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Everything posted by Coffeecat

  1. good game vapor! can you believe i almost killed you? i picked the taylor defense, but lost my second life on the second day. i mostly protected myself, i once attacked vapor, but they blocked it. then i killed jester, then mint. i had 0 eliminations on the 8th round i dont know how i managed to get to the end. good game vapor! i cant believe how close i got.
  2. to the person who send me a PM in the past, i agree!
  3. Ok! hello there! please I wont kill you if you ally me!
  4. I still don't understand how i was almost lynched anyways sorry mint
  5. literally said doesnt want to kill sart because the only way they are elim is if i am elim. then proceeds to vote me as if i were elim... why not go for sart in the first place also, why not go for someone who actually did something sus? ashbringer
  6. Wow see what you get by clearing someone? the elims try to lynch them. not even try to kill them at night. outright lynching
  7. the problem is if i die before i can divulge who i saw as vill, and then the village lynches that person we could have avoided simply by me claiming and as some have said, nor me nor sart are cleared plus, a single good kill target is almost useless to the elims, because sart is the obvious target for protections
  8. YEAH! never read the rhythmatist but this sounds fun! im in
  9. Lord-Son-Son-Son-Silberfarben was absorbed in thought while he waited for a determined amount of time to pass while pondering the events of the day. Not in the wild recalling of events that he practised at night in order to have every one of his days recorded perfectly in his mind. That would come later, before the almost fever like dreams that filled his nights drove out every other thought of his mind. That recalling was free of feelings, prejudice and morality, and he used it to dissociate himself of all sins. This was different. He did want to associate feelings to the occurrences of the day, for feelings was what he used for morality. The question for him was not if something was right, but if it was what he would do. That was true for everyone, but they didn’t realize it. Eventually, after an appropriate time span passed, he let tonight’s subject of pondering enter his impressive office. Lord knew he was himself not very imposing, with his wiry body and a strange contraption attached to his head he looked more a bug than the business man he intended to be in this place. He made up for this with his attitude and with his office. The only concession he had given himself was size. He would not like the colossal offices and sitting rooms others of his status all seemed to take pride in, for he would feel not only small, but alone. Everything else in the room was expensive and with a motif for metal and the color of silver. This all nearly did not have an effect on the swordsman that entered comfortably into the room. He moved with the bluffness of someone who did not realize yet that physical strength is not the same as power. He intended to prove him wrong. @Sorana @Spren of Kindness @AmazingGoob
  10. the opposite nope and finally... YES! bingo! your turn now i was about to hint something about hemalurgy
  11. ok first! i just want to say i got research and saw sart as Loyal Campaign Staff
  12. hmmmmm can you say two at the same time? and both wrong btw
  13. soo.... my turn now i guess? this place is very hard to find as no roads lead to it.
  14. The Pool near elantris where the elantrians melt devotion's perpendicularity
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