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Everything posted by Rask

  1. I'm sure the folks in Era II call him something, can't quite remember what. I'm down for the Philosopher if by some chance we don't have a cononical honorific.
  2. I second this, I hadn't thought of it before but I love the idea of how this would go down! The only problem is Rock's continued pacifism. I don't see how he could become a full Wind Runner if he still refuses all combat.
  3. Hello! Don't worry, people around here are very polite and considerate. Welcome and who are your favorite and least favorite people in the Cosmere?
  4. One cannot run forever. She couldn't tell where one monster ended and another began. The claws, fur, tentacles and the shriek all melded onto one. Some of it reached out to cover the tunnel walls around her, overtaking her as she ran. Running wasn't working... wasn't working. Her breath was coming in gasped, her legs wouldn't hold up for much longer, she had run so far but they still followed! A low moan escaped her mouth between gasps for air, her hand reached out to wrap exhausted fingers around the hilt of her sword. She slowed, then stopped, they roared around her, alien limbs writhing in victory. She drew her sword and set her feet against the stone floor. "Fight me!" This is my story, it isn't fan fiction of anything, it's just where my imagination took me today, hope you guys like it!
  5. That was good, especially the last sentence. The fact that the POV doesn't have a name was a little distracting near the beginning but the fact that he is the only 'he' in the piece means it isn't confusing. One thing I would advise is giving it a little more action, there's nothing wrong with the guy sitting in a tree but I found myself more curious about the stuff going on below then the stuff going on in his head. There was a whole lot of naval gazing. I assume that the rest of the story is either a flashback leading up to the catastrophe or the story on the survivors. Both those sound fun, if you need any more readers I'll always be glad to help. Good luck with the story!
  6. Wow, you're really diving in head first! How long have you been reading Sanderson?
  7. I Hope I could make it as an Edgdancer! It sounds demanding though.
  8. Welcome! Can't say I've heard of Brent Week before. What's he write?
  9. Welcome! We are pleased to have you!
  10. I bet you'll like Wax and Wayne when you get around to it. Good reading! Don't forget Warbreaker and Alantris!
  11. I really like 'rhythms of war' as a tittle. We were always mostly sure that a Listener flashback book would be called 'rhythms of something'.
  12. Good to hear such a reactions from Mistborn! In my opinion Stormlight Archive is better but not my a lot and if you love Mistborn so much you will really love WoK.
  13. Hello and welcome! WoK is also my favorite on the books. Who is your least favorite character in the Cosmere?
  14. Glad to have you, who is your favorite character?
  15. Welcome to shard! Who's you favorite or least favorite character?
  16. I would assume that you would be wearing whatever clothes you typically imagine yourself in. When Kelseir tries to take apart his cloths to use them for writing material the threads he pulls out keep disappearing, if memory serves Fuzz explains that his clothing is an extension of his mental image of himself. New question, what would your cognitive shadow be wearing? I would definitely be in jeans and a Te-shirt from my Dojo.
  17. I expect the lack on interludes between pats four and five helps the flow. I love the interludes but it would feel a bit clunky to have three little side stories right in between the climax and the wrap up stage. We wouldn't be able to give the interludes the investment they deserved and when we got back to the main plot the momentum would have been diminished.
  18. The key to understanding a complex and sophisticated magic system fueled by...
  19. I'm honestly shocked that dead brothers didn't make it into the 'tropes Brandon overuses' episode on shard cast. I'm waiting for the Szeth flashbacks, assuming they ever happen, to reveal weather or not he has a dead brother, if he does I will die laughing.
  20. Has anyone else noticed how many dead brothers there are in the comer? Every one of the Stormlight archive flashback characters so far has a dead brother, plus Vin. I can't say that other epic fantasies don't have dead brothers in them but it still seams to be one of Brandons favorite devises. Honestly one on the things I like about the upcoming Venli flashbacks is the presence of a dead sister for a change.
  21. Glad to have you Lady Gray! Tell us, have you ever been reading along in a nice epic fantasy and someone mentions a suspicious beggar and then your like "hay, I found Hoid!" but then you realize the book you're reading isn't even by Brandon. If the answer is yes then you are officially one of us!
  22. The reason why I always liked Eshonai more then Venli is that I tend to get attached to warrior character easier then I do to scholarly or intellectual character. Of course during the time that the flashbacks will be taking place Eshonai wouldn't have even been a warrior but an explorer. On the whole I would have preferred Estonia but having dead flashback character always seamed like a whacky idea to me. Whatever ends up happening I am confident in Brandon and team Sanderson to stick the landing. Also, I'm always down for some Cosmere secrets, give me all of the Comer secrets!!!
  23. I love this one! Most Kaladin franc doesn't match my vision of him at all but this one comes close.
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