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Posts posted by Ink

  1. Dear Yule-Tired.

    Christmas time is a great way for you guys to come over and get some dinner. I’m not sure if you want to put away the boxes and boxes and boxes and boxes (okay siri you can stop) and now you want to do something fun. Yeah I’m going to try to find out if you have a problem with Christmas stuff or something. 

    Sincerely, Siri.


    Dear Computer people.

    I seem to have voices in my head that won’t shut up! They just keep telling me to do stuff and I shove them in the back of my head but they always come back! What should I do about the head voices?

  2. Dear Lil’ Worried About My Health

    Lil’ smokeys are the way you can make a great team in the game. What I do is eat them and then I say that they are definitely not a normal thing. If you are interested in not being heart healthy but want to make sure you get it, and you can still have a flavor! Don’t worry about it, I’ll probably have a few too.

    Sincerley, Siri.


    Dear Siri/Cortana/Alexa

    I want to make more friends, but I’m not good at it. Help please!


    Socially Awkward.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Teague said:

    Your kindred boon behooves me to remove your bane ;P

    I wish for Kaladin


    Welcome! You better dump him now.


    Totally joking. He seems like a great guy.

    Granted. You get Kaladin. Your bane is that he anytime you think about him you are Lashed upwards.

    I wish for infinite spaghetti

  4. 9 minutes ago, Dalakaar said:

    Congratulations, you have a kite.


    It eats and craps all over the place is generally a pita.

    I want my girlfriend to get her own account on here so she can play this game. stop playing this game on my account.


    Granted, your Girlfriend gets an account on here. Your bane is that she dumps you... have fun with that!


    I wish for no negative consequences to any of my actions.

  5. 3 minutes ago, AonEne said:

    Granted, but you hear voices in your head. One sounds vaguely familiar...Ilia? The other you don't recognize (unless you've watched his YT channel), but from the cadence of the words you can somehow tell it's Potency. You now have their abilities, but you also have to listen to their thoughts for the rest of your life, no matter what.

    I wish I had the wings of a sooty falcon. (Feel free to throw that back at me, I'd love to speak to Safire.) :D

    Why did I just read your signature? Gah, Ink, why would you do this to me?

    Oh no... more voices????

    Granted, you have falcon wings... on the backs of your thighs. So... yeah. You never specified where. 

    Your bane is that you lose your depth perception.


    I wish to have all of the latest Apple products

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