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Status Updates posted by Ixthos

  1. Can't believe I forgot to wish you for your birthday! Happy birthday man, I hope you had a great one!

    1. AquaRegia


      It was fine, tempered by a family hospitalization... but I was able to help and she's out now.  Thank you kindly!  I wish I could have got a new Sanderson novel as a gift, but I have them all already. 😉

    2. Ixthos


      Sorry to hear about the hospitalisation, but I'm glad all is well, now 🙂 and yup, novels make great presents, though I hope whatever you got instead was still a nice gift 😀

  2. Merry Christmas everyone! This is slightly belated for me (it's just after 21:00 here at the moment), but I hope you are all enjoying this holiday and are having a blessed time with family and friends, in fellowship and in love. Though this probably isn't the actual day He was born (and I've heard a good argument it is actually Nissan 1, which is late March / early April), it is still good to remember that He came and WHY He came. May you all know the peace and blessings and favour of the LORD God, and may this time be a blessing to you all!

  3. !חג אורים שמח

    I know I'm a few hours early (at least in my time zone), but still: to every Jewish and Israeli member of the 'Shard, may you have a blessed Chanukkah! I pray for your peace and your safety, and that this may be a time of joy for you. May the LORD G-d be with you all! Have a blessed holiday!

  4. So, I just posted a topic on this, but SF Debris posted a video, called Part 1 of a review of Elantris:



    I thought I'd quickly pop in to let you guys know. Also, I'm sorry that I haven't been as active lately as I'd like, and how I've left some of you guys waiting for certain responses in PM - I'm really sorry, life has been hectic, but God willing I'll be back up to speed with you guys soon. I hope you are all well, and I may have some things to talk about soon. Until then, and even God willing after then, I hope you are all well :) God bless!


  5. Hi Robin, or I guess Ookla the Cloud :P I suddenly had the urge to message you and check if you are okay or see how you are doing, but it looks like I can't send messages to you for some reason ... well, I hope this more public message isn't a problem then :) I hope you are well, and I hope you are having a wonderful day and I hope you also have a wonderful week and month. Take care!

    1. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      Hey Ixthos! I'm doing fairly well at the moment. Thanks so much for asking, I'm genuinely touched that you care :wub:You're a lovely person and I hope you're doing well too!

    2. Ixthos


      Thank you ^_^ I'm glad to hear that! 

    3. Ixthos


      (I pressed enter too soon) You're a lovely person too!

  6. Since the 11th of last month we've had a near daily supply of praying mantis nymphs exiting the egg sack, initially only one a day, but reaching up to 20 on the 20th and 22nd, and so far, as of my writing this, we've had 140+ (as we may have missed a few) coming into the room and being delivered outside (or to my sister's garden, as well as two we're keeping as pets for a while). We have no idea how many more are to come, as for the past few days it had started to wind down, but it certainly has been and is rather fun! This isn't the first time we've had nymphs in the house (last time they were running all over the house), but it certainly is the most coordinated!



  7. First mantis baby of the year! Took these photos about ten minutes ago. We successfully got it outside - and hopefully saved it from an unexpected spider!



    (Below and to the right of the egg sack, blending into the brown of the wood. I saw it on the egg sake initially, but it had moved by the time I got my phone out.)



    (Just below the brown leaf, at about the centre of the image)



  8. Happy birthday Nathrangking! I hope your day is a blessing!

    1. Nathrangking


      Thank you sir! As always I hope that blessings fill your day!!

  9. Still working on the "Seven Days of Creation as a poem" post and graphic to post to the General religious discussion thread, but while doing so I've found some more interesting elements and links in those days, one in particular which means I may need to change the graphics core structure - I may need to do multiple graphics to get the full observations on the data across, but we'll see. Otherwise, how is everyone? I haven't been active here the past month and a bit - how is everyone doing? :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ixthos


      @Robin Sedai glad to hear that! :D

    3. Trutharchivist


      Ah. Someone who actually keeps true on promises, unlike people who promise to write about the history of Judaism and basically did nothing related to it for months.

      Me? I'm completely fine, not procrastinating on anything, why do you ask?

      Though, to be fair, I am in the IDF, so I don't really have much time to work comfortably on stuff.

    4. Ixthos


      To be fair, I haven't actually posted it yet, and what I've done needs reworking, so that promise still is to be kept :P

      Also, right there with you on procrastination on other topics, though you at least have a great excuse - the IDF as a time sink is a much better reason than most, especially my own.

  10. Why do I do this to myself?

    • I have to work on my dissertation;
    • I have to get the Genesis 1 post completed for the General Religious discussions thread, including the chart;
    • I have to message several people, as well as finish a debate with someone online;
    • I have to work on one of my Stormlight theories to post here - though I might do a Cosmere or Mistborn theory instead - that list isn't going to shrink itself, and it also has the unfortunate tendency to grow;
    • I have to update my journal (not a Planescape reference) for what happened over the last week;
    • I have to fill out the June Edit log for my writing, and update the internal links and list of the contents in the weekly logs for the end of May;
    • I have to complete the post about my meta-setting to post in the Creator's Corner;
    • I have to finish that bloody short story (and finish the outlines for at least two of the novels);
    • I have to make more silly videos for my niece and nephew (I take my uncle duties seriously)
      • on that note, I need to learn more magic tricks for them;
    • I have to clean my workspace and room;
    • I have to organise my files and clear up space;
    • I have to finish rereading 1 and 2 Samuel, along with the associated commentaries;
    • (I have certain elements of my personal life to get in order);
    • I have to go to bed before midnight and try to actually be asleep before 03:00 am;
    • ... I have to stop putting so many things on the plate, or at least prioritise them better;
    • I needed to get that off my chest.


    ... So, how is your week going? :P;):D

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ixthos


      @Spren of Kindness thanks Spren! That's good advice! :D

    3. Scarletfox


      oooof, yeah I feel that - so much going on at once for me too!! You got this, friend! ^_^

    4. Ixthos


      @Scarletfox thanks Scarlet :) I do feel more encouraged - thank you! You've got what you're doing too!

  11. Which do you think sounds better: "Background and Summary", or "Summary and Background"?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ixthos


      So we have 2 for Background and Summary and 2 for Summary and Background. Well, that certainly is going to help me make up my mind! :D:P

    3. Doomstick
    4. DramaQueen


      Background and Summary

  12. Huh. I'm on the popular contributors list.

    ... This ... this is a new experience. Well, thank you to those who've been upvoting me lately :) I hope your weekends are going well! God bless!

  13. Happy birthday Lady_Yasha!

  14. It's now well past New Years in every time zone, so to all I would like to wish you a very happy New Year and a blessed day and week and month and year! God bless and guide us all, and may God be with each one of us!

    1. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      Happy New Year, Ixthos!

  15. Hi everyone - I haven't been on for a while, and I likely won't be on frequently for at least a little while. I've got a lot to do and will be very busy. Could everyone inclined to do so please pray for me - thank you, and I hope to get back to posting again, or posting somewhat more frequently baring the odd topic, in a few months. Until then I hope you are all well, and God bless!

  16. If I did an AMA, would you guys be interested in asking any questions, and would you prefer to ask silly questions or serious ones? Or should I do an AMA at some later time?

    1. Tesh


      I'd be interested!

      And I'd be good with either or both!

  17. This is just an announcement to let you know that you are all amazing people, and I hope you are having a great day, afternoon, evening, or night. I hope the rest of this week is a blessing, and your weekend leaves you refreshed.

    Have a great day!

  18. I don't like spamming posts here, as I would prefer to use this space for letting others know important announcements or to connect with others. That said, I would really appreciate it if you would vote in the poll I made for the Triarku system planets: 

    It probably will be the last poll I make for this, as I probably won't make a poll for the outline and plot, as I am already sure of the direction I would like this to develop, and I think this could work as a series of novellas or novelettes, each a small snippet into the developing story of a world discovering its solar system is more populated than they had imagined, and the resulting conflicts that engulf the system while also hinting at the purpose of the human colonists' presence, and the eldritch forces encroaching on the domains, manipulating and assimilating the goals of others for their own ends.

    In any event, if you would vote in the poll, and let me know here if you have any suggestions or would like me to make more polls for this, or to post artwork on the aliens, cities, landscapes, and machines, please do so! Have a great week! God bless!

    1. Ixthos


      To clarify, if you would like me to post artwork, not that I'm asking you to :-P though feel free to do so also :-)

  19. To everyone else who also has this same birthday as me on the 17thshard, @AquaRegia, @Sgothan, @TheAstronomer, @MyFriend Fernando, @Ziva, @livechat, and @Catchfraze, I hope you are also having a great day today!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Condensation
    3. Bearer of all agonies

      Bearer of all agonies

      Happy Birthday! 

      Happy Birthday to you!

      Happy Birthday to you!

      Happy Birthday to Ixthos!  

      Happy Birthday to you!   

      Have a good one! :)

    4. TheAstronomer


      I am a teeny bit late, but still, thank you! And I wish a belated Happy Birthday as well :D


  20. Hi guys :-) I hope you are well and had a good Sunday (its almost 22:45 here at the moment, so if your Sunday is just beginning, or your Monday has already started, I hope that goes well too!) and a great Christmas, whether or not you celebrate the day (also, side note, but Yeshua wasn't born Dec. 25 but ~March 20th).


    If you would (and if you are interested :-P) could you please take a look at the series of posts I've been making in the Creator Corner, and vote in one of the two active poles. I would really like feedback from you guys on this, as I'd really like to see how this writing experiment getting feedback from others goes :-)


    Links to other topics in this series.


    Either way, I hope you guys have a great day! Take care!

  21. So much to do, so much to do, somuchtodo! I hope everyone else has been having a great weekend! And I hope your week is productive and free of all stress!

    1. Condensation
    2. Scout_Fox


      Well if that ain't the story I don't know what is :P Seems every time I turn around there is some new explosion that needs tending to. Hope you have a fantastic weekend and productive week as well!

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