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Experience last won the day on April 25

Experience had the most liked content!

About Experience

  • Birthday 10/31/2003

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    Eddie's a nerd!
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  • Interests
    Everything Brandon Sanderson, Piano, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Piano, Running(especially Cross Country, but also track), Piano, RP-ing, piano, saying yay, piano, writing, piano, board games, piano, 17th Shard, piano

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  1. Film idea: set in the same world as inception, but it's a person that uses inception to go into artists' (such as writers) minds in order to steal their ideas or smth like that.

    also another idea with this world, I wonder how it would work if someone tried to do inception on themselves because they have secrets they have hidden cuz of trauma or something (think shallan) and use that to recover the information from their subconscious.

    1. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      I want there to be more movies in the world of Inception.

      I love Inception.

    2. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      Have you seen Tenet, @Experience?

    3. Experience


      No, it's still on my list. I just heard mixed reviews so it was never at the top of my list of need to watches

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