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Status Updates posted by beantheboy12

  1. Question: Why is it that whenever I glance back here when I'm bored every few weeks, there's always someone who's visited my profile in the last few days. 

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Lunamor



      (I’m Luna btw)

    3. Ark1002
    4. overlord stick

      overlord stick

      Heya Bean! It's Per//Pre/The real Stick

  2. Hello, friends. It's been a while. I figured I'd share a status update. For old times sake. First off, Doomstick, I see that when I come on to view announcements and whatnot, you ask if I'm active. So I'll clarify. I'll come whenever I feel like it. You know? ;) (Dang. Still no thumbs up). I'll talk maybe. Anyway, I miss you guys often. But honestly, spending my school time irl instead of here was one of the best things that ever happened to me. I just don't know how to do moderation. School has been going well, relationships have been going well, I picked up a new hobby of competitive Super Smash Brothers Ultimate (Name the time name the place and I'll wreck you). Things have been going great. Oh yeah. I have become addicted. Yeah... that's something... I need podcasts. I just... can't... go... without them. It's difficult. Anyway, btw, Jaywalk, I must rub this in your face. RAYLUM 4 LIFE!

    1. Ed Venture

      Ed Venture

      *waves* Hey Bean. I...never really got to know you. I'm glad that you're doing well. With life, and reality, and podcasts. I love podcasts. If there's anything to be addicted to, it's them. I hope that you continue doing whatever is best for you. :) SSBU is good, I'd play you. But...I'm an Ike/Robin main. You'd shred me! :lol: So...RAYLUM. Last word. It's good. So very good.




    2. Kidpen


      Hi Bean! Glad to hear from you. Glad you're doing good! Raylum is otp. 

    3. Jaywalk


      WOW BEAN. (Though, by the end of S3 I was totally shipping them too:P)

  3. Well, everyone, goodbye. I have enjoyed my time here thoroughly. But now, I must say goodbye. I have spent too much time here and it is endangering me. I love the forums and the rp universe and everything about this, I just am incapable of continuing this life and my real life.

    I'm sorry. Just don't forget about me.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Vogelsang


      I'm officially sad.



      ...I suppose I'll tag someone else?

    3. overlord stick
    4. Ghanderflaffle


      We will miss you bean.

  4. *gasps*

    I am the only one who knows you exist... Hi!

  5. You officially are the dark me :P

  6. You confuse me, DoomStick.

    1. beantheboy12


      You're username...

    2. Doomstick
    3. AonEne


      Yes, you are username.

  7. This is pretty neat!

    Screenshot 2019-03-05 at 12.23.00 PM.png

    1. Jaywalk


      You’re halfway there!

    2. Doomstick


      It has been spoiled!


    3. Elend  Venture

      Elend Venture

      Belated congrats!


    Screen Shot 2019-03-02 at 11.04.04 PM.png

    1. MacThorstenson



    2. beantheboy12


      I am tempted to upvote you, but no ;)

      Unless you want one.

    3. MacThorstenson


      Not right now. I will let it last as long as it can. 

  9. Tell me when you get 42 upvotes. I need to ask a question of someone who understands the universe

  10. Welcome visitors! WELCOME TO THE BRAINS BEHIND THE BEAN! THE MIGHTY SPACE OF STORAGE FOR MY WONDERFUL PROFILE.... STUFF. Feel free to explore. look around! Just don't break anything.

    1. Elend  Venture

      Elend Venture

      *reaches out to touch an Adonalsium shard and knocks it over by accident, splintering it*

  11. WELCOME EVERYONE TO THE PROFILE, THE BRAINS BEHIND THE ACTION, OF @beantheboy12! Feel free to explore, look around, upvote ;) anything here! Just don't break anything!

  12. This is revenge!

    1. Show previous comments  66 more
    2. Ark1002


      You all owe me upvotes :P

    3. ZincAboutIt
    4. Lunar Blessing

      Lunar Blessing

      *is tempted to post that gif ark hates*

      *decides that would be mean*

  13. Thanks all y'all for visiting my profile. It warms my heart to look at my profile and see that a mod (or just a normal dude) visited my profile 9 minutes ago! Welcome!

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