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Bookish Ocelot

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Posts posted by Bookish Ocelot

  1. "I... I guess?" Onyx melted back into her jacket. Always helpful. She thought. Can't tell me how to get out of this, but can stain my jacket. "I'm only second Ideal. The careful part clearly hasn't kicked in."

    Clearly not.  said Onyx. Get it together. You're a figurative mess and about to be a literal one if you don't figure this out.

  2. "Rob? There's voidbringers and also I didn't want to do my homework so we're going to fight them grab your stuff let's go!" She half-walked half-jogged, her ankle was going to get her killed. Then she remembered she had transportation. She gasped. Stormlight rushed into her lungs, and the world darkened. She was in Shadesmar. She thought about where the Voidbringers would be, and then exhaled. The world lightened again and her feet hit solid ground, not just beads.

    She looked around and saw nothing amiss. Just park benches. 

    There it was. A Voidbringer. On first glance, it looked like a young woman with blond hair and blue eyes. But as she looked, she could see faint tendrils of red lightning crackling around its eyes. 

  3. Given a necessity of 2000 tons of water per day, you get about 530,000 gallons. A hand pump can have an output of about 2 gallons per minute. But that assumes you're pumping really fast. In reality, it'd be around 1 gallon/minute. That's 530,000 minutes you'd need to spend pumping. You'd need 368 wells running nonstop in order to supply water. That's a lot. And a lot of time. But if you can get the rate to 2 gallons per minute, it becomes 184. If we assume Urithiru has really sophisticated pumps, with 10 gallons per minute, then you could run about 40 wells and have water left over. Anyone with knowledge on this subject please correct me. If we have an idea of water table depth that'd be helpful too. 


    Side note: IIRC, there is a gemstone column in Urithiru mentioned in Oathbringer made of rubies, sapphires, emeralds, and garnets. These are the gems used to soulcast heat/fire, air, grain/plants, and water/non-oil respectively. 

  4. Quote

    Sorry I was gone for so long. I guess I live in the wrong timezone. 

    "I'll take a croissant." Leona said. She opened the pantry and smiled. There was Nutella! She retrieved a croissant off the counter and then slathered it with a liberal dose of Nutella. Yes.  said Onyx. I love Nutella. 

    "You- you can't eat."

    I can taste it through the cognitive realm.

    Shadesmar. Which made her realize she had training. And homework. 

  5. "Horrible," answered Leona. "The second violins keep messing up, I have a ton of homework, and also there isn't root beer." She decided to just drink water. She supposed she could have soulcasted it, but what would be the point? Onyx was always going on and on about stormlight conservation. "How was your day?"


  6. Quote

    Thanks Dr. Dapper!

    Leona flung the front door open and stomped inside. She had at least an hour of pre-cal homework, then another hour of biology, and on top of that, Onyx was being whiny. She didn't want to go to school. It was boring. Leona realized that Onyx probably had a point. She found Doc in the kitchen. "Do we have any root beer?" she asked. Sugar was probably not the best thing to have before physical training, but hey, high school took a lot out of a person. 

  7. Quote


    You're probably right. 

    As for oaths? Orders should try and adhere to what their inworld oaths are (if known) and if not, then make something up based on the divine attributes. The oaths don't all have to be the same, just have a similar meaning.



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