. I would love to see some of Bridge 4 join other Orders but it seems like they are destined to be Captains of their own squires In the near future you could have multiple full Windrunners will specific squire groups: -Teft: Bridge 13 -Lopen: The Herdazian Cousins -Rock: Horneater Warriors -Rlain: Listener Windrunners -Sigzil: Azish -Lyn: Other scouts and scribes I can’t exactly predict how Skar, Leyten, and Drehy will get their squires. But Kaladin is quickly approaching a time when Bridge 4 will be scattered across Roshar protecting the world. They have been his support system and I’m sure a few will stick close to him. But in order for Rock to continue his growth he needs to face his past.
  5. First, I want the fall out of Moash with the rest of Bridge 4. Kaladin has been concealing the truth from the team. You gotta assume that Skar and Drehy saw him during the battle for Kholinar. But I want see how Bridge 4 reacts to Moash. I don’t want to see Moash redeemed but I don’t care if they exile him and “Man with No Name” him to roam the cosmere as an outlaw
  6. Love everything except the Moash redemption arc. I also want the Syl/Lost Daughter revelation and discover why Kaladin is dubbed as “the child of Tanavast”
  7. I think in one of the released readings from RoW, Lift is keeping track of her growth and has grown an inch since last time. So she’s clearly growing and aging, maybe just not as fast. Or it could be like Dalinar, she stopped for a time but now Cultivation feels it’s time for her to continue aging.
  8. I find Sanderson tends to write kinetically which is why I enjoy his writing. So it’s always moving, but his use of the weapon stances tend to invoke an image. But I did relate to bridge runs. When I first read WoK, it was a few months after basic and one of our training was a litter carry with a stretcher weighted down with full water cans and had to run it a half mile out and a half mile back. Then we had to hit the range and do target practice despite the fatigue. So I immediately related to the bridgemen and Kaladin’s bleak outlook. I never had the opportunity to deploy so I can’t say exactly how close the imagery is to real world conflict
  9. My last name is Redfoot, so I go by Red around everyone. And I’d be a windrunner, though the one test shows I’d be a bondsmith
  10. Kaladin and Syl tens to be my favorites. And Bridge 4 entirely to be honest
  11. I mean if you’re going to be surprised, then burning Tin would undoubtedly give them away.
  12. Honestly, it was just Hoid, and the epigraphs began piecing things together. I didn’t realize how well developed it was until I started listening to Shardcast
  13. Alright my outlandish theory is that the Unmade aren’t “of Odium” but they do currently serve him. They are actually the largest splinters of Ambition, Devotion, and Dominion. That’s why only some of them are sentient. Sja-Anat is the remaining cognitive essence of Ambition and wants to gather the other pieces of herself to mend her shard, and a 4th shard could enter the Roshar fray.
  14. Hey Everyone, I discovered Sanderson with Mistborn while I was in high school and was excited when they announced him to finish WoT. In Army basic training, when one of the other private snuck Warbreaker back from a doctor’s office library to the barracks, I read it while hiding it from the Drill Sergeants. It wasn’t until The Way of Kings and the Stormlight Archive that I really fell in love with Sanderson and began to realize the greater cosmere story being told. Since then I’ve been listening to Shardcast for a few years and finally decided to take the leap and jump into the discussion board. Looking forward to chatting with everyone!
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