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little wheel

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Status Updates posted by little wheel

  1. is it green pfp season now?

  2. "You know, fun is exactly what I'm looking for. Hopefully."

    "No, we're looking for a cult in the sewers, Saxi. Get it right."

  3. hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhworry time




    1. little wheel

      little wheel

      what the hec that was not the formatting I had

    2. AonEne


      Hate it when that happens 

  4. in a long distance relationship will it make it hurt less or more to have pictures of your s/o to look at when you are lonely bc right now I cannot tell which one is worse

  5. @not me typing up a letter for my gf at 1:04 in the morning

    1. Starborn42


      At least you have one :P

    2. Sherlock Holmes

      Sherlock Holmes

      Where'd you get a new gf, can I get one at the same store

  6. bees? is back, baaaaaaaabyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

  7. internet make sad

  8. school is dreadful

    don't like it, 2/10

  9. i think this is it

    maybe i'll see ya

    maybe i won't

    but in the end, who really cares?

    we're all just sacks of flesh and bones anyways

    1. Doomstick



      Are you leaving the Shard or something?

      If you do, you better not leave as an Ookla. :P

      If so, bye!

  10. fghyjui89  , h brlp   me   im csaf

  11. humanity is a farce


    1. AonEne


      Are you okay :P 

  12. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah :(((((( i miss herrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

    1. Doomstick
    2. little wheel

      little wheel

      well of course you don't know her you silly bean

  13. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 

    o o
    o o o
    o o o o
          o o
       o o o
    o o o o

    1. Truthless of Shinovar

      Truthless of Shinovar

      Just gonna point out that for about the last month or so, you’ve posted nothing but (seemingly) random status updates. You think you’ve got us fooled? Well I’m on to you. I’ll be watching... like a hawk.

    2. little wheel
  14. e

    1. Tesh




      dward scissor hands



  15. weird thought of the day

    ive been here longer than ark

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tesh


      I've been on here longer than you... By almost a year... :ph34r:

      But you are very very old and wise. 

    3. AonEne


      Oh I meant of Jac and Ark, sorry 

    4. Tesh


      That makes sense. :D

  16. idk if anyone noticed I was gone 


    im back now

    to stay


    1. little wheel

      little wheel

      also thanks for the birthday wishes folks

    2. Truthless of Shinovar
    3. King Aragorn of Gondor

      King Aragorn of Gondor

      It's great to have you back!!!

  17. woohoo shardiversary #2 i didn't miss it this time

    thank's for being epic, y'all

    1. Nathrangking


      Happy Shardiversary!!

    2. Doomstick


      You are drink (happy Shardiversary)

  18. mmmmm green time

    you should

    go to the mental health awareness thread (this page)


    also make your picture green

    this is important

    not a comedy

    for emphasis this time

    n o t   a   c o m e d y

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