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Elend Venture

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Everything posted by Elend Venture

  1. Very striking, and just the look on Voidus' face, nice!
  2. Granted. Your bane is that the Lord Ruler finds you and castrates you. I wish to find an Honorblade.
  3. Okay. Spin in a circle three times, flexing your arms and doing your best "I'm trying too hard to look tough" sneer, right where you are when you read this, regardless of whether people are around or not. Supposing you had to fight a dustbringer in single combat, what weapon would you use? Might I aquire a dare off of a friendly passer-by?
  4. She's not my most hated, however I must agree, she's not a very likable character at all.
  5. Your least favorite character from a novel? I'll take a dare.
  6. Alright, here goes . . . Alright, I called it and am pretty sure that the number has been disconnected. 203
  7. *plays with the idea of calling the number to find out* 201
  8. Cans't you see the utter seriousness somberness of this thread, @DoomStick? It is like a funeral but less jovial. 196
  9. "STOP THAT CHILDISH NONSENSE!" Thundered a commanding voice from the very universe itself, down to the last proton, neutron and electron in the last atom.
  10. I'm just following the description rules. If they have been changed it might be good for people who are new to the thread if we posted the changes in the thread description. 191
  11. No, I hadn't refreshed my browser for a bit, and the last visible post was no. 169. 181 or 180?
  12. Be careful, some people actually like that kind of thing, and it shan't properly punish those types. 174
  13. Indeed. Knowing the health care industry, the hospitals would in all likelihood charge some ungodly fee for the production of test tube babies (presumably clones but possibly just a Final Empire Terrisman sort of setup), making it impossible for anyone not extremely rich to have children without going into tremendous debt and effectively ruining their life. The extraordinarily rich don't generally have many children anyhow, so the population would plummet. There would not be enough people to man the infrastructure required to create test tube babies, or most modern conveniences, actually, and quality of life would also plummet. The government would inevitably be forced to either stop the Nazi Germany style forced castration or to mandate the distribution of test tube babies and risk the famine that would ensue, as the crops (having been so undermanned) would not be large enough in order to support the suddenly enlarged population. They could, of course, start off with the second option from the beginning to avoid famine: That being to force the distribution of children upon the citizens using socialized healthcare from the start. The healthcare establishments would still charge excessive amounts of money from the government, which would go into massive debt trying to keep the population high enough to continue their authoritarian nightmare society. They would eventually be forced to default upon their debts and lose the source from which they paid the hospitals to make babies. They would once again be forced to stop the castration. That's assuming that they wouldn't be overthrown by a revolution of those who do not wish to be part of an authoritarian society right from the get go, the most likely outcome.
  14. "As He died to make men holy, let us die to make men free!While God is marching on." - Julia Ward Howe "You live long enough to hear the sound of guns long enough to find yourself screaming every night long enough to see your friends betray you For years I've been strapped unto this altar Now I only have three minutes and counting I just wish the tide would catch me first and give me a death I always longed for." - Tuomas Holopainen "Sure, we'll have fascism in this country, we'll just call it Anti-fascism." - Huey Long
  15. Given the first request, the "OK, this is terrible" and the disclaimer, I somewhat expected you to also wish for the euthanization of the mentally or physically infirm as well.
  16. A short man with a pith helmet destroyed the fourth wall with a stick of dynamite. "I am a stick." Said the stick of dynamite to the reader.
  17. Granted. They are large cyborg airplane wings off of an ultralight. I Want my Tears Back
  18. Damon left for the kitchen and, after a few minutes, returned with two steaming cups of tea. He walked to Aderet and Nnimm's table, placing the tea before them. Hate to waste good tea if they don't want it, but might as well make up for the spit accident. Thought Damon, stepping back. "I wasn't sure if you wanted tea, Nnimm, but I thought that I would include a cup of tea free of charge, you know, as compensation for your negative experience with us earlier." He blushed again. Seriously, you always blush when you mess up, whether when failing to fulfill the commanded hit or when you spit on some poor customers, I mean, that's the first time, but . . . Eh, I'll work on that habit. He bustled around to the end of the bar and leaned against it, looking out of the window into dying light as an orange cast came over the city under the finally setting sun. @Silva
  19. Maybe, but I don't think that the following would would happen exactly like . . . that. World leaders' actions are driven by more concerns than simple fear of mutual destruction. Most are trained in critical thinking. They don't usually invade another nation unless they believe that such is necessary, and would know better than to invade a nation with a much stronger military force. A madman leader might attack anyway, but the same would still happen if he had nuclear weapons. If Hitler had nuclear energy harnessed you bet he would have used it too. And even if another world war started, it would be worth it to avoid the release of genetically engineered biological weapons. It's kind of inevitable that some day such weapons will be used, and it is unlikely that the world could ever recover.
  20. 1. Delete weapons of mass destruction from existence and make them impossible to construct. 2. Remove all human illnesses that came to exist after the year 1900. 3. Let it be that no one could ever use their genie powers to change human nature. We aren't perfect, but a life where one is forced to conform in all manners to someone else's wishes is not one worth living.
  21. The barkeep turned red and looked away, mumbling something like "Sorry 'bout that. Too much time outdoors . . . spit anywhere you want . . . ya'know?" And then, louder, with his accent somewhat more downplayed: "Would y'all like anything to drink tonight? @SingingMosaic @Silva
  22. "Ah, yes. Here." Damon reached into the lockbox under the bar and fished out a brass skeleton key with a number '7' etched into it in a calligraphic font. He passed it over and collected the spheres into a pouch which he placed in the lockbox. "You're room seven, second floor, third door to your right. Have a nice evening, ma'am." @Soulbinder
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