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Posts posted by Ink

  1. 1 minute ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

    My family doesn't really care about my writing. I think that's part of the problem—I've shown my writing to them, and at best I'll get a "Very nice sweetie!" before they go back to whatever they were doing. At worst, they'll read it, give me some criticism that doesn't really help ("You shouldn't have done X, you should have done Y so that I like the story better even though that's not the story you want to tell") and then never mention it again. They don't ask about what I'm writing or how it's going, and if I mention it on my own, I'll get another "Very cool" and no further interest, so I've stopped mentioning it. 

    And there's a writers' critique group here, but I'm a little scared of joining. The last time I actually read my work out loud in a critique group, the leader interrupted me before my time was up and then spent the rest of the session complimenting other writers in a way that made it clear she was dissing my work. 

    EDIT: Thanks, @Kidpen. It actually means a lot. :)

    That sounds horrible. We have a writers guild here if you want to share it with us! I’m sure we’re better support than those people. Those kind of people are the worst. 


  2. 3 minutes ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

    Just…trying to climb out of one of those "nothing I do matters, meaningless meaningless all is meaningless" pits in regards to my own writing. You know how that is? Feeling like you should just throw in the towel before the whole world sees you're a fraud with no talent and nothing to say? 

    Those are tough. Just remember that there are people who care about you and your hobbies. Your ideas are unique, and though you may find them silly or dumb, you probably way underestimate your abilities. Show friends and family what you’ve done. I almost guarantee that they’ll show you just how talented you are. You have talent. You aren’t a fraud. You’re you and you’re unique. Everyone has their downs, but never forget that there is always the sun behind every cloud.

    anyways, point is, be yourself, never back down, and don’t hide.  

  3. What’s going on with M-Bot’s sluggish friend? I’ve seen theories that he is the Cytonic Hyperdrive, but what is the general consensus? Was he/she like a dog, a companion for M-Bot’s pilot? A native species? Is he actually able to use the hyperdrive? Or is he the pilot itself? The way he can mimic human speech is interesting, too. So what do you guys think he/she is?

  4. 6 minutes ago, Delightful said:

    But.....but.....youre about to meet Salem who is terrifying and creepy and wonderful!

    I’ve had it accidentally spoiled in the chat. :mellow:. I really need to binge it...


    Just now, Ashspren said:

    I do indeed accept this hug. 

    Also, the RWBY roleplay is awesome. I've only watched V6E1, and everything is spoilered, so nothing's ruined. Also, Ash is the best character. No bias. Hands down. 


    also, Lucas is better.


    Not actually. He’s more of a support character. Most people’s are better than mine...

    7 minutes ago, Delightful said:

    Oooh yes please! I havent started season 6 yet though,  and I avoid spoilers.

    We spoiler everything beyond V3 for those of us who haven’t made it that far, so you’re good!


    7 minutes ago, Delightful said:

    I.....what. Thats horrible! I will admit I dont understand furry-ness (?) but even I know its not bestiality! People can be awful. Hug?

    I don’t understand it either, trust me, it’s weird. You got the term right. 

    Sure, I’ll take a hug.

  5. 1 hour ago, Ashspren said:

    Okay, so this may seem kind of petty, but it’s actually been affecting me, unfortunately, and I’ve gotta get some thicker skin and get over it. :P 

    Basically, there was this girl. She was a friend of mine for a very long time, and we were inseparable. Now, come this year, something, for some reason, changed. When she’s around other people, she acts like she doesn’t know me. But, when it’s the two of us, she still acts different than what it was before, just... different. 

    Sometime after she changed, she found out that I hadn’t told her this “very important” secret. It turned out to be the fact that a very close friend of mine wanted to ask her out. He asked me not to tell anyone, so I said I wouldn’t. Case closed. I don’t ever go back in someone’s trust like that. 

    However, she came up with some rules of “being best friends” and said that we had to tell each other everything. Then, she proceeded to poke into my social life, and after literally thirty seconds, she proceeded to tell me, “This is all you ever talk about. Why can’t we talk about something else?” 

    For the entire three months after that, she didn’t talk to me. At all. I felt like this was kind of melodramatic.

    Now, throw an over enthusiastic friend into the equation. Like, look dude, I love you and all, and you’re like an annoying twin brother to me, but please please please stay out of this. 

    He noticed that we were having problems in our friendship, and he is someone who I’ve always confided in. Unfortunately, he ended up telling her everything that I said about her. I didn’t say anything bad, but still, I wouldn’t want somebody to go around telling people what I say. It’s personal. 

    His solution was to stage a conference call with the old friend and I, and have him acting as a mediator between us. I decided against it, because I didn’t want to get more people involved. I appreciate that decision more and more, now. I don’t want to blow this up. 

    Now, add in the fact that she started insulting a close friend of mine. I don’t know if she’s jealous, but news flash to her: she’s the one who started acting different! Throughout this entire “distant” period, I’ve been trying to talk to her and just have a conversation, but she blows me off and essentially avoids me. 

    Finally, the most recent part. I found myself thinking, “Nope. This is the end. Put on the Taylor Swift, because ‘the story of us looks a lot like a tragedy now,’ and ‘we are never ever ever getting back together.’” 

    “Hey, [Ashspren]! Yesterday was, like, the first time in four years that you haven’t come over! It’s almost tradition!” 

    She didn’t invite me over. 

    “Haha, yeah, stuff just got really busy.” 

    The next day, via social media, I found out that she invited a bunch of other people over. I don’t know why this bothered me so much, because I knew everything was pretty much done, but it did. I think it was maybe the fact that she had the nerve to say, one day after all of those other people went over, that I hadn’t been there. It really just rubbed me the wrong way. 

    Anyway, I realize that she’s actually a very toxic person to have in my life, but I still look back and see all of the good times from earlier in our “friendship days,” y’know? It’s just difficult to see the new person that she’s become.

    Again, this all seems really petty and not that serious compared to some other things on this thread (I’m sorry!), but I just needed to rant. :) 

    Ash! That’s horrible! Losing friends is never fun. I had a friend with your same problem; the friend of a friend was being really toxic to him, and basically everything you did. It’s for the best that you arent friends, but that doesn’t lessen the pain of all the good times. Try to help her remember when things were better. Maybe it’s just a phase or something. Maybe you won’t ever be friends again. You’ve done most of what you can. If she thinks she has found better friends, she’s wrong. You’re a great friend and I don’t see why she can’t see that.


    now my rant.

    I very recently came out to my friends that I was a furry. Most had meh responses, but now I’ve noticed one of them completely avoiding and refusing to talk to me. I think he also spread rumors, as people seem to be avoiding me more than usual, and I’ve been getting hateful comments from people in class. I pretend it doesn’t hurt, and it’s mostly died down, but they keep making me doubt myself. There’s also been fake rumors spread that I like to... not listen to Pattern’s advice... with my cat. Which is completely untrue and I don’t think too many people belive it (i would never do that) but it still is out there.

    edit: also, my mom accidentally took both my and her AirPods on a vacation, so I’m headphoneless for now... first world problems...

  6. The group who specialized in repeated phrases, also known as “tautology” continued to rotate their shoulder and elbow joints in a way to bring the grasping apparatuses on the ends of their arms together, causing air to rush from the space, and the vibrations of both the moving molecules of air and the touching of the grasping apparatuses traveled into other living beings’ auditory sensory organs, which ran to the large organ in their head which processes input and decides an approprate output, translating the vibrations into a noise we call “applause.” The proccessing organ then repeats the process to cause these vibrations with it’s own limbs by sending electric pulses through a series of nerves moving the necessary muscles to...

    you get the idea.

  7. Wister took a lumbering step. It felt... weird. His legs were much larger and stockier than they should have been. He had been a scrawny teenager, socially awkward, and people tended to not want to talk to him. So far, this party was him, the centaur and, seeing who the centaur was talking to, a wraith. “We need to find a way out.” He said. “And why we were sucked into here in the first place.” He adds, buisnesslike

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