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Status Replies posted by BringerofShadows

  1. Happy birthday, Shadow!!! You're the best! :wub:


    1. BringerofShadows


      OH MY GOODNESS THAT IS AMAZING! Thank you! :wub::D

  2. Okay, here are the Sharder Drawings, I know y'all have been waiting on this for a long time. 

    It's funny, after I started drawing this, I learned what a lot of you actually looks like. Obviously, I was quite off, but I really did put quite a bit of thought into what features I should do. And I apologize to the ones that I did earlier on, my skills have improved even as I've done this project. Again I'm sorry to the people who I didn't do, I just don't know you well enough to get a good image in my mind of what you look like. I'm decently happy with what I did pump out though. So for @DoomStick, @Lunamor, @Jaywalk, @Ark1002, @AonEne, @xinoehp512, @BringerofShadows, and @Truthless of Shinovar here's what I drew. (Truthless, your didn't fit in the one shot, sorry about that :P) Oh yeah, and I also have myself on there for you guys. I've been told it's pretty darned accurate. ;)



  3. Okay, here are the Sharder Drawings, I know y'all have been waiting on this for a long time. 

    It's funny, after I started drawing this, I learned what a lot of you actually looks like. Obviously, I was quite off, but I really did put quite a bit of thought into what features I should do. And I apologize to the ones that I did earlier on, my skills have improved even as I've done this project. Again I'm sorry to the people who I didn't do, I just don't know you well enough to get a good image in my mind of what you look like. I'm decently happy with what I did pump out though. So for @DoomStick, @Lunamor, @Jaywalk, @Ark1002, @AonEne, @xinoehp512, @BringerofShadows, and @Truthless of Shinovar here's what I drew. (Truthless, your didn't fit in the one shot, sorry about that :P) Oh yeah, and I also have myself on there for you guys. I've been told it's pretty darned accurate. ;)



  4. Okay, here are the Sharder Drawings, I know y'all have been waiting on this for a long time. 

    It's funny, after I started drawing this, I learned what a lot of you actually looks like. Obviously, I was quite off, but I really did put quite a bit of thought into what features I should do. And I apologize to the ones that I did earlier on, my skills have improved even as I've done this project. Again I'm sorry to the people who I didn't do, I just don't know you well enough to get a good image in my mind of what you look like. I'm decently happy with what I did pump out though. So for @DoomStick, @Lunamor, @Jaywalk, @Ark1002, @AonEne, @xinoehp512, @BringerofShadows, and @Truthless of Shinovar here's what I drew. (Truthless, your didn't fit in the one shot, sorry about that :P) Oh yeah, and I also have myself on there for you guys. I've been told it's pretty darned accurate. ;)



    1. BringerofShadows


      wish I looked like that, but I don't. <_< But it fits my personality a lot better than I do. Love it!

    2. (See 37 other replies to this status update)

  5. Guys. It’s been a year. An entire year since my friend finally convinced me to join Discord and then, feeling a little crazy, I decided to join the Shard too. Best. Decision. Ever. I would not be who I am right now had it not been for this glorious little community. My identity has gotten a whole lot stronger because of my time here. AND SO HAS MY ART. I know I’ve said this a ton, but I would not be as good of an artist had not joined the Shard. You guys inspire me to keep drawing and it is insane how much better I’ve gotten since I joined. Seriously insane. Like, Astral kind of insane. :P I really hoped I would have had my Sharders drawings ready to post today… but y’all know I’m terrible at deadlines. (Stick, I’m so sorry I haven’t drawn Dalinar. In all honesty, it’ll probably never happen. :unsure:) So I’m sorry. I will get it posted eventually though, I promise. :D However, I do have something really cool for you. 115. That’s how many posts to the Gallery I have. AGH!!! You guys, that is crazy! I have posted more art than any other user on the Shard. And I’ve only been here for a year! I’ve drawn the faces of several of my favorite RP characters to celebrate!! The reason why I’m able to do these a lot faster than the Sharder faces is because I actually know what I’m drawing and I don’t have to make up a new face every time. You will notice two new faces on here though; Granite is between Astral and Sophie and Rose is on the far left of the third row. I had a lot of fun working on this project. I drew five of the faces today, actually. It was so hard to draw Tom, ‘cause by that point I was just done with all of it. Anyway, enjoy!



    And onto the next section of this massive post. (sorry, not sorry :P) Even though I’ve never really met any of you guys in person, I feel like I could spend a whole day with any of you and feel right at home because you are seriously the best. I don’t have near enough time to cover all of you, but here I go pointing fingers and throwing love all over the place. 

    First of all, @xinoehp512. I seriously don’t think anything I have to say will ever fully express just how much I love you and your marvelous ability to imagine. I swear you live on three different planets at once. It’s amazing and I can only dream of having that level of immense creativity. I want to give you and every single one of your characters a hug. Especially Tom. Tom is the best. But seriously, I live for your posts on CBST. You make it come to life in such a beautiful way. It is truly wonderful to write with you. I can never thank you enough for your stories; they make the impossible seem simple, the grey seem colorful, and reality seem far away. That’s something I really need sometimes. 

    Good ol’ @BringerofShadows! I’ve said it so many times, so many ways, but straight up, Heather is awesome. It’s so crazy to me that she went from being one of Star’s main adversaries to her dear friend, daughter in all but blood. You have a very unique and spunky personality and I truly enjoy talking with you. 

    And @Butt Ad Venture! I’m sure you already know what you mean to me, but it has been a joy to get to know you. You are a wonderful friend and sometimes you are the only thing that keeps me sane. I don’t know what I’d do without you. 

    To the whole CBST crew though, cheers to making a wonderful story. You are among my favorite people ever and I love each of you so STORMING MUCH!!!!

    Speaking of CBST (kinda) what would Star be without @Jaywalk? I know you aren’t officially a part of CBST (but you should be) but your hand in the stories of Star, Astral, Sophie, and Max are quite invaluable and Jay’s own vein of plot is quite touching to me. It’s so cool to see your own personality hidden in the facets of your characters and the way you write. Keep being nerdy, keep being awesome. I love you!

    @Lunamor!!!! You joined the day after I did and we’ve been neck and neck for posts and upvotes ever since. Your wit and energy are nearly unmatched and your impact on the Forum Games section is legendary. You make everything and everyone around you bright and happy and that is truly a gift to be proud of. 

    @AonEne, you have such a sweet spirit. I remember when I first joined, you were like this super popular cool person and I was honestly kind of scared of you, but now that seems absolutely ridiculous because you are so incredibly understanding of literally everything which I’m sure any other Sharder would agree with. 

    @DoomStick you are such an easygoing, creative and fun person. All your hobbies are so cool - I wish I could fence and cook and the bass is like the coolest instrument ever. 

    And seriously, to each and every one reading this, you are all amazing. Thanks for a great year! Looking forward to another one.

    1. BringerofShadows


      Aww…I got mentioned! I don’t know where I’d be without Shard of Thought, but I can tell you I would’ve left the Shard by now. Thank you Star for inadvertently making me decide to stay! I love your creative talent and hope stay artistic!

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  6. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHADOW! I wish for you all the happiness that Heather will never have! Image result for dark happy birthday gif

  7. Hey, why'd you leave the Alleyverse PM?

    1. BringerofShadows


      Didn’t participate in the Alleyverse, felt ignored. So why stay?

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)



    Cheers, BoS.



    Cheers, BoS.

  10. <_<

    1. BringerofShadows


      It’s been exactly a month, but apparently I have to wait an extra day. 

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  11. <_<

    1. BringerofShadows


      *Is a bit suspicious that he will use his last name change to something like BringerOfShadows* Thx

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  12. <_<

    1. BringerofShadows


      You better not have used both your name changes, because I will need that name back on July 23rd.

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

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