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Everything posted by Experience

  1. I guess I'll go with Elandera as well.(I can't make it red on mobile)
  2. So are we saying who were voting for? And @Sart I believe you are the only person to not have said anything.
  3. I think they probably know each other but don't have a doc.
  4. I think that it's likely that the eliminators know each other. Also if the rulo knows something, they can use their message to inform the town without making themselvs a target
  5. Yes I agree. And if people lie, then it just puts them under suspicion.
  6. Ok, I guess I'll add an item, not sure if it's allowed yet or not, but here it is. Teddy Bear: One player starts the game with the Teddy Bear. If a player has possession of the Teddy Bear, then they can pass it to another player. If they have not done so at the end of the cycle, then they keep it. At the beginning of each cycle(including cycle 1) there is a 5% chance that it explodes, killing the player who has possession of the Teddy Bear(putting them out of the game). Once it has exploded, the item is out of the game.
  7. I don't have much to say as of this moment, but I guess I'll poke @Rathmaskal, though it doesn't quite work as well because I could just be putting someone else in my GM PM. And looks like I was ninja'd by STINK.
  8. Yes, thank you so much DeTess for this game. Even though I died early, it was a great first game.
  9. Which one would be the equivalent of boardwalk? Is Roshar the most powerful?
  10. https://hangouts.google.com/group/GYPJLiRqtxcQicmu8 i made it for whoever wants to join.
  11. If we're not doing Alcatraz, I think one from The Emperor's Soul short story would be cool with soul stamps and the like. Just an idea though.
  12. That could work. I myself don't have access to discord, but everyone else could. Maybe Google Hangouts?
  13. Would the cards be from just one planet, or characters from all over the cosmere
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