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old man moomba

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Status Updates posted by old man moomba

  1. rambling man:

    - did not realize that i had so many posts to my name

    - people follow me?

    - why do i keep posting these

    - im hungry

  2. thinking about doing an rp with one of my story ideas and then leaving for another 6 months

    just kidding i have row theories to read and compare with my own :)

    1. old man moomba

      old man moomba

      unhappy about emoticons autocorrecting to emojis.

      anyone know how to fix?

    2. Rosharan A.C.

      Rosharan A.C.

      I wish I could help but have no such knowledge.

  3. jethro tull put out some real bangers if i do say so myself

  4. played some new videojames

  5. Feeling especially nonsensical this fine evening.
    Probably has something to do with me getting no sleep.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. little wheel

      little wheel


      Dio: haha funny ice go brrrr

    3. old man moomba

      old man moomba

      I'd pay good money to see an alternate timeline where Dio beat Jonathan and then got the crem beat out of him by the Pillar Men like 50 years later. 

    4. little wheel

      little wheel

      t'would be very epic

  6. old

    1. old man moomba

      old man moomba

      thats it 

      thats all

      thats everything

  7. long time

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. old man moomba
    3. Nathrangking
    4. old man moomba

      old man moomba

      it is indeed a reasonable period of time

      almost a month since i posted last

  8. lol

    1. King Aragorn of Gondor

      King Aragorn of Gondor

      You forgot the smily face. :D

    2. Ark1002


      just, lol? am I missing something 

  9. how much gas does one lawn mower need i swear this uses more gas than a car

  10. A quick update. 

    I finished Led Zeppelin today. 

    Blog post on the way for Beatles part 2 and Led Zeppelin. 

  11. Some additions to the hitlist, for those following along at home. 

    Fleetwood Mac and the Rolling Stones. 

  12. Ok so. 

    Primates with magic. I assure you this is a good idea. 

    When my books come out, you'll all see...

    1. little wheel

      little wheel

      So Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

      but magic

      I approve

      and when I say Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, I am likening it to that in the sense that there are armed apes

      nothing else

    2. old man moomba

      old man moomba

      As my friend said "Gibbons with magic. When will they combust?"

  13. Might write a blog chronicling my adventures with music. 

    1. Nathrangking


      Nice! Too few art inclined individuals share their experiences with others.

  14. Finally decided to slog through the list of discographies I've been accumulating. 

    Here's the list: 

    The Beatles
    Lead Zeppelin
    Fleetwood Mac
    David Bowie
    Blue Oyster Cult
    Gordon Lightfoot. 
    (Maybe) Jethro Tull
    Blitzen Trapper
    The White Stripes 
    (Maybe) Queen

    The reason I have maybe on Queen and Jethro Tull is because they're both sort of hit and miss with me. Either I really like the album or I don't. I do plan to listen to them at some point, but possibly at some later date. 


  15. If you hear any noise, it's just, me and the boys, hit me. 

  16. Sixteen followers. 

    I'm temped to make an Every Squad Got The _____ meme for the 16 metals now.

    1. Lunamor


      Doooooo iiiiiiiiiittttt...

  17. Tragically hip?

    1. Archer


      In their prime, yes. I wasn't a fan of Gord's solo album or some of their later stuff, but who can beat Ahead by a Century or New Orleans? Iconic stuff there. 

      (If this is your way of saying happy Canada Day, I heartily accept your greeting. If it's not,) 

      What are your thoughts? 

    2. old man moomba

      old man moomba

      Just today, I finally added 'Fifty Mission Cap' and 'At the Hundredth Meridian' to my playlist 

      Two songs my dad played quite a bit when I was younger.

    3. Archer


      -_- 50MC's a sad song to listen to when you're a Leafs fan. 

      # They didn't win another until nineteen sixty two... And it's been more than 50 years since the last cup win, argh-ooo-ooo. #

      Still, I salute your Dad's (and by extension, your) taste. Those are good songs too. 

  18. IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!

    Happy Brithday, old friend.

    1. Ark1002


      Inactive friend <_<

    2. old man moomba

      old man moomba

      I don't see you wishing me a happy birthday. :P

  19. Posthumously getting second place on the leaderboard.


  20. Happy possible birthday. 

    If you think you're here, then that means you think you were born today. 

    If you're not here, then it's not your birthday.

    If you are here than it is. 

    If you think you're here, then it's both your birthday and not.

    Happy Shrodinger's birthday.

    (Spelled that wrong)

  21. (In Bane voice) Humans rejoice, the DA is have a cookie sale

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