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Posts posted by NattyBo

  1. 6 minutes ago, McWafy said:

    Cool! Well Wich Game would you say is your favorite or top 3 favorites?

    Assuming you're talking Legend of Zelda, my top 3 have to be:

    1. Links Awakening (original)

    2. Breath of the Wild

    3. The Legend of Zelda (NES, original).


    Those are certainly the ones I've played the most, anyway!

  2. 16 minutes ago, McWafy said:

    Yessssss........ lots of Zelda!!!!!

    Sooo I'm more of an old school Zelda head. I wouldn't say it's one of my favorite franchises or anything, but I've played most in the series. But back in the day...well, yeah. I dug this out the night before the Links Awakening remake dropped on Switch.


    Gameboy still works after all this time. Thanks, Mom and Dad! Christmas, 1991. I'll never forget, we even had a bit of a white Christmas with a dusting of snow.






    11 minutes ago, Eluvianii said:

    I've been wanting to start with piano again, but it's true what they say, it's harder to pick up an instrument you already played than a new one. Hopefully with school ending this week I'll be able to spend time on that instead of procrastinating.


    8 hours ago, Truthless of Shinovar said:

    Oh cool, finally a chance to flex all the skills I can’t show off because quarantine and stuff! I’ve got a few things:

     I’ve learned how to play the guitar, just chords right now, but I’m slowly working my way towards tabs as well. For those who know the song, I’ve been learning White Palace on the piano. 

    Seems like a lot of folks are picking up instruments (again!) Wit would be proud. 

    I prepared the dough from Cooks Illustrated "almost no knead" artisanal loaf recipe.  Called for some stuff not in the loaf I posted above - white vinegar, a few tablespoons of beer, etc. Planning to throw it in the oven tomorrow morning.


    Today's cocktails: 

    Left: Kentucky Iced Tea, right (non alcoholic drink) Shirley Temple for my kiddo.



  4. 1 hour ago, urrutiap said:

    yes I have an X Box One S but I frikkin dont have Witcher III for my frikkin X Box One console. 


    I just told you I have Witcher III for my Nintendo Switch.


    The only games I have for my X Box are Monster Hunter World and Final Fantasy Type O.



     I don't why you're being so antagonistic? It was a simple question, you've answered it and I moved on. 

  5. 1 hour ago, agrabes said:

    And I personally think that while your opinion and approach toward these issues is valid, I respectfully ask you to think critically about your own position and approach to this issue in the same way that you ask others to think critically about theirs.  You have said that you don't want to antagonize or criticize others, but in the post you implied that those of us who don't like celebrity/social media culture are simply using this as a smokescreen to distract from our racist beliefs and/or our discomfort for those who advocate against racism.  These types of statements are hurtful and are what makes it difficult for moderates and conservatives who want to fight racism and authoritarianism to come on board with you.  

    While I don't know anything about you as a person, you strike me as someone who sincerely and deeply believes that it's important and good for society for people like Brandon Sanderson to speak out on these issues.  There's nothing at all wrong with believing that.  You clearly want to do what you think is right.  I just ask that you have respect for those of us who differ with you on the best way to address these issues and respect for what is deeply meaningful to us that might not be meaningful to you.  It's important for us to have the same respect for you.  You are not the ultimate arbitrator of right and wrong on these issues, neither am I.  If I disagree with you on some aspects of how to address this issue, it's not because I'm a secret racist.  It's because I think there's a better way to combat the issues faced by society.  And in the end, the best thing may be for people like me to do what we do best and for people like you to do what you do best and tackle the problem from both ends.

    Hey, I want to apologize; you're right that my wording carried a hefty implication, and my thoughts clearly didn't translate to the written word properly. But it's what I wrote and it's wrong, so, do know that I am sorry.

    That being said, I guess the point that I *think* I was trying to make would be better made with a contemporary analogy: Colin Kaepernick's protest during the National Anthem. To a large extent, people who were against his message would argue that it's disrespectful to the flag - whether or not that is true, which I don't believe it is, it turned the discussion away from what Kap was highlighting. It's my personal feeling that in that specific situation, many were not arguing in good faith, and would have had a problem with however Kap choose to spread his message. To broaden this analogy to the current discussion, I often see people pointing out actions by a very small minority of the protestors as if that invalidates the root cause of the protest - without the first thought as to why these incidents occurred. 

    Perhaps this isn't applicable to the Shard, but thats where I was coming from. Thanks for the reply. 

  6. A couple more I thought of.

    Final Fantasy VI. Metal Gear Solid 1/2 hold up great, but a remake of either wouldn't hurt. Too bad Konami only makes Pachinko machines now. A new Pilotwings like Pilotwings 64 or Pilotwings on SNES would rock. 


    Not necessarily a remake, but I'd love a real, non GBA sequel to Final Fantasy Tactics. I know lots of people love the GBA games, but I just want something of a bigger project. Same vein, a third Chrono game - follow up to Trigger and Cross, would be fully sick.  

  7. With being holed up due to COVID-19, besides learning how to telework efficiently (not easy with my job), I've decided to try my hand at being a good home bartender/host, and learning to bake, specifically bread.

    My dutch oven just came today, so my first bread attempt was today after making the dough last night. 


     I screwed up the shape, but the flavor and consistency? *chefs kiss*


    I've also been making cocktails. 


    I usually do both while listening to some kinda Sanderson audiobook :D 




    What have y'all been up to?



    (Mods: I *think* this was the appropriate forum and if not...my bad!! Couldn't decide if General or Entertainment forum. )

  8. 32 minutes ago, urrutiap said:

    videogames im playing for the rest of this month


    Monster Hunter World regular for my X Box One S

    Witcher III for my Nintendo Switch. about done with the game.

    Have you played The Witcher III before? One of, if not the, games of the generation, IMO, especially the Hearts of Stone expansion.

  9. Replaying Xenogears on my PS Vita right now. Besides reading fantasy, gaming is my huge hobby. My owned games and what I’m generally playing I keep updated here:





    A lot of times I game with one headphone on and listening to an audiobook on the other. My wife is FINALLY into the cosmere so we're on Words of Radiance, as I play Xenogears right now.

  10. 13 minutes ago, Dunkum said:

    to be clear, they do say the equivalent, so it isnt like people were actually drinking pure alcohol by the gallon.  but its still a ton.  based on some rough math, its about the equivalent of drinking 4 entire bottles of wine every week, or 4 cans of beer every day. for every adult

    Absolutely. It's still a storming lot of booze, and...that's coming from someone who enjoys his booze!  Anyway, I love little factoids like that.


    My only criticism of this book is that it goes a little too easy on the Confederate military leadership, specifically going out of its way to paint Robert E. Lee as a kindly man opposed to slavery as opposed to what the actual documentary history shows.

    That said, I still think the 2 volumes are seminal reading on the US Civil War, McPherson keeps it moving, and the first volume especially is filled with wild factoids like that one!  The 2 volumes are part of the Encyclopedia Britannica's series on the history of the United States.

    History is pretty full of booze. One of my best friends has a book about the history of punch type drinks, and once a year he makes Charles Dickens' own punch recipe, which is in the book, from a letter Dickens wrote to a friend who asked for the recipe after a party. A couple of glasses of that would put a Horneater out... I've also managed to get him into the Cosmere, so now I have someone IRL counting down to Rhythm of War with me :) 

  11. Back on a bit of a military history kick.  Been re-reading James McPherson's "Battle Cry of Freedom".  https://www.amazon.com/Battle-Cry-Freedom-Civil-War/dp/019516895X

    Written in 1988, but still quite good. Just chock full of crazy facts. I especially like his examination of antebellum trends in America. Take this crazy fact/excerpt, for example:


    Screen Shot 2020-06-13 at 9.49.42 PM.png


    Seven. Gallons. 200 Proof Alcohol. Annually. 

  12. I think the takeaway that Brandon isn't doing activism isn't reading the full extent of his posts on the matter - he did outright say he supports the BLM movement and police reform, is donating to things behind the scenes, etc.

    I see the criticism of the celebrity culture that Brandon and many posters here seem to echo as valid but also as a sort of distraction for people who are uncomfortable with their favorite author, musician, whatever, saying the words, in sort of the opposite way that folks like me were super uncomfortable with him NOT saying the words.  Just my opinion and hope that made sense, not trying to antagonize or criticize. 

    I'm still hoping he will do a blog post that will discuss this in more detail, talk about his discomfort initially speaking out, how we as a fanbase can help him help, etc. But, anyway, as I said with the OP: I'm just glad he said the words.

  13. 6 hours ago, Rosharan A.C. said:

    Mmm the thread has gone a little quiet. We must change that! 

    I like this idea. Although I’m a couple days late. I will accept your challenge!

    *Slides down something resembling a skate ramp for speed and up to NattyBo*

    So do we start with savory pancakes, or sweet!?

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