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Everything posted by FictionSpren

  1. You mean his dark materials right? Granted, The amber spyglass movie shall never be made making fans of HDM sad and angry. Many fanfics are made but that is just feeble hope.
  2. Granted, you are instead tasked to work in an office job for the rest of eternity, 14 hour shifts, 6 days a week. precisely 8 hours sleep, an hour for hygiene and an hour of free time per day. Supposed you follow the work guidelines I wish for no curse. loophole nightwatcher! take that!
  3. Can Kaladin actually make clouds though? Siriously 

  4. Granted, however with it you loose all sense of direction. Your internal compass has been turned off. You are in a state of almost dizziness at all times you can barley tell which way is up. My knowledge didn’t come with knowing what Capt is so... oh well. Lucky you. I wish for nicrocil inevstature. To accompany with my previous wish and one before that. I have the knowledge of what nicrosil ferrings do, the ability to defy logic and tap investiture. Cheers nightwatcher.
  5. I would say Shardplate would have to be able to stop it because it can stop lashings. Maybe not the thrill, no defenately not. But if we stop and say an tin-foil hat could stop emotional Allomancy and shardplate is made of spren so... On the point of spren, Could you do emotional Allomancy on them?? What about Seons? *GASPS* Nightblood?!?
  6. Yes, but only to an extent i would think. It would depend on the circumstance. In, say a market square where theirs lots of exterior metal and you were not wereing any metal or had any coins, defenatly! I think one of the only reasons Vin could bind the inquisitors is because there were many of them. They were probably unable to see her due to the faint lines pointing to other inquisitors metals. However if it were just You versus master Coinshot/Lurcher in a relatively controlled environment with only your metals, their metals and, say a miselanious hammer then maybe not so. But I'm no Arcanist and haven't read many Wob's so if someone else has a say then please feel welcome.
  7. Granted, Your wishes shall be fulfilled however each will have two curses. I wish for the ability to mix realities semi-permanently. One such, give this world the metallic arts. Or this world gains Spren for the next two centuries.
  8. Holy Cow your good at this. Nightwatcher? Is thet You?
  9. Technically already got one, but ok! I wish for knowledge. On my previous boon i wished for something stupid. this time i wish for knowledge. permanent! Not like taravangian but a steady powerful knowledge but not something one would go mad with. No the knowledge to make me strong but not godly. Knowledge is power.
  10. Also,

    Dose Brandon do signings in Australia ever?

  11. Hey people.

    I culdnt help but notice some people have signatures at the end of their posts or something (Quotes and whatnot). i was wondering if that was just a staff thing or if anyone can do that?

    If so please explain how.





    'You!'  I said.

    'Me!' Kaz exclamed.

    'Idiots' Bastille said, pointing at us both

  12. Oh. r fgeurger hbfaeirblfvsouhdzfjbgkjsedrhcvlsdjrfbgisurldvlcjdrkdxdsx ............................................................................................................
  13. Granted. Mars is your home now. You forever wish to return there. You shall never return and shall be haunted by this fact and Those who love you will turn away from your negative attitude towards earth and its inhabitants. You are famous and all wish to see you. To bad you find 'earthlings' spiteful and their foolish love of this planet.
  14. I wish to be able to defy logic and be right 'Dont try it. Logic dosnt work on wayne.' 'i bought a ward against it. it lets me add two and two and get pickle.'
  15. Spensaaaaa!!! Mbot too! Argh. So many good people. (And robots)
  16. When your reading a non-sanderson book and are looking for Hoid. When your expecting the next storm to rip you off the face of Australia. When you call someone lifeless as an insult and watch their confused faces: *Me* Shut up you storming Lifeless. Your opinion on my thoughts are irrelevant. *Him* ...What? * @greeny-231 * *Laughs*
  17. Well if that's the case then it still needs to be of a higher ideal than jasnah and we think she has shardplate...
  18. well in an extended battle/siege I think that an Edgedancer would be a valuable resource. as you said, they can grow the necessities and also travel long distances in a relatively short time. But when you say Elsecallers can 'get-out-of-jail-free' I firmly disagree. We know that to travel between the cognitive realm and the physical it requires a large amount of Investiture. In fact, so much that Elsecallers are the only known people (I think) to be able to travel between them without shardpools which makes me believe that to travel between the realms Elsecallers also would need lots of investiture and therefore would be more of a nucance in that way. To further prove my point Jasnah needed lots of stormlight to get out of shadesmar. Cheers PS stick dosnt win all debates. Jasnah dose.
  19. I'm a recidant of roshar however my father was a Scadrian. I was moved from Scadrial to Roshar at a young age and don't remember it. I am a Stoneward of the second ideal and a tin misting, however I never descover this. I am Shin and my spren's name is Zeln.
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