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Everything posted by FictionSpren

  1. Welcome @Mennis! Hope your not immediately annoyed by me!
  2. apologies for using your meme.

    Like it has been pointed out a lot of these have already been made hence i found them (Made by you) under https://www.google.com/search?q=sanderson+memes&safe=strict&rlz=1C1CHBF_en-GBAU836AU836&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjAhI6thMvlAhUObn0KHexODD4Q_AUIEigB&biw=1149&bih=575#imgrc=_

    wich is litterally just searching up sanderson memes and whatnot.

    sorry for plagiarising and in all honesty i laugh at all the memes on this topic so i dont want to disappoint/annoy others by being stupid.


    Sorry again.



    1. ZincAboutIt


      I'm not mad! :D Meme well, good spren! May the currents of lolz carry you far in this realm, and all realms.

    2. FictionSpren



      good to know im annoying but not insulting:D

    3. ZincAboutIt


      I make memes for fun so if people like them I'm doing my job. It is no biggie! :lol: 

  3. Happy Birthday!!!


  4. I don't know. Don't they need bones? I dont think bodys are a must have.
  5. Yeah. Make a new folder too, you'll probably get a lot of memes about the cosmere on here.
  6. @greeny-231 You need to save it on these computers then insert and press the '+' button.
  7. How do you get those 'signatures'?
  8. No image there, just trying to teach my mate how to post.
  9. Mate, you need to post some stuff, after all your skaa and Im a crew leader (Wich I am stoked abut). just go on sanderson memes and post some. Its good and funny. 


  10. Mate, you need to post some stuff, after all your skaa and Im a crew leader (Wich I am stoked abut). just go on sanderson memes and post some. Its good and funny. 


  11. Beautiful... Oops... i might have repeated a few. Oh well, still funny.
  12. This is a Topic dedicated to people who have died that shouldn't have or had such unfair deaths in the cosmere. Tell me/other people what you think of characters deaths and alternate endings to these scenes.
  13. *Doesn't respond Because busy grieving* It Physically hurt to read how Tein died
  14. Granted, They see their syblings growing and dislike it. they try their hardest to stop progression of their sibling consiquently when they cannot do this join the fused and hunt down their specific sibling and... ...sedate them...
  15. Granted, Your investiture is very hard to control and every time you try and invest in a planet it is destroyed almost immediately. You are dethroned of ingenuity within a century. I forfeit my wish for the better good.
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