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Everything posted by Tellingdwar

  1. What about tapping electrum? Or Aluminum?
  2. I can't find the source right now, but I remember Brandon saying that Wax and Wayne's saga is now a full era in its own right. The "trilogy of trilogies" idea has been abandoned, and he's now referring to them as Eras 1-4. I think it was buried in the Reddit AMA somewhere... Not sure, but I know I read it someplace.
  3. I caught the end of it. It was basically a lecture/discussion on how to tell better stories as a GM in general, and in the Mistborn Adventure Game system in particular. Interesting stuff if you are into that sort of thing, but not much particularly relevant to Mistborn/Cosmere.
  4. Can confirm, most of the artwork on the prototype boards is placeholder. Final version will have new, full-color art on each card. Saw the final art for the Vin card, but I didn't catch the name of the artist, unfortunately.
  5. I'm under the impression that Kandra can simply slough off excess body mass, abandoning a chunk of their body when transforming from a large form to a small form. They would leave behind a piece of dead flesh which they could probably reabsorb before it begins to decay too badly. This is unconfirmed of course. Actually, when I ran the RPG, I made this a feat, which was useful for semiaquatic Kandra. They could ditch their fins in favor of the leg bones stored underneath. ... Yes I turned Kandra into merpeople... Also a kraken which migrated its Blessings to a tentacle and tried to break off and run away.
  6. I've seen the rules, Weiry has it about right. Don't think I'm allowed to discuss things in detail, but Allomancer cards can do things like reduce or increase the Urgency of Problem cards, steal Resource tokens, reveal another player's hand, etc.
  7. I haven't researched this thoroughly, but I seem to remember Hoid wearing black in every appearance since Warbreaker. I always chalked this up to him trying to downplay the aura from his Breaths.
  8. It's the symbol of Kredik Shaw. Check out the decal in the bottom left here: http://store.brandonsanderson.com/mini-allomantic-symbol-decals/ It's also in the background of every page of The Treatise Metallurgic in the Mistborn Adventure Game core rulebook.
  9. Tellingdwar


    I've only done Terrisman cosplays myself, but my friends and I have worked on some of the accessories for a Mistborn. Better vials are easy. Many crafts stores carry them, or search amazon for "apothecary vials." For real metal flakes go to a place where they cut keys and ask for the shavings. These tend to be mostly brass, though. Could probably get other metals at a college that has a machining class. Still haven't solved the issue of making edible metal vials, but with multiple vials a little sleight of hand can go a long way.
  10. Well, I have a Feruchemic bendalloy tattoo, so that. I really like food. Also I'm not sure, but I think you could use Feruchemical bendalloy to store (and avoid) poisons. Or alcohol, for that matter. Could make for a fun party trick.
  11. Love your work and have to say it was absolutely amazing and surreal seeing you at GenCon this year. Oddly enough, most of my questions are about Feruchemy 1. It's mentioned in the RPG that aluminum feruchemy can be used to tap someone else's metalminds. Would this involve Storing in your own aluminum metalmind while also Tapping another's aluminum metalmind? 2. Can a bendalloy Feruchemist store any type of fluids, such as alcohol, poisons, or medicines, in a metalmind to avoid poisoning/intoxication, or store medicine for future use? If so would each type of fluid require a separate metalmind? 3. Will you be doing annotations for Alloy of Law? 4. Hmm, looks like all of my questions about Shards and Cosmere have already been asked... Shall I fetch you another bottle of imaginary wine, my good sir?
  12. I am the littlest Terrisman, I think. I spent waaaaay too much time and money on this. Notice the bracer poking out from my sleeve? Actual copper
  13. My roommate and I with Brandon at GenCon this weekend.
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