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Everything posted by Experience

  1. My opinion is that a lynch vote will help us the most, so I'm going to move my vote on to Elkanah.
  2. @Kidpen You missed my vote on coda I think. Also, I agree that a capture will do almost nothing to help us, because we don't learn the players role or alignment.
  3. I'm guessing that the Undercover Emissaries have a faction kill?
  4. Oh, wow. I guess I'm used to the QF format, because for some reason I thought that the turn ended today. Well, at least the extra time will give me time to better sort my thoughts about everyone.
  5. So I looked through all of the votes so far, and Coda is the most suspicious out of those already voted for at the moment. Coda. Pretty much all of your posts has been codes. Your first non-code post said that you agreed with everything, which is sort of suspicious. Also, when sart gave his reasoning for voting you, you then said that you support not revealing PM's, which could also be a way to avoid harm. I'm pretty sure this won't kill you coda, but these are my thoughts. @Elbereth It says that there is a two vote minimum. Does that mean that 50% of all 2+ votes are required to kill, or 50% of all lynch votes?
  6. Wow. I have not been as active as last game. So it looks like there are currently votes on four different people right now. I feel like a kill vote will help us more than a capture vote because that way we can actually learn their role. I will go and read through the thread so far and decide who to place a vote on in a little bit.
  7. Yes, I agree. The codes are starting to annoy me a little. My PM's have been sort of quiet, but I'm not going to say who they are with at the moment.
  8. What do the percents on the right side of the tables stand for?
  9. Shard looks down at his phone and sees a message posted by the White House Cheif of Staff. He realizes that he was in the last group, and curses inwardly. Shard turns around to leave the tour, and sees the doors being locked behind him. He was stuck in the White House with the rest of the group. Hopefully it would be over soon...
  10. I'm guessing that we are the last group of tourists that entered the White House? Just wanted to make sure for RP.
  11. Granted. You are beta reader for the next picture book written by Brandon Sanderson. I wish to not have a Bane.
  12. Sweet, It took my a while to come up with something that would actually be plausible.
  13. Thank you @Elkanah for this great game! I really enjoyed it. Boy was it close though. I thought that we had won until Zillah posted that her vote was on me THREE minutes before the cycle ended. Good job @DeTess for figuring out the God King, It was the turning point in the game. Kynadeth, great job. It wasn't until the very end that I was sure that it was you. Also, @Kynedath Was I right about you not seeing Zillah's vote until it was too late? @Zillah, I am also wondering what made you choose to place your vote on me?
  14. Well, this is the last cycle. I now take the honor of quoting: "The final cycle is now over" - The GM (hopefully I ninja Elkanah in the process)
  15. Well, darn. Whichever of you is maf, good job. You won the game!
  16. I am very new to this game, and there is no way that I could have I would have been able to set him up.
  17. Granted. You can heal the any part of your body that is identical to the said fish. I wish to have 10 people give reputation for this post.
  18. But here's the thing, Kynadeth. If I was maf and I had a 50% chance of dying, then I would vote on you or Zillah so that if I survive then I win the game. It was just very unlucky that you didn't see Zillah vote until it was too late. And @Zillah, you are going to be the deciding vote so make sure to place yours.
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