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Everything posted by Experience

  1. I dont think that he's going to tell us the code, because he told us that he kept parts out of it to protect players that are still alive.
  2. Coda, do you mind telling us what it says? seeing as it can only help the librarians and honestly I just don't have the brain power to decode it.
  3. I started the game with a PM with TGK. I also made a PM with Fight, but they died the same turn so I never talked with them.
  4. I think that the bottom one is the least likely, and it is probable that there was at least 2 knights to start the game. I don't know if we can tell if someone was converted or not though. Also, I'm pretty sure that it said there was only one smedry in the rules.
  5. Granted, your gift is to not have any senses anymore and your bane is to get 1 thousand boxings. I wish for... *runs away from night watcher*
  6. Ok, here are my thoughts, @Sart. I am pretty sure that TGK is a librarian, and this is partely affected by out PM together. I think that there is a good chance that there was another Knight, and because a pillar wasn't set up last night there are probably two.(There might be another Knight making them start with three, but I'm leaning towards thinking that they started with two). Onto thoughts about the Smedry: I know that I am a librarian, and I'm honestly not sure who they are. I think that they might be a more experienced player because they wanted to eliminate a good player, but it could have been a less experienced player because they just saw them as a threat and wanted to eliminate them.
  7. Ok, here are my thoughts on Coda and StrikerEZ. Straw said most of the things that I was going to say about Coda, but another thing that makes me suspicious is one of his codes. The key was Librarian, and it said if you have decoded this message, then you have discovered my role. This just seems a little off to me. Now for StrikerEZ This doesn't make any sense to me. Why would it suck to jail/Lynch a Knight? During day 1 they said things to placate others multiple times, I'm not sure what to read out of this. They also disagreed with the Elkanah Lynch, but this could not mean anything. I think that I am going to place my vote on StrikerEZ.
  8. Well, that could be like anyone but here goes: Kelsier, Kaladin, Marsh, Demoux, Tein, Dalinar, Kaladin, Lightsong, Hoid, Elhokar, Moash, Teft, Lopen, Numukukumakiaki'aialunamor, Sadeas, Amaram, Wax, Wayne, Sixth of the Dusk, Taln.
  9. Wow, this is amazing! Where can I find Prophesy of the Vengeful?
  10. Granted. You now have the power to eat squash twice as quickly as the normal human. I wish for more wishes.
  11. Yes, I know. I am currently on mobile, but later when I have my computer I can go back and look over what has happened so far so I can have reasoning behind my suspicions.
  12. I'm not sure what to think about this vote on TGK. Yes I can see why people might think that he's not a Librarian, but I'm leaning towards thinking that he is. I do have some suspicions of some other people, but I need a few more turns to figure out if I'm just reading things out of thin air.
  13. That actually sounds sort of interesting with all this free time.
  14. I'm leaning towards thinking that the last people to vote might not have been maf, because they would want Elk to be imprisoned not lynched. There is a chance that they voted, thinking that someone would think of this. I think that the first is more likely though.
  15. Shard had stayed quiet throughout the whole 'tour'. Accusations had appeared in abundance during the day moving from one person to another. There was a Smedry in their midsts as well as at least one Crystal Knight. Eventually a majority of those speaking out were going against the little kid, Karen. Someone suddenly grabbed her pack and reached inside, revealing a pile of crystalline shards. Everything grew silent and Karen's face turned ashen with fear. Later that night Shard went to a room provided for the tourists, thinking over what had happened earlier that day. He decided to muse it all over in his room, then come out later and talk with the rest of the group. -- @Elbereth, is there a reason that Elkanah is still on the player list?
  16. Granted. But, oh wait, Inflation. Now it's worth a penny. I wish for a new board game.
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