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Everything posted by NattyBo

  1. He's tweeted several times since Mr. Floyd's murder, and even did a live stream. Also, it's June 3rd, over a week. Not a few days. Not a mention. He's found time to promote other things on Twitter. Honestly, the silence speaks volumes. I hope I'm wrong.
  2. With everything happening in the US right now, Brandon could be using his voice to amplify the voices desperately in need of it right now. He doesn't HAVE to say anything, but I'm disappointed that he hasn't, and I think his silence does say uncomfortable things. His publishing company, TOR, has tweeted messages supportive of BLM, so I don't think it's a question of top down pressure. Apologies if this doesn't belong in the General Brandon forum.
  3. Oooh, this is some fun news. Forgot this was out today
  4. In Mistborn: Secret History when Kelsier finds out that Dockson died cursing Kelsier's name always hits me really, really hard. Same book, when Vin decided to go to the Beyond with Elend rather than stay with Kelsier.
  5. Would Kelsier have to kill people to get those spikes, though? Didn't he have a pile of Inquisitor spikes for Spook to work with?
  6. It's so crazy to me that there's Cosmere cannon coming out a month from now (allegedly) and there's so little buzz for it it seems like. White Sand has so much potential, but the unofficial prose version will forever be my "head"cannon
  7. Yes, in Arcanum Unbounded it mentions that Rosharan measurements (such as a foot) are not the same as Cosmere standard measurements, in fact. AU says that Rosharan measurements are bigger/longer (specifically, feet and miles)
  8. IDK what kinda 80's Stephen King cocaine binge Brandon is on right now to be writing so fast, but....imma let him finish
  9. I really, really, really wish these weren't cannon. I finally finished Book 2 last night which was my last piece on my first full ride through the Cosmere. Now, I'm not gonna get into the art, because I have 0 artistic talent...but the errors in continuity and just the way it's laid out and makes 0 sense in some areas is hard to accept. Especially, like I said, given that this is cannon for a massive, massive fantasy epic of epics...it's just..really, really bad. So much potential in this world like all of other Sanderson's stories, but it's pretty evident the original artist paid 0 attention to the script.
  10. Yeah, I mean, I usually try to keep foreplay to 50k words or less
  11. Swear to god I read this as "how Drehy and Skar made out in Kholinar" bwahahaha
  12. If Reddit wasn't blocked at work, I'd google fu and confirm it, but I'm almost certain you're correct about the 4k words = 1%. And agreed, thats why I came here to ask - my 1200 = 1% would have made for a really disappointing SA4!
  13. Yeah that sounds more accurate. 1200 number just popped out of my head somehow.
  14. Ah, ok, thanks. So I'm not *too* far behind. I better start saving my pennies...
  15. Anyone have the link to the post (here or Reddit, cant remember) where it's broken down what 1% of the bar is? IIRC it was like 1200 words? That seems low, but what do I know
  16. I'd be thrilled if he was finished by January, we'd conceivably see the book by Christmas next year then!
  17. It took like a year of bird-dogging them, haha. Though they're both interested in/like fantasy in general, just everyone is so busy nowadays. That said, a huge selling point for one of them was that Brandon updates his progress like, daily, basically. That happened to be the friend who got me into ASOIAF in the early 2000s. I don't think he has it in him to start another epic fantasy series that wont be finished...
  18. Hi all, I have a couple of questions regarding leatherbounds for cosmere books: First off, for which Cosmere works do leatherbound editions exist for? The list in my mind of leatherbounds so far is Elantris, Mistborn 1, 2, 3. Is that it? No Stormlight, or Warbreaker ones yet? Will Arcanum Unbounded have a leatherbound? Secondly, since I'm interested in collecting them, and I know for a fact at least one if not more are out of stock with no prospect of another printing AFAIK, anyone got recommendations on where to hunt? I don't need signed editions which is what ebay is chock full of (The Hero of Ages is particularly popular on there). Where else should I be looking? While i don't need signed, I'm intrigued by trying to find first editions, although I'm not obsessed with it (nor monied enough) to really care. I don't buy many hardcopy books but these are ones I absolutely want to have forever. Edit: I'm an idiot, from the Sanderson store: " As of 3-5-19: We are out of leather bound Mistborn: Final Empire books, but that doesn't mean we aren't selling again! We are merely between printings. (: We have placed an order several months ago and should be getting and prepping the new batch soon! Thanks for your patience!"
  19. I finally got 2 friends to start reading WoK literally this week, so I hope he isn't overhyped by me. I've been reading the gospel of Sanderson to these friends for like a year now
  20. Beat me to it! I check when i wake up, at lunch, and before bed. LOL
  21. This is gonna be so fire. Sixth of the Dust was the best story in AU, and that's saying something, because that is a book full of great stories!
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