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About Hen

  • Birthday 06/23/2004

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  • Member Title
    Space Cadet
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    Where do you need me?
  • Interests
    I like Sando of course, space, making literally anything if I can use my hands (knitting, crocheting, embroidery, woodworking, anything else ever), Space, hiking, NURSING, any animal ever, talking with sharders cause you are all awesome, have I mentioned space yet? MUSIC!!! I must be interested in typos cause I make a lot of them.

    Things I’m not interested in: SHARDERS BEING DOWN ON THEMSELVES- you are all so amazing so LOVE YOURSELF CAUSE YOU DESERVE IT!!!

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  1. This is you're friendly reminder to go drink some water! 


    It has come to my attention that I drink a dangerously low amount of water. But I've been drinking the same amount of water for so long that I guess I'm just used to being dehydrated?


    You're supposed to have half your body weight in ounces every day. So for me, I need about 75 Ounces. Yesterday the only thing I remember drinking is an 8 ounce cup of water that wasn't even full. 


    Drink water, Its good for you! 



    Seriously, go drink some. 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Spockledorf


      I've survived by having the goal to empty my water bottle daily--some days I'm good, sometimes not...

      Thanks for the reminder to maintain a safe level of brain lubricant! :P

    3. Hen


      I just ordered a water bottle with time markings that tell you how much you should drink by a certain time. It should help. Yay for progress!

    4. Spockledorf


      Woo! That's awesome! ^_^ I didn't know they made those! (But seriously, that sounds super cool)

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