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About Hen

  • Birthday 06/23/2004

Profile Information

  • Member Title
    Space Cadet
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    Where do you need me?
  • Interests
    I like Sando of course, space, making literally anything if I can use my hands (knitting, crocheting, embroidery, woodworking, anything else ever), Space, hiking, NURSING, any animal ever, talking with sharders cause you are all awesome, have I mentioned space yet? MUSIC!!! I must be interested in typos cause I make a lot of them.

    Things I’m not interested in: SHARDERS BEING DOWN ON THEMSELVES- you are all so amazing so LOVE YOURSELF CAUSE YOU DESERVE IT!!!

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  1. *Ahem* Alrighty, I've got a couple things, nothing that you probably care about but I'm sharing anyway :D

    Number 1:



    Its a record I painted for my friends birthday :P The lyrics are from a song called "Fred jones part 2" I painted the Spotify code on the back but I sadly don't have a picture of that. The lacquer is a bit uneven which bothers me but oh well. 

    Next up we have:


    Drum roll please


    My to be read list. I'm sharing it simply because there is SO MUCH Ahjsdhakljshdlashdk;jash



    And those are just be books I do have. The books on my TBR list that I dont have yet are:


    2,3 of Wool

    2,3 of A Darker Shade of Magic 

    2 of Six of crows

    2,3 of shadow and bone

    1-12 of Alex Rider

    1-5 of Fablehaven

    1-4 of Dragonwatch

    Enders shadow 

    The Chemist

    pfffffft I'm fine. Are you fine? Cause I'm fine

    I guess I shouldn't complain though, since I have control over my to be read list. I just want to read ALL OF THEM and there are SO MANY asjbdlasjbnf;klajefbhlsdhf ;lekf;onf;on

    *deep breath*

    The true purpose of this status update: Hen makes things harder on herself then they need to be.


    Okay okay. Last but not definitely not least (I think that award goes to the TBR list (well actually probably not cause that's so long. This phrase is dumb):


    Go, my friend, and drink some water


    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Truthless of Shinovar

      Truthless of Shinovar

      Hen, that record looks amazing!! (Ben Folds is amazing)

      Also holy cow that’s a lot of books. Go! Quit looking at my reply! Get reading!

    3. Condensation


      I got Red Rising, I'm going to read it soon.

    4. Scarletfox


      My book list is so similar! I want to read all the books in the world, but there's so many of them!!

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